abstract: 'The MDGs are a contract between the developed and the developing world to improve the quality of life in developing countries, laying out the responsibilities of both groups of countries in working towards achieving these goals. Developed countries are expected to provide 0.7\% of GNP in official development assistance to finance development programmes. Developing countries should provide an appropriate policy environment, while increasing their investment in these activities. Three of the eight goals are health related and aim to achieve between 1990 and 2015: a two-thirds reduction in child deaths (MDG 4); a three-quarters decline in maternal deaths (MDG 5); and reversal of the HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis epidemics (MDG 6). Doubling the proportion of girls with a secondary education from 19\% to 38\% could reduce fertility from 5.3 to 3.9 children per woman and lower infant mortality from 81 to 38 deaths per 1000 births. Other MDGs focus on public health (safe water, sanitation, environmental protection), alleviation of poverty and hunger, and the determinants of development (education, gender equity, fair trade, debt management). Income inequity exacerbates inequalities between the rich and the poor. Globally, only 36\% of poor women have access to skilled care at birth compared to 85\% among the wealthiest. In Africa and South-east Asia, the regions with highest maternal and child death rates, universal access to community, primary level and preventive interventions for newborns and mothers could reduce morbidity and mortality by half. Achieving the MDGs for maternal and child health would require universal access to clinical services as well.' affiliation: 'McCaw-Binns, A (Corresponding Author), Univ W Indies, Kingston 7, Jamaica. McCaw-Binns, Affette, Univ W Indies, Kingston 7, Jamaica. Hussein, Julia, Univ Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB9 1FX, Scotland.' author: McCaw-Binns, Affette and Hussein, Julia author-email: 'affette.mccawbinns@uwimona.edu.jm j.hussein@abdn.ac.uk' author_list: - family: McCaw-Binns given: Affette - family: Hussein given: Julia booktitle: MATERNAL AND PERINATAL HEALTH IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES da: '2023-09-28' editor: Hussein, J and McCawBinns, A and Webber, R files: [] isbn: 978-1-84593-745-4 keywords-plus: 'SOLID-FUEL USE; MATERNAL MORTALITY; COST-EFFECTIVENESS; LOW-INCOME; HEALTH; SURVIVAL; BIRTH; STRATEGIES; COUNTRIES; SETTINGS' language: English number-of-cited-references: '53' pages: 10-24 papis_id: 6b3268ce66e2fa90ecb9c45fc0364203 ref: Mccawbinns2012millenniumdevelopmen times-cited: '0' title: The Millennium Development Goals type: Article; Book Chapter unique-id: WOS:000312934300003 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '16' web-of-science-categories: Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health year: '2012'