abstract: 'Objectives: To assess the risk of leaving employment for cancer survivors 2 years after diagnosis and the role of workplace discrimination in this risk. Methods: A representative sample of 4270 French individuals older than 17 and younger than 58 years when diagnosed with cancer in 2002 were interviewed 2 years later. Their occupational status was analyzed with the help of Probit and IV-Probit models. Results: Overall, 66\% of the cancer survivors who were working at the time of diagnosis were still employed 2 years later. Age, education level, income at diagnosis, work contract, professional status, affective support, relative prognosis at diagnosis, tumor site and treatment have contrasting impacts upon the probability of job loss across gender. Even after having controlled for these variables, self-reported workplace discrimination increases the probability of job loss by 15\%. Conclusions: Despite protective labor law and favorable health insurance arrangements, French cancer survivors continue to experience problems to stay in or to return to the labor force. Measures targeting only the employment protection of cancer survivors do not seem to be sufficient to end prior social inequalities in job attainment. Intervention for specific populations particularly exposed to job-loss risks would also be needed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.' affiliation: 'Paraponaris, A (Corresponding Author), INSERM 912, 23 Rue Stanislas Torrents, F-13006 Marseille, France. Paraponaris, Alain; Teyssier, Luis Sagaon; Ventelou, Bruno, INSERM, U912, SE4S, F-13258 Marseille, France. Paraponaris, Alain; Teyssier, Luis Sagaon; Ventelou, Bruno, Univ Aix Marseille, IRD, UMR S912, Marseille, France. Paraponaris, Alain; Teyssier, Luis Sagaon; Ventelou, Bruno, ORS PACA, Marseille, France. Ventelou, Bruno, CNRS, GREQAM, Res Unit 6579, Marseille, France.' author: Paraponaris, Alain and Teyssier, Luis Sagaon and Ventelou, Bruno author-email: alain.paraponaris@inserm.fr author_list: - family: Paraponaris given: Alain - family: Teyssier given: Luis Sagaon - family: Ventelou given: Bruno da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2010.06.013 eissn: 1872-6054 files: [] issn: 0168-8510 journal: HEALTH POLICY keywords: 'Cancer survivors; Job tenure; Job loss; Employability; Workplace discrimination' keywords-plus: 'BREAST-CANCER; PERCEIVED DISCRIMINATION; SOCIOECONOMIC-STATUS; PROSPECTIVE COHORT; OLDER WORKERS; HEALTH; RETURN; ASSOCIATION; RETIREMENT; PATTERNS' language: English month: DEC number: 2-3 number-of-cited-references: '46' orcid-numbers: 'SAGAON TEYSSIER, Luis/0000-0001-7318-6596 Paraponaris, Alain/0000-0001-8281-8305' pages: 144-155 papis_id: 19090143d7565faa078193a7ef9a77d7 ref: Paraponaris2010jobtenure researcherid-numbers: 'SAGAON TEYSSIER, Luis/AFY-4098-2022 ' times-cited: '29' title: 'Job tenure and self-reported workplace discrimination for cancer survivors 2 years after diagnosis: Does employment legislation matter?' type: Article unique-id: WOS:000285131700007 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '18' volume: '98' web-of-science-categories: Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services year: '2010'