TS= ( ( work OR labour OR production of goods OR provision of services OR own-use OR use by others OR of working age OR for pay OR for profit OR remuneration OR market transactions ) AND ( ( own-use OR employment OR unpaid trainee OR volunteer OR other work activities OR wage-employed OR self-employed OR formal work OR informal work OR domestic work OR care work OR unpaid work ) OR ( employment outcomes OR labour rights OR equality of oppoertunity OR equality of outcome OR labour force participationOR labour force exit OR job quality OR career advancement OR hours worked OR wage OR salary OR return to work ) ) ) AND TS= ( ( intervention OR policy OR participation OR targeting/targeted OR distributive OR redistributive ) AND ( ( support for childcare OR labour rights OR minimum wage OR collective bargaining OR business sustainability promotion OR work-life balance promotion OR equal pay for work of equal value OR removal of (discriminatory) law OR law reformation OR guaranteed income OR universal basic income OR provision of living wage OR maternity leave ) OR ( cash benefits OR services in kind OR green transition OR infrastructure OR digital infrastructure OR quality of education OR public service improvement OR lowering of gender segregation OR price stability intervention OR extended social protection scheme OR comprehensive social protection OR sustainable social protection OR supported employment OR vocational rehabilitation ) OR ( credit programs OR career guidance OR vocational guidance OR vocational counselling OR counteracting of stereotypes OR commuting subsidies OR housing mobility programs OR encouraging re-situation/migration OR encouraging self-advocacy OR cognitive behavioural therapy OR computer-assisted therapy OR work organization OR special transportation ) ) ) AND TS= ( ( inequality OR inequalities OR barriers OR advantaged OR disadvantaged OR discriminated OR disparity OR disparities ) NEAR/5 ( ( income OR "Palma ratio" OR "Gini coefficient" OR class OR fertility OR "bottom percentile" OR "top percentile" ) OR ( identity OR demographic OR gender OR colour OR beliefs OR racial OR ethnic OR migrant OR spatial OR rural OR urban OR mega-cities OR "small cities" OR "peripheral cities" OR age OR nationality OR ethnicity OR "health status" OR disability OR characteristics ) ) )