-- cite style constants local kBibStyleDefault = 'number' local kBibStyles = { 'number', 'numbername', 'authoryear' } local kBibStyleAuthYr = 'elsarticle-harv' local kBibStyleNumber = 'elsarticle-num' local kBibStyleNumberName = 'elsarticle-num-names' local kBibStyleUnknown = kBibStyleNumberName -- layout and style local kFormatting = pandoc.List({ 'preprint', 'review', 'doubleblind' }) local kModels = pandoc.List({ '1p', '3p', '5p' }) local kLayouts = pandoc.List({ 'onecolumn', 'twocolumn' }) local function setBibStyle(meta, style) if meta['biblio-style'] == nil then meta['biblio-style'] = style quarto.doc.add_format_resource('bib/' .. style .. '.bst') end end local function hasClassOption(meta, option) if meta['classoption'] == nil then return false end for i, v in ipairs(meta['classoption']) do if v[1].text == option then return true end end return false end local function addClassOption(meta, option) if meta['classoption'] == nil then meta['classoption'] = pandoc.List({}) end if not hasClassOption(meta, option) then meta['classoption']:insert({ pandoc.Str(option) }) end end local function printList(list) local result = '' local sep = '' for i, v in ipairs(list) do result = result .. sep .. v sep = ', ' end return result end local bibstyle = kBibStyleDefault return { { Meta = function(meta) -- If citeproc is being used, switch to the proper -- CSL file if quarto.doc.cite_method() == 'citeproc' and meta['csl'] == nil then meta['csl'] = quarto.utils.resolve_path('bib/elsevier-harvard.csl') end if quarto.doc.is_format("pdf") then -- read the journal settings local journal = meta['journal'] local citestyle = nil local formatting = nil local model = nil local layout = nil local name = nil if journal ~= nil then citestyle = journal['cite-style'] formatting = journal['formatting'] model = journal['model'] layout = journal['layout'] name = journal['name'] end -- process the site style if citestyle ~= nil then citestyle = pandoc.utils.stringify(citestyle) else citestyle = kBibStyleDefault end -- capture the bibstyle bibstyle = citestyle if citestyle == 'numbername' then setBibStyle(meta, kBibStyleNumberName) addClassOption(meta, 'number') elseif citestyle == 'authoryear' then setBibStyle(meta, kBibStyleAuthYr) addClassOption(meta, 'authoryear') elseif citestyle == 'number' then setBibStyle(meta, kBibStyleNumber) addClassOption(meta, 'number') elseif citestyle == 'super' then addClassOption(meta, 'super') setBibStyle(meta, kBibStyleNumber) else error("Unknown journal cite-style " .. citestyle .. "\nPlease use one of " .. printList(kBibStyles)) setBibStyle(meta, kBibStyleUnknown) end -- process the layout if formatting ~= nil then formatting = pandoc.utils.stringify(formatting) if kFormatting:includes(formatting) then addClassOption(meta, formatting) else error("Unknown journal formatting " .. formatting .. "\nPlease use one of " .. printList(kFormatting)) end end -- process the type if model ~= nil then model = pandoc.utils.stringify(model) if kModels:includes(model) then addClassOption(meta, model) else error("Unknown journal model " .. model .. "\nPlease use one of " .. printList(kModels)) end end -- 5p models should be two column always if model == '5p' and layout == nil then layout = 'twocolumn' end -- process the type if layout ~= nil then layout = pandoc.utils.stringify(layout) if kLayouts:includes(layout) then addClassOption(meta, layout) if layout == 'twocolumn' then quarto.doc.include_file('in-header', 'partials/_two-column-longtable.tex') end else error("Unknown journal layout " .. layout .. "\nPlease use one of " .. printList(kLayouts)) end end -- process the name if name ~= nil then name = pandoc.utils.stringify(name) quarto.doc.include_text('in-header', '\\journal{' .. name .. '}') end end return meta end }, { Cite = function(cite) if bibstyle == 'number' then -- If we are numbered, force citations into normal mode -- as the author styles don't make sense for i, v in ipairs(cite.citations) do v.mode = 'NormalCitation' end return cite end end, } }