abstract: 'As a result of the increasing labor force participation of mothers, this article questions how two-parent households divide the housework activities of caring, cooking and cleaning. Therefore three types of couples with different labor force participations were formed: Dual-earner couples, couples with additional female income and male-breadwinner couples. The time use for the mentioned activities was examined with a secondary analysis based on the German representative time use surveys of 2012/2013 and 2001/2002. The analysis showed that fulltime mothers spent the lowest amount of time for caring, cooking and cleaning. However, unemployed mothers spent the most time for these activities. Within a decade - from 2001/2002 to 2012/2013 - all mothers have reduced their time spent on household activities. Meanwhile, all parents in 2012/2013 take noticeably more time for child care. Regardless of the mother''s labor force participation, mothers still spent more time for caring, cooking and cleaning, especially on weekdays. Additionally, the everyday housework is divided by gender. Only on weekends, couples with employed mothers shared the care-work almost egalitarian.' affiliation: 'Klunder, N (Corresponding Author), Justus Liebig Univ Giessen, Inst Wirtschaftslehre Haushalts \& Verbrauchsforsc, Bismarckstr 37, D-35390 Giessen, Germany. Kluender, Nina; Meier-Graewe, Uta, Justus Liebig Univ Giessen, Inst Wirtschaftslehre Haushalts \& Verbrauchsforsc, Bismarckstr 37, D-35390 Giessen, Germany.' author: Kluender, Nina and Meier-Graewe, Uta author-email: 'nina.kluender@haushalt.uni-giessen.de uta.meier-graewe@haushalt.uni-giessen.de' author_list: - family: Kluender given: Nina - family: Meier-Graewe given: Uta da: '2023-09-28' doi: 10.3224/zff.v30i1.02 eissn: 2196-2154 files: [] issn: 1437-2940 journal: ZEITSCHRIFTE FUR FAMILIENFORSCHUNG-JOURNAL OF FAMILY RESEARCH keywords: 'time use; parental labor-force participation; child care; cooking and meal preparation; cleaning; doing the laundry' keywords-plus: 'DIVISION-OF-LABOR; DOMESTIC WORK; GENDER INEQUALITY; PARENTAL LEAVE; HOUSEWORK; FATHERS; COUPLES; CHILDBIRTH; PAID; CARE' language: German number: '1' number-of-cited-references: '75' pages: 9-28 papis_id: 2becb11a45c8f67549968c3da06b4d07 ref: Kluender2018caringcooking times-cited: '7' title: Caring, cooking, cleaning - Representative time use patterns in two-parent households type: article unique-id: WOS:000464923200003 usage-count-last-180-days: '0' usage-count-since-2013: '3' volume: '30' web-of-science-categories: Family Studies year: '2018'