author: Dumas, S. E., Maranga, A., Mbullo, P., Collins, S., Wekesa, P., Onono, M., & Young, S. L. 
year: 2018
title: "“Men are in front at eating time, but not when it comes to rearing the chicken”: Unpacking the gendered benefits and costs of livestock ownership in kenya"
publisher: Food and Nutrition Bulletin
pubtype: article
discipline: health

country: Kenya
period: 2013-2016
maxlength: 12
targeting: explicit
group: female smallholders
data: interviews

design: qualitative
method: focus group discussion, pile sorts, phito-elicitation interviews
sample: 18
unit: individual
representativeness: local
causal: 0 # 0 correlation / 1 causal

  - intervention: direct transfer (livestock)
    institutional: 0
    structural: 0
    agency: 1
    inequality: gender
    type: 1 # 0 vertical / 1 horizontal
    indicator: 0 # 0 absolute / 1 relative
    measures: hours worked
    findings: increased households' financial security, social benefits, human time and labor savings; some negative time and labor impacts for women; benefits mostly impactful in longer-term household resilience not short-term benefits; remaining restrictions on female livestock ownership rights, control over income
    channels: livestock draft power performing traditionally female physically demanding tasks; livestock care (time and labour) mostly borne by women
    direction: 1 # -1 neg / 0 none / 1 pos
    significance: # 0 nsg / 1 msg / 2 sg

annotation: |
  A qualitative study on the effects of providing direct transfers in livestock to female smallholders in Kenya, on hours worked, households' resilience and economic and social empowerment of women.
  It finds that providing households with additional livestock