diff --git a/02-data/intermediate/SAMPLE.bib b/02-data/intermediate/SAMPLE.bib index 108d12f..dcd45fe 100644 --- a/02-data/intermediate/SAMPLE.bib +++ b/02-data/intermediate/SAMPLE.bib @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract There is an irreducible conflict between, on the one hand, the desire to allocate income in society in an equitable way and, on the other, the desire to alleviate poverty. The conflict materializes itself in the problem of designing a basic income (or negative income tax) system which requires formulating a workable compromise. This paper approaches the problem through solving a mathematical program whose utility-based objective function explicitly embodies both considerations. The solution describes a simple basic income system and its comparative statics indicate how the specification of the objective function leads to a more, or less, pro-poor solution.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {cite::framework,out::abstract,type::ubi} + keywords = {cite::framework,inequality::income,out::abstract,type::ubi} } @article{Abraham2022, @@ -692,7 +692,8 @@ issn = {1471-2458}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2458-12-470}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{AnneRoopnarine2012, @@ -742,7 +743,8 @@ issn = {0022-0388, 1743-9140}, doi = {10.1080/00220380701466567}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Anttila2012, @@ -758,7 +760,8 @@ pages = {9--48}, issn = {1878643X, 10554181}, doi = {10.3233/TAD-2012-0332}, - urldate = {2023-11-24} + urldate = {2023-11-24}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Anyanwu2014, @@ -826,7 +829,7 @@ urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Using a rich longitudinal data set, we examine the relationship between teen fertility and both subsequent educational outcomes and HIV-related mortality risk in rural South Africa. Human capital deficits among teen mothers are large and significant, with earlier births associated with greater deficits. In contrast to many other studies from developed countries, we find no clear evidence of selectivity into teen childbearing in either schooling trajectories or prefertility household characteristics. Enrollment rates among teen mothers only begin to drop in the period immediately preceding the birth, and future teen mothers are not behind in their schooling relative to other girls. Older teen mothers and those further ahead in school for their age prebirth are more likely to continue schooling after the birth. In addition to adolescents' higher biological vulnerability to HIV infection, pregnancy also appears to increase the risk of contracting HIV. Following women over an extended period, we document a higher HIV-related mortality risk for teen mothers that cannot be explained by household characteristics in early adulthood. Controlling for age at sexual debut, we find that teen mothers report lower condom use and older partners than other sexually active adolescents.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{Armitage2020, @@ -912,7 +915,7 @@ doi = {10.1086/298255}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Ashraf2014, @@ -1187,7 +1190,8 @@ doi = {10.1177/0149206305277800}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) has not achieved its potential, in part, because those it sought to help have shown a reluctance to request accommodations. Using survey data from 229 hearing-impaired employees and an expert panel, logistic regression confirmed that monetary costs and impositions on others negatively influence the likelihood of requesting recurring accommodations. Furthermore, monetary costs and impositions on others negatively influence the requester's assessments of the social consequences of making such requests. These consequences, in turn, can also negatively influence future disability accommodation requests.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Baldridge2013, @@ -1204,7 +1208,8 @@ doi = {10.1177/0149206310396375}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Prior research suggests that people with disabilities often do not request needed workplace accommodations, though relatively few studies address which factors influence the extent of such potentially self-limiting behavior. Drawing on workplace disability, help seeking, and social identity literature, this study proposes and tests a model of request withholding frequency using survey data from 279 people with hearing impairments. Consistent with expectations, older employees withheld requests less frequently; however, there was no main effect of gender. Moreover, the strength of the relationship between age and request withholding frequency was significantly weaker when the disability was more severe and when the age of disability onset was earlier. Similarly, disability severity influenced the strength of the relationship between gender and request withholding frequency, though the age of disability onset did not. These findings are consistent with social identity theory, in that those individual differences and disability attributes that shape social identities also appear to affect decisions to request disability accommodation. In practical terms, managers need to not only be supportive of disability accommodation requests but also recognize that some employees, such as young persons with disabilities, may need even more support, and support in a form that affirms or minimizes threats to other salient identities, such as their youth. Additional implications for management research and practice are discussed.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Balkhi2020, @@ -1249,7 +1254,8 @@ issn = {0892-7545, 1573-3378}, doi = {10.1007/s10672-007-9062-y}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Banna2022, @@ -1343,7 +1349,8 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, issn = {1748-3107, 1748-3115}, doi = {10.3109/17483107.2010.529631}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Baumol1974, @@ -1376,7 +1383,7 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, doi = {10.2307/1237396}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Baye2006, @@ -1490,7 +1497,7 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, issn = {00346535}, doi = {10.2307/2109377}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Bezak2022, @@ -1550,7 +1557,8 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, number = {2}, issn = {1898-0198, 1730-4237}, doi = {10.2478/v10031-011-0037-7}, - urldate = {2023-11-24} + urldate = {2023-11-24}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Bigsten1999, @@ -1567,7 +1575,7 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Poverty is gradually spreading to the urban areas of Ethiopia, although it remains more extensive in the rural areas. This paper presents the first substantial analysis, since the 1960s, of the distribution of urban incomes and their determinants. It uses data for 1994 for an analysis of the economic well-being of urban households; it shows that income diversification is a typical characteristic of the poor, while those who are better off derive more than 75 per cent of their income from wage employment. Multiple activity remains less common in urban Ethiopia than in comparable countries, which is not surprising, since the two-decade socialist rule ruined the private sector. {\textemdash} La pauvret{\'e}, d{\'e}j{\`a} g{\'e}n{\'e}ralis{\'e}e dans les r{\'e}gions rurales de l'Ethiopie, se r{\'e}pand progressivement dans les zones urbaines de ce pays. Cet article pr{\'e}sente la premi{\`e}re analyse approfondie relative {\`a} la distribution des revenus dans les villes et aux d{\'e}terminants de ces revenus, depuis les ann{\'e}es 60. Les donn{\'e}es pour 1994 sont utilis{\'e}es pour analyser les conditions de vie des m{\'e}nages urbains; l'article montre que la diversification du revenu est une caract{\'e}ristique des pauvres tandis que les couches de la population mieux nanties tirent plus de 75 pour cent de leurs revenus d'un emploi salari{\'e}. Par rapport {\`a} d'autres pays analogues, la multiplicit{\'e} de l'activit{\'e} reste peu courante dans les zones urbaines d'Ethiopie, ce qui n'est gu{\`e}re surprenant {\'e}tant donn{\'e} que les deux d{\'e}cennies de r{\'e}gime socialiste ont ruin{\'e} le secteur priv{\'e}.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Billava2016, @@ -1891,7 +1899,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} issn = {10472797}, doi = {10.1016/j.annepidem.2007.04.004}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Broadway2020, @@ -1952,7 +1961,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} doi = {10.1086/260730}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Burtless1981, @@ -1985,7 +1994,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} pages = {201--210}, issn = {1878643X, 10554181}, doi = {10.3233/TAD-2004-16402}, - urldate = {2023-11-24} + urldate = {2023-11-24}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Buvinic1998, @@ -2099,7 +2109,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} doi = {10.1086/229428}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Caldwell1978, @@ -2134,7 +2144,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} doi = {10.1111/cars.12091}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Cet article traite de l'impact d'une exp{\'e}rience sociale men{\'e}e dans les ann{\'e}es 1970, l'Exp{\'e}rience du revenu annuel de base du Manitoba (MINCOME). J'examine le lieu de ``saturation'' de la~MINCOME, la ville de Dauphin au Manitoba, o{\`u} tous les habitants {\'e}taient admissibles {\`a} des versements de revenus annuels garantis pendant trois ans. {\`A} partir d'archives de r{\'e}cits qualitatifs des participants je montre que la conception et le discours autour de la~MINCOME~ont amen{\'e} les participants {\`a} voir les versements d'un oeil pragmatique, contrairement {\`a} la perspective moralisatrice qu'inspire le bien-{\^e}tre sociale. Conform{\'e}ment {\`a} la th{\'e}orie existante cet article constate que la participation {\`a} la MINCOME n'a pas produit de stigmate social. Plus largement, cette {\'e}tude discute de la faisabilit{\'e} d'autres formes d'organisation socio-{\'e}conomique {\`a} travers une prise en compte des aspects moraux de la politique {\'e}conomique. La signification sociale de la~MINCOME~{\'e}tait suffisamment puissante pour que m{\^e}me les participants ayant des attitudes n{\'e}gatives {\`a} l'{\'e}gard d'aides gouvernementales se sentirent capables de recevoir des versements de la~MINCOME~sans un sentiment de contradiction. En occultant les distinctions entre les ``pauvres m{\'e}ritants'' et les ``pauvres non-m{\'e}ritants'', les programmes universalistes de support {\'e}conomique peuvent affaiblir la stigmatisation sociale et augmenter la durabilit{\'e} du programme. This paper examines the impact of a social experiment from the 1970s called the Manitoba Basic Annual Income Experiment (Mincome). I examine Mincome's ``saturation'' site located in Dauphin, Manitoba, where all town residents were eligible for guaranteed annual income payments for three years. Drawing on archived qualitative participant accounts I show that the design and framing of Mincome led participants to view payments through a pragmatic lens, rather than the moralistic lens through which welfare is viewed. Consistent with prior theory, this paper finds that Mincome participation did not produce social stigma. More broadly, this paper bears on the feasibility of alternative forms of socioeconomic organization through a consideration of the moral aspects of economic policy. The social meaning of Mincome was sufficiently powerful that even participants with particularly negative attitudes toward government assistance felt able to collect Mincome payments without a sense of contradiction. By obscuring the distinctions between the ``deserving'' and ``undeserving'' poor, universalistic income maintenance programs may weaken social stigmatization and strengthen program sustainability.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Calnitsky2019, @@ -2151,7 +2162,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {This essay evaluates the state of the debate around basic income, a controversial and much-discussed policy proposal. I explore its contested meaning and consider its potential impact. I provide a summary of the randomized guaranteed income experiments from the 1970s, emphasizing how experimental methods using scattered sets of isolated participants cannot capture the crucial social factors that help to explain changes in people's patterns of work. In contrast, I examine a community experiment from the same period, where all residents of the town of Dauphin, Manitoba, were eligible for basic income payments. This ``macro-experiment'' sheds light on the community-level realities of basic income. I describe evidence showing that wages offered by Dauphin businesses increased. Additionally, labor market participation fell. By ignoring the social interactions that characterize real-world community contexts, randomized studies underestimate the decline in labor market participation and its impact on employers. These findings depend to a great extent on the details of the policy design, and as such I conclude that the oft-proposed right{\textendash}left ideological alliance on basic income is unlikely to survive the move from basic income as a broad policy umbrella to basic income as a concrete policy option.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::abstract,type::ubi}, + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract,type::ubi}, note = {looks at LM adjacency and PI; \par does NOT look at inequalities affected} @@ -2325,7 +2336,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1080/20477724.2021.1878446}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title,review::narrative} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title,review::narrative} } @article{Chakravarty2018, @@ -2596,7 +2607,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {03788733}, doi = {10.1016/j.socnet.2016.06.004}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{Chung2009, @@ -2684,7 +2696,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1111/j.1549-0831.2011.00069.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {A bstract Researchers have been following a trend posited by the renowned anthropologist Janet Fitchen, which examines the increasing movement of low-income people to rural communities drawn not necessarily by labor market forces, but by the characteristics and amenities found in rural towns. This study adds to that literature by focusing on the ways in which public housing availability, changes in housing policy, and rural economic restructuring create opportunities for low-income families to relocate from urban to rural communities in search of affordable housing. Data collected from an ethnographic sample addressed the following questions: (1) what motivates individuals and families to leave their urban neighborhoods and relocate to rural towns and (2) what challenges do individuals and families have in sustaining stable housing in rural communities? Two main sets of literature relevant to this discussion include studies of patterns of residential mobility and explanations of rural economic restructuring. Both form the conceptual approach of this article by offering a framework to better understand the housing choices and behaviors of low-income families and the contexts in which these actions are situated.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Clark2019, @@ -2768,7 +2781,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Respiratory System; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {country::Botswana,inequality::age,inequality::gender,inequality::poverty,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::structural}, + keywords = {country::Botswana,inequality::age,inequality::disability,inequality::gender,inequality::poverty,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::structural}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/RKEU6M3V/Cockcroft et al_2018_Access of choice-disabled young women in Botswana to government structural.pdf} } @@ -2849,7 +2862,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1136/jech.53.11.725}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Cooke2006, @@ -2915,7 +2928,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1111/j.1549-0831.2002.tb00118.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract Accounts of poverty generally fall into either ``individualist'' or ``structuralist'' camps. Often these are seen as irreconcilable and incompatible competing perspectives. This paper integrates individualist and structuralist accounts of poverty by examining the relationship between ``person poverty'' and ``place poverty'' in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan labor markets, using a multilevel framework. I fashion a general model of poverty production and allocation, drawing on the labor market ecology perspective. After a discussion of this perspective, I develop a multilevel framework for analyzing data from the 1990 Census PUMS-L sample, STF-3c, and other sources to show how compositional and contextual factors affect households' likelihoods of being in poverty. These multilevel models also allow us to estimate the degree to which labor market conditions influence the magnitude of household labor supply characteristics. Results suggest that both compositional and contextual factors contribute to the metro-nonmetro difference in poverty rates, and that the effects of employment vary in accordance with labor market characteristics.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Coutinho2006, @@ -2947,7 +2961,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0735-2166, 1467-9906}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9906.2009.00455.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Craig2021a, @@ -2991,7 +3006,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280600948193}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Crowther2001, @@ -3162,7 +3178,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {146}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{Danson2015, @@ -3260,7 +3276,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1366-8250, 1469-9532}, doi = {10.1080/13668250903103676}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Davies2022, @@ -3303,7 +3320,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1093/aepp/ppp004}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract Local economic disparities, particularly lower average wages, higher overall unemployment rates and higher poverty rates may lead to rural{\textendash}urban differences in the use of public programs designed to support working low-income families. This study analyzes the dynamics of program participation and employment stability for rural and urban families in the Oregon childcare subsidy program. While families' demographic characteristics, employment stability, and participation in work support programs were similar, families in rural noncore counties tended to make less use of public assistance, including childcare subsidies, food stamps and welfare, than did families in metropolitan and micropolitan counties.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Davis2018, @@ -3336,7 +3354,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022-0388, 1743-9140}, doi = {10.1080/00220380600774723}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Debowicz2014, @@ -3449,7 +3468,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1748-3107, 1748-3115}, doi = {10.1080/09638280500167324}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Delesalle2021, @@ -3551,7 +3571,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Technology entrepreneurs have endorsed a universal basic income (UBI) as a remedy against disruptions of the work force due to automation. The advancement of information technologies could thus drastically reshape welfare state policy, but its impact on citizens' preferences about UBI is unexplored. We extend previous research on citizens' preferences showing a link between job automation and demand for redistribution to the case of UBI preferences. Using European Social Survey data in 21 countries, we find no association between risk of job automation and UBI support. Our findings suggest that UBI and redistribution preferences differ in two important ways: First, opinion formation about UBI is still ongoing. Second, demand for UBI is lower than demand for redistribution, and traditional supporters of redistribution are sceptical about an UBI. This points to the multidimensionality of policy preferences. Its universalistic nature could imply that UBI support is more culturally driven than traditional welfare policies.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::abstract,type::ubi} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract,type::ubi} } @article{Derndorfer2021, @@ -4122,7 +4142,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0033-5533, 1531-4650}, doi = {10.1162/00335530360535225}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{Edwards1984, @@ -4185,7 +4206,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.01.028}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{El-Nimr2021, @@ -4267,7 +4288,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00221465}, doi = {10.2307/2955347}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Ellis1998, @@ -4283,7 +4304,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1080/00220389808422553}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Emigh2018, @@ -4392,7 +4413,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0376-835X, 1470-3637}, doi = {10.1080/03768350500044347}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @article{Esteve2012, @@ -4569,7 +4591,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0153391}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Finger2013, @@ -4647,7 +4670,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Recent demographic studies document movement of poor people from both urban and rural places to depressed rural communities. Such migration redistributes poverty to rural areas and further concentrates it within them. This article presents a case study of one depressed community in New York that became a migration destination for urban poor people, causing dramatic increases in poverty rate, welfare rolls, and service needs. On-site research showed that the community's attraction was inexpensive rental housing that had become available after loss of manufacturing jobs prompted a middle-class exodus. The lack of jobs was not a deterrent for low-income inmigrants, though, because many of them had limited job skills and other employment barriers and would have had difficulty getting or holding a job anyway. Similar processes of economic decline, population loss, and poverty inmigration appear to be occurring elsewhere also. The article identifies community-level impacts and policy implications; it concludes with suggestions for further research needs.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Fitzpatrick2015, @@ -4664,7 +4687,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Introduction Healthcare spending occurs disproportionately among a very small portion of the population. Research on these high-cost users (HCUs) of health care has been overwhelmingly cross-sectional in nature and limited to the few sociodemographic and clinical characteristics available in health administrative databases. This study is the first to bridge this knowledge gap by applying a population health lens to HCUs. We investigate associations between a broad range of SES characteristics and future HCUs. Methods A cohort of adults from two cycles of large, nationally representative health surveys conducted in 2003 and 2005 was linked to population-based health administrative databases from a universal healthcare plan for Ontario, Canada. Comprehensive person-centered estimates of annual healthcare spending were calculated for the subsequent 5 years following interview. Baseline HCUs (top 5\%) were excluded and healthcare spending for non-HCUs was analyzed. Adjusted for predisposition and need factors, the odds of future HCU status (over 5 years) were estimated according to various individual, household, and neighborhood SES factors. Analyses were conducted in 2014. Results Low income (personal and household); less than post-secondary education; and living in high-dependency neighborhoods greatly increased the odds of future HCUs. After adjustment, future HCU status was most strongly associated with food insecurity, personal income, and non-homeownership. Living in highly deprived or low ethnic concentration neighborhoods also increased the odds of becoming an HCU. Conclusions Findings suggest that addressing social determinants of health, such as food and housing security, may be important components of interventions aiming to improve health outcomes and reduce costs.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::health,inequality::socio-demographic,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::health,inequality::income,inequality::socio-demographic,out::abstract} } @article{Fitzpatrick2020, @@ -4746,7 +4769,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {2240-9971, 2280-188X}, doi = {10.3280/SPE2010-001001}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - abstract = {Between 1968 and 1980, five negative income tax field experiments were conducted in North America. This essay examines the history of these five experiments, both in the political and social contexts of the period and as one chapter in the historical evolution of the social sciences. It considers the political and social contexts of the period and explores the ways in which these experiments were both generated by, and a challenge to, these deeper currents. The essay also presents some preliminary health and social results from a re-examination of the Canadian experiment} + abstract = {Between 1968 and 1980, five negative income tax field experiments were conducted in North America. This essay examines the history of these five experiments, both in the political and social contexts of the period and as one chapter in the historical evolution of the social sciences. It considers the political and social contexts of the period and explores the ways in which these experiments were both generated by, and a challenge to, these deeper currents. The essay also presents some preliminary health and social results from a re-examination of the Canadian experiment}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forget2011, @@ -4763,7 +4787,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.3138/cpp.37.3.283}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {This paper has two purposes. First, it documents the historical context of MINCOME, a Canadian guaranteed annual income field experiment (1974 to 1979). Second, it uses routinely collected health administration data and a quasi-experimental design to document an 8.5 percent reduction in the hospitalization rate for participants relative to controls, particularly for accidents and injuries and mental health. We also found that participant contacts with physicians declined, especially for mental health, and that more adolescents continued into grade 12. We found no increase in fertility, family dissolution rates, or improved birth outcomes. We conclude that a relatively modest GAI can improve population health, suggesting significant health system savings.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forget2013, @@ -4779,7 +4804,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00917435}, doi = {10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.05.029}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forget2013a, @@ -4794,7 +4820,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {2183-2803}, doi = {10.17645/si.v1i2.113}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - abstract = {The austerity movement in high-income countries of Europe and North America has renewed calls for a guaranteed Basic Income. At the same time, conditional and unconditional cash transfers accompanied by rigorous impact evaluations have been conducted in low- and middle-income countries with the explicit support of the World Bank. Both Basic Income and cash transfer programs are more confidently designed when based on empirical evidence and social theory that explain how and why cash transfers to citizens are effective ways of encouraging investment in human capital through health and education spending. Are conditional cash transfers more effective and/or more efficient than unconditional transfers? Are means-tested transfers effective? This essay draws explicit parallels between Basic Income and unconditional cash transfers, and demonstrates that cash transfers to citizens work in remarkably similar ways in low-, middle- and high-income countries. It addresses the theoretical foundation of cash transfers. Of the four theories discussed, three explicitly acknowledge the interdependence of society and are based, in increasingly complex ways, on ideas of social inclusion. Only if we have an understanding of how cash transfers affect decision-making can we address questions of how best to design cash transfer schemes.} + abstract = {The austerity movement in high-income countries of Europe and North America has renewed calls for a guaranteed Basic Income. At the same time, conditional and unconditional cash transfers accompanied by rigorous impact evaluations have been conducted in low- and middle-income countries with the explicit support of the World Bank. Both Basic Income and cash transfer programs are more confidently designed when based on empirical evidence and social theory that explain how and why cash transfers to citizens are effective ways of encouraging investment in human capital through health and education spending. Are conditional cash transfers more effective and/or more efficient than unconditional transfers? Are means-tested transfers effective? This essay draws explicit parallels between Basic Income and unconditional cash transfers, and demonstrates that cash transfers to citizens work in remarkably similar ways in low-, middle- and high-income countries. It addresses the theoretical foundation of cash transfers. Of the four theories discussed, three explicitly acknowledge the interdependence of society and are based, in increasingly complex ways, on ideas of social inclusion. Only if we have an understanding of how cash transfers affect decision-making can we address questions of how best to design cash transfer schemes.}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forman-Hoffman2008, @@ -4885,7 +4912,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0258-9001, 1469-9397}, doi = {10.1080/0258900042000329457}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Frayne2007, @@ -4990,7 +5018,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1177/0164027508330722}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Older workers' share of involuntary job losses in the United States has grown fairly consistently in recent decades, prompting greater interest in the health consequences of involuntary unemployment among individuals nearing retirement. In this study, the authors applied the multifactorial model of geriatric health to investigate whether late-career involuntary job loss was associated with subsequent physical disability and whether the effect of involuntary job loss on physical disability varied by predisposition. Using data from the first four waves (1992 to 1998) of the Health and Retirement Survey, the authors measured predisposition with individual risk factors for functional disability and indices of aggregate risk. The results of gender-specific models fit with generalized estimating equations revealed that unmarried women and those with low predisplacement incomes had heightened risk for subsequent functional disability. No differential effects of job loss were found for men.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Galor1999, @@ -5221,7 +5250,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32083-X}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review,type::ubi} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review,type::ubi} } @article{Gilbert1982, @@ -5598,7 +5627,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00346535}, doi = {10.2307/1935854}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Greenberg1983, @@ -5615,7 +5644,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1086/298019}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Greene1997, @@ -5681,7 +5710,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145406}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Gronn2002, @@ -5834,7 +5863,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1366-8803, 1469-3615}, doi = {10.1080/13668803.2010.520849}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Haller1994, @@ -5934,7 +5964,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1108/S1479-354720170000010008}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, isbn = {978-1-78714-606-8 978-1-78714-605-1}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @book{Hankivsky2019, @@ -6135,7 +6166,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1111/j.1533-8525.1999.tb00544.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Heath2017, @@ -6183,7 +6214,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1093/swra/13.2.17}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Herbst2008, @@ -6359,7 +6390,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.18235/0001849}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {This paper evaluates the impacts of a public program that introduced access to part-time childcare centers for children younger than four years of age in poor urban areas in Nicaragua. We explore the effects of this program on several measures of children's and parental outcomes. Our identification strategy exploits the original randomization and the distance to the centers, using Instrumental Variables (IV) and Marginal Treatment Effects (MTE) methods to tackle imperfect compliance with the original treatment assignments. We present a theoretical model to rationalize our IV assumptions. We find a positive impact of 0.35 standard deviations on the personal-social domain of a widely used development test, and an impact of 14 percentage points on mothers' work participation. Our results are robust to different econometric specifications. We also find suggestive evidence that quality greatly matters for the impacts at the child level, but not at the mother level.}, - keywords = {country::Nicaragua,done::extracted,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,region::LAC,relevant,type::maternity\_benefit}, + keywords = {country::Nicaragua,done::extracted,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::income,region::LAC,relevant,type::maternity\_benefit}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/5RWXD2JC/Hojman_López Bóo_2019_Cost-Effective Public Daycare in a Low-Income Economy Benefits Children and.pdf} } @@ -6508,7 +6539,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1016/j.ssmmh.2021.100039}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{Hotchkiss2017, @@ -6617,7 +6648,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Marital dissolutions occur for a variety of reasons. Among low income families, the added stress of inadequate earnings, intermittent job spells, and high unemployment may contribute to the decision to end a marriage. One approach to end poverty and marital instability is to give income assistance to the poor. At the same time, cash transfers might foster family breakups, intentionally or otherwise. For example, if the welfare system is designed such that individuals are better off living separately than together, there will be a financial incentive to split. The effect of income transfers on family structure is theoretically ambiguous. On the one hand, low income families may become more stable if stress factors associated with low earnings, intermittent job spells and the like are lessened by the receipt of assistance. On the other hand, unstable marriages held together strictly for economic convenience may have their bonds weakened if individuals, when separated, are eligible for support. Consequently, whether income assistance engenders, on balance, effects which are stabilising or destabilising is an empirical question which depends upon the specific population group and the assistance program under consideration. This paper employs microdata from MINCOME (Canada's experimental test of guaranteed income) to examine the effect of various income transfers on family dissolution. Employing a path model, we find that family income level is principally an intervening rather than a direct factor in determining whether or not a family will stay intact. Our results suggest that whether or not the male head has a stable work pattern, and whether or not the female head works at all, or earns more than her spouse, are more direct contributors to marital instability than the level of family income itself.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Hum1993, @@ -6634,7 +6665,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1086/298335}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Hupkau2020, @@ -6719,7 +6750,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1080/10511482.1998.9521321}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Ihlanfeldt2006, @@ -6883,7 +6914,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00377732}, doi = {10.2307/2580495}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Jahid2022, @@ -7088,7 +7119,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1111/j.1465-7295.1980.tb00586.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Jokela2010, @@ -7191,7 +7222,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1111/j.1741-3737.2006.00350.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {This article focuses on how maternal employment in nonstandard schedules at night, on the weekends, or that rotate on a weekly basis influence preschoolers' behavioral outcomes. Examining low-income working mothers and their children aged 2 {\textendash} 4 years from the Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three-City Study ( N = 206), we find that maternal nonstandard schedules are associated with negative behavioral outcomes for young children. There is some evidence that the negative effects of nonstandard schedules on behavior problems operate indirectly through increased parenting stress. Moderating influences of child gender and family composition are also detected. These findings are consistent with the small number of studies demonstrating the negative effects of nonstandard schedules on children of varying ages.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Joshi2012, @@ -7308,7 +7340,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1080/10511482.1992.9521100}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kalbarczyk2022, @@ -7519,7 +7551,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145299}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1979, @@ -7535,7 +7567,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1080/05775132.1979.11470502}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1980, @@ -7551,7 +7583,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145408}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1980a, @@ -7567,7 +7599,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145407}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1987, @@ -7585,7 +7617,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00206598}, doi = {10.2307/2526870}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kehrer1979, @@ -7602,7 +7634,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145316}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kerachsky1977, @@ -7633,7 +7665,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0036-8733}, doi = {10.1038/scientificamerican1072-19}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kgel2004, @@ -8024,7 +8056,8 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas issn = {0355-3140, 1795-990X}, doi = {10.5271/sjweh.3290}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lacaille2004, @@ -8040,7 +8073,8 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas doi = {10.1002/art.20690}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Abstract Objective To define work-related factors associated with increased risk of work disability (WD) in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods Questionnaires were mailed to all RA patients who used a province-wide arthritis treatment program between 1991 and 1998 (n = 1,824). The association between risk factors and WD (defined as no paid work due to RA for at least 6 months) was assessed using multiple logistic regression analysis, controlling for significant sociodemographic and disease-related variables. Results Of the original 1,824 patients, 581 were eligible and responded to the questionnaire. Work survival analysis revealed a steady rate of WD starting early, with 7.5\%, 18\%, and 27\% work disabled at 1, 5, and 10 years, respectively. Significant determinants in multiple logistic regression were physical function (Health Assessment Questionnaire), pain (visual analog scale), and 6 work-related factors: self employment, workstation modification, work importance, family support toward employment, commuting difficulty, and comfort telling coworkers about RA. Conclusion Work disability occurs early in RA. Novel work-related factors were identified, which are potentially modifiable, to help RA patients stay employed.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lanfranconi2014, @@ -8100,7 +8134,8 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas doi = {10.1093/heapol/czw020}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Abstract Intersectionality has emerged as an important framework for understanding and responding to health inequities by making visible the fluid and interconnected structures of power that create them. It promotes an understanding of the dynamic nature of the privileges and disadvantages that permeate health systems and affect health. It considers the interaction of different social stratifiers (e.g. `race'/ethnicity, indigeneity, gender, class, sexuality, geography, age, disability/ability, migration status, religion) and the power structures that underpin them at multiple levels. In doing so, it is a departure from previous health inequalities research that looked at these forms of social stratification in isolation from one another or in an additive manner. Despite its potential use and long history in other disciplines, intersectionality is uncommonly used in health systems research in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). To orient readers to intersectionality theory and research, we first define intersectionality and describe its role in public health, and then we review resources on intersectionality. We found that applications in public health mostly increased after 2009, with only 14 out of 86 articles focused on LMICs. To arrive at 10 best resources, we selected articles based on the proportion of the article that was devoted to intersectionality, the strength of the intersectionality analysis, and its relevance to LMICs. The first four resources explain intersectionality as a methodology. The subsequent six articles apply intersectionality to research in LMIC with quantitative and qualitative analysis. We provide examples from India, Swaziland, Uganda and Mexico. Topics for the studies range from HIV, violence and sexual abuse to immunization and the use of health entitlements. Through these 10 resources, we hope to spark interest and open a needed conversation on the importance and use of intersectional analysis in LMICs as part of understanding people-centred health systems.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Lawal2022, @@ -8116,7 +8151,7 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas doi = {10.1080/13548506.2020.1865548}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,out::title} } @article{Lee2005, @@ -8264,7 +8299,8 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom issn = {0002-9602, 1537-5390}, doi = {10.1086/669499}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{Lin2016, @@ -8309,7 +8345,7 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {39}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/KD7RUUTC/Lindsay_2011_Discrimination and other barriers to employment for teens and young adults with.pdf} } @@ -8325,7 +8361,8 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.3109/09638288.2011.603015}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lindsay2013, @@ -8340,7 +8377,8 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.3109/09638288.2013.775356}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lindsay2015a, @@ -8367,7 +8405,7 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {39}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract} } @article{Lindsay2018, @@ -8513,7 +8551,8 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom issn = {0968-7599, 1360-0508}, doi = {10.1080/0968759042000283629}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Locke2012, @@ -8529,7 +8568,8 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom issn = {0022-0388, 1743-9140}, doi = {10.1080/00220388.2011.629650}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Loureiro2020, @@ -8929,7 +8969,7 @@ however data will be very useful to explore channels of health ineq -{$>$} incom issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145317}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Mberu2014, @@ -8983,7 +9023,7 @@ does NOT look at results of specific policy interventions} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145319}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{McDowell2015, @@ -9033,7 +9073,7 @@ does NOT look at results of specific policy interventions} issn = {00130095}, doi = {10.2307/144026}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{McLaughlin2017, @@ -9081,7 +9121,8 @@ does NOT look at results of specific policy interventions} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280500494819}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Mein1998, @@ -9375,7 +9416,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1257/089533003769204380}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {The negative income tax proposed by Milton Friedman represents one of the fundamental ideas of modern welfare policy. However, the academic literature has raised two difficulties with it, one challenging its purported work incentives and the other suggesting the possible superiority of work requirements. In addition, work requirement approaches have gained ground in actual U.S. welfare policy over the last 30 years and the number of different programs has proliferated, another development counter to the negative income tax. On the other hand, the Earned Income Tax Credit has produced a negative-income-tax-like program on a vast scale.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{Moffitt2012, @@ -9392,7 +9434,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1108/S0147-9121(2012)0000035030}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, isbn = {978-1-78190-218-9 978-1-78190-219-6}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Moghadam2004, @@ -9440,7 +9483,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280802658350}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::spatial} } @article{Moon2012, @@ -9472,7 +9516,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1177/00343552020450040601}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {The purpose of this study was to identify higher levels of income, based on consumer characteristics (i.e., gender, race/ethnicity, Hispanic origin) and service variables (i.e., assessment, restoration, job placement), for persons who are deaf and closed rehabilitated (Status 26). A split-half cross-validation research design was used to evaluate 2,422 case records obtained from the RSA-911 database for fiscal year 1996 on three consumer and eight service variables. Results are presented for income, and the implications of findings for research and practice are discussed.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Morgan2018, @@ -9601,7 +9646,7 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {The objective was to determine long-term psychological distress and quality of life (QOL) in young adult survivors of pediatric burns using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Scale II (WHODAS) and the Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B). Fifty burn survivors 2.5 to 12.5 years postburn (16{\textendash}21.5 years old; 56\% male, 82\% Hispanic) completed the WHODAS and BSHS-B. The WHODAS measures health and disability and the BSHS-B measures psychosocial and physical difficulties. Scores were calculated for each instrument, and then grouped by years postburn, TBSA, sex, burn age, and survey age to compare the effects of each. Next, the instruments were compared with each other. The WHODAS disability score mean was 14.4 {$\pm$} 2.1. BSHS-B domain scores ranged from 3 to 3.7. In general, as TBSA burned increased, QOL decreased. Female burn survivors, survivors burned prior to school entry, and adolescents who had yet to transition into adulthood reported better QOL than their counterparts. In all domains except Participation, the WHODAS consistently identified more individuals with lower QOL than the BSHS-B. Young adult burn survivors' QOL features more disability than their nonburned counterparts, but score in the upper 25\% for QOL on the BSHS-B. This analysis revealed the need for long-term psychosocial intervention for survivors with larger TBSA, males, those burned after school entry, and those transitioning into adulthood. Both instruments are useful tools for assessing burn survivors' QOL and both should be given as they discern different individuals. However, the WHODAS is more sensitive than the BSHS-B in identifying QOL issues.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @book{Murray2012, @@ -9613,7 +9658,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1057/9781137265227}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, isbn = {978-1-349-33054-6 978-1-137-26522-7}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Muzaffar2022, @@ -9647,7 +9693,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280802305929}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Myers2017, @@ -9779,7 +9826,7 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} issn = {00377791, 15338533}, doi = {10.2307/800563}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::racial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Neuberg1988, @@ -9998,7 +10045,7 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145321}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @incollection{OConnor2008, @@ -10128,7 +10175,8 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o number = {1}, issn = {1932-0183, 2194-6094}, doi = {10.1515/bis-2012-0007}, - urldate = {2023-11-20} + urldate = {2023-11-20}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Oteng-Ababio2012, @@ -10227,7 +10275,8 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o issn = {1756-1833}, doi = {10.1136/bmj.i6473}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Pallangyo2020, @@ -10540,7 +10589,7 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cited::previous\_reviews,out::review,out::title,review::systematic,type::ubi} + keywords = {cited::previous\_reviews,inequality::income,out::review,out::title,review::systematic,type::ubi} } @article{Piquero2020, @@ -10617,7 +10666,7 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o doi = {10.1080/00324728.1974.10405193}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Popkin1993, @@ -10634,7 +10683,7 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o issn = {02768739}, doi = {10.2307/3325306}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Poppen2017, @@ -10822,7 +10871,8 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o institution = {{National Bureau of Economic Research}}, doi = {10.3386/w14973}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Quisumbing2007, @@ -11077,7 +11127,7 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o doi = {10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30229-1}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{Robins1980, @@ -11109,7 +11159,7 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145685}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Robins1986, @@ -11185,7 +11235,8 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o doi = {10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03322.x}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {This paper aimed to discuss functioning, quality of life, (QoL) and lifespan care issues of adolescents and young adults with childhood-onset physical disability from a clinical, scientific, and personal perspective. We present a r{\'e}sum{\'e} of results of recently performed studies in rehabilitation-based samples of (young) adults with childhood-onset conditions such as cerebral palsy (CP) and spina bifida (SB), and different models of transition and lifespan care. The studies showed that many young adults with a childhood-onset disability experience health-related problems such as functional deterioration, pain or fatigue, and an inactive lifestyle. A significant number are restricted in participation in work, housing, and intimate relationships. They perceive a lower health-related and global QoL compared with a reference group. In some centres in the UK and the Netherlands specialized outpatient services are available or being developed. In conclusion, transition to adulthood is a critical phase for reaching autonomous participation in adult life. There is an international challenge to incorporate a lifespan perspective in paediatric, transition, and adult health care services for persons with a childhood-onset disability.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Roessler2007, @@ -11446,7 +11497,7 @@ policy recc: urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {The general purpose of the four negative income tax (NIT) experiments was to evaluate the impact of a guaranteed income on labor participation. Beyond this general objective, certain subobjectives can be identified, three of which define the purpose of this analysis. The first is to determine what effect an income maintenance experiment program can have on the health and educational status of children from low-income families, the second is to examine the long-range effects of such a program, and the third is to complete a policy analysis using these results to consider the relative effectiveness of service programs and income maintenance programs in promoting child development and stability. The results show that the NIT experiments were effective in reducing a child's risk of being at poverty. The implications of this are discussed from several policy perspectives.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Salm2009, @@ -11509,7 +11560,8 @@ policy recc: doi = {10.1080/0042098042000214815}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {While policy-makers assert that increased public transit mobility can positively affect employment status for low-income persons, there is little empirical evidence to support this theory. It is generally assumed that public transit can effectively link unemployed, car-less, persons with appropriate job locations{\textemdash}hence the call for more public transit services to assist moving welfare recipients to gainful employment. Thus far, the available evidence is anecdotal, while general patterns of transit access in relationship to labour participation remain relatively unexplored. This analysis examines whether increased transit access is associated with the case status (employment status) of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients in the Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colorado; Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; and Portland, Oregon metropolitan areas. Individual TANF recipient location data, transit route/stop data and employment location data were used in limited dependent variable regression analyses to predict the employment status of TANF recipients. The results of this analysis indicate that access to fixed-route transit and employment concentrations had virtually no association with the employment outcomes of TANF recipients in the six selected metropolitan areas.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Sanghi2015, @@ -11607,7 +11659,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {1748-3107, 1748-3115}, doi = {10.3109/17483101003746360}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Schaller2006, @@ -11775,7 +11828,7 @@ policy recc: doi = {10.1016/j.jaad.2020.04.046}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{Sharma2020, @@ -12032,7 +12085,7 @@ policy recc: usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/4ZQS8WLS/Slack_2010_Working Poverty across the Metro-Nonmetro Divide.pdf} } @@ -12100,7 +12153,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {19366574}, doi = {10.1016/j.dhjo.2009.04.002}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Solovieva2011, @@ -12115,7 +12169,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {19366574}, doi = {10.1016/j.dhjo.2010.03.001}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{SolstadVedeler2011, @@ -12132,7 +12187,8 @@ policy recc: doi = {10.1177/1044207310395942}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Workplace accommodation is an important measure to ensure equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Substantial research has investigated workplace accommodations in the United States. This article represents a first step in exploring the complexities of workplace accommodation from a cross-national perspective. Drawing on 29 qualitative interviews with employed Americans and Norwegians with mobility disabilities, we investigated similarities and differences in experiences with accommodation provision. Two main similarities emerged: Many of the American and Norwegian interviewees made use of accommodations, and the employer played an important role in the provision process in both countries. Concerning the particular role of the employer, two main differences emerged: American interviewees' accounts of obstacles to a smooth accommodation process were related to the redistribution agent (i.e., the employer). In Norway, employers can either provide the accommodation themselves or make use of subsidized public services. When the employer chose to make use of public services, Norwegian interviewees reported a slow process and obstacles that were related to the recognition of eligibility, which rests on medical assessment. The article reveals a common vulnerability among people with disabilities when dependent on the recognition of their needs and effective provision of workplace accommodation to be competitive employees.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Son2021, @@ -12320,7 +12376,8 @@ does NOT look at policy impacts (but theories behind it)} doi = {10.2202/1935-1682.1645}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract This paper re-examines the labor supply responses in the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments (SIME/DIME). Specifically, the original experimental results show a significantly larger labor supply response for men and women from dual-headed households in the five-year Negative Income Tax (NIT) treatment relative to those in the three-year NIT treatment. Although typically thought of only as an NIT experiment, the SIME/DIME also included a job training experiment that enrolled roughly 60 percent of households, including both NIT treatment and control households. The original empirical specification imposed strong assumptions on the treatment response to the job training experiment in order to increase the precision of the estimated parameters. Once these assumptions are relaxed, the labor supply differences between men in the three- and five-year NIT treatments fall by over 50 percent in magnitude and become statistically insignificant. The analogous differences for women are almost entirely explained by these specification changes. Whereas the original findings of the SIME/DIME were inconsistent with the standard life-cycle labor supply model, the results of the re-analysis are mostly consistent with the model.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Stock2021, @@ -12671,7 +12728,8 @@ main findings: issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.3109/09638288.2010.503257}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Teshome2021, @@ -13164,7 +13222,8 @@ inequality: issn = {0144-1647, 1464-5327}, doi = {10.1080/01441640701450627}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Vera-Sanso2012, @@ -13354,7 +13413,8 @@ uses cash benefit to identify `increased need' sample but is not impact study fo doi = {10.1002/jid.1500}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Abstract Objectives To identify whether individual and household economic empowerment is associated with lower intimate partner violence in low and middle income country settings. Methods Systematic PubMed and internet searches. Results Published data from 41 sites were reviewed. Household assets and women's higher education were generally protective. Evidence about women's involvement in income generation and experience of past year violence was mixed, with five finding a protective association and six documenting a risk association. Conclusion At an individual and household level, economic development and poverty reduction may have protective impacts on IPV. Context specific factors influence whether financial autonomy is protective or associated with increased risk. Copyright {\textcopyright} 2008 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. This article was published online on 6 October 2008. Errors were subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected [17 April 2009].}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Wacquant1996, @@ -13609,7 +13669,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145404}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Wekwete2014, @@ -13732,7 +13792,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280400020631}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Weziak-Bialowolska2020, @@ -13807,7 +13868,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {country::Britain,region::EU,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::work\_programme}, + keywords = {country::Britain,inequality::spatial,region::EU,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::work\_programme}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TRVEJ5HN/Whitworth_2020_Activating spatial inequality.pdf} } @@ -13849,7 +13910,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} doi = {10.4324/9781315239934}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, isbn = {978-1-315-23993-4}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @inbook{Widerquist2018, @@ -13866,7 +13928,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} collaborator = {Widerquist, Karl}, isbn = {978-3-030-03848-9 978-3-030-03849-6}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::full-text,review::critical} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::full-text,review::critical} } @article{Williams2013, @@ -13944,7 +14006,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income doi = {10.1017/S0305741010001037}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract This article explores the relationship between gender and income inequality within and across households in an urban Chinese sample by looking at survey data from 381 married couples with infants born in a Nanjing hospital between 2006 and 2007 and in-depth interviews with a subsample of 80 of these couples. We explore the relationship between family income and differences between husbands' and wives' work preferences. A couple-level quantitative analysis shows that in lower-income families, husbands were more likely than their wives to prefer career advancement and low stress at work, and wives were more likely than their husbands to prefer state jobs. Our analyses of the qualitative subsample show that, even though high-income husbands and wives are more likely to share similar work preferences, the household division of roles within their marriages is still gendered along traditional lines, as it is in the marriages of low-income couples.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000074906000002, @@ -13968,7 +14031,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::racial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:000076158900009, @@ -14015,7 +14078,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:000080028000001, @@ -14137,7 +14200,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::racial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:000084333500002, @@ -14625,7 +14688,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Economics; Food Science \& Technology; Nutrition \& Dietetics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000171386100003, @@ -14722,7 +14785,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000174600700003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {48}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Environmental Studies; Urban Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Environmental Studies; Urban Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000174824800007, @@ -14744,7 +14808,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000174824800007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000174924400007, @@ -14928,7 +14993,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000180871700004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, - web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research} + web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000181129800025, @@ -14998,7 +15064,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000181952800004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning} + web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000182309600001, @@ -15043,7 +15110,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000182381400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000182457600010, @@ -15323,7 +15391,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000188929600007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {9}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000207962500008, @@ -15347,7 +15416,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000207962500008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {34}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics; Geography} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics; Geography}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000208438200007, @@ -15537,7 +15607,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {country::US,inequality::disability,inequality::health,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {country::US,inequality::disability,inequality::health,inequality::income,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000218708600006, @@ -15585,7 +15655,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000220546300004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {9}, - web-of-science-categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000222194300003, @@ -15609,7 +15680,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000222194300003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {36}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000223418200008, @@ -15633,6 +15705,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor; Management}, + keywords = {inequality::racial}, note = {79th Conference of the Applied-Econometrics-Association, UNIV LIBRE BRUXELLES, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, MAY 28-29, 2002} } @@ -15822,7 +15895,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000227835700016}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000228006600008, @@ -15989,7 +16063,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000234984100004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000235549200007, @@ -16085,7 +16160,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {country::US,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {country::US,inequality::income,inequality::spatial,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/M5RULSJI/Wu et al_2006_Effects of government policies on urban and rural income inequality.pdf} } @@ -16109,7 +16184,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000238311400010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000238750800004, @@ -16274,7 +16350,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000240215300003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, - web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research} + web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000240306500013, @@ -16369,7 +16446,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000241196600004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000241430900002, @@ -16439,7 +16517,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000242957200007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Public Administration} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Public Administration}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000243910000002, @@ -16535,7 +16614,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000245685800012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000246089600014, @@ -16699,7 +16779,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000247675600010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {25}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000248294500001, @@ -16770,7 +16851,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000249870000067}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {11}, - web-of-science-categories = {Pediatrics} + web-of-science-categories = {Pediatrics}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000250197100001, @@ -16818,7 +16900,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000250927900003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Law; Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Law; Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000250967400004, @@ -16891,7 +16974,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000251874400013}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, - web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal} + web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000252108500007, @@ -17200,7 +17284,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000257188500012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000257894000001, @@ -17484,7 +17569,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000262734800003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration} + web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000263421500001, @@ -17507,7 +17593,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000263421500001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {54}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000263585700004, @@ -17650,7 +17737,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000264826300003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Work} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000264982800003, @@ -17745,7 +17833,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000265423400004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {30}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000265682700021, @@ -17816,7 +17905,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000266247900008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {25}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000266348500008, @@ -18075,7 +18165,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000270304400005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000270315500002, @@ -18336,7 +18427,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000276152500009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {28}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000276507700012, @@ -18406,7 +18498,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000277170500010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {45}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000277552000008, @@ -18500,7 +18593,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000278802400030}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{WOS:000278891300008, @@ -18612,7 +18706,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000279876100002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {21}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000279980500003, @@ -18825,7 +18920,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000283018000006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000283604600015, @@ -18893,7 +18989,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000284683400014}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {11}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000284919500007, @@ -18938,7 +19035,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000285177200010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {149}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000285179900011, @@ -18986,7 +19084,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000285250000002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000285631100003, @@ -19033,7 +19132,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000285776100004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {28}, - web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Developmental; Pediatrics; Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Developmental; Pediatrics; Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000286214700004, @@ -19081,7 +19181,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000286559600001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000287073700007, @@ -19152,7 +19253,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000287963300002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, - web-of-science-categories = {Political Science; Social Issues; Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Political Science; Social Issues; Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000287991100009, @@ -19176,7 +19278,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000287991100009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {67}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000288271100004, @@ -19220,7 +19323,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000288321800001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000289242800030, @@ -19338,7 +19442,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000289865100023}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000290052600010, @@ -19361,7 +19466,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000290052600010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Work} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000290057000008, @@ -19454,7 +19560,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000291221100002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000291261100001, @@ -19574,7 +19681,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000292427700042}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {43}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Geography; Transportation} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Geography; Transportation}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000293187200003, @@ -20278,7 +20386,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000303670800004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {38}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medical Informatics} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medical Informatics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000303813000006, @@ -20325,7 +20434,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000303918400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {29}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000304449900002, @@ -20467,7 +20577,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000305751500003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000305868300001, @@ -20633,7 +20744,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000306435500017}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000306890000021, @@ -20657,7 +20769,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000306890000021}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000307227200001, @@ -20845,7 +20958,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000310433700007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000310654400006, @@ -20914,7 +21028,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000311000300011}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000311764000005, @@ -20938,7 +21053,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000311764000005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {28}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{WOS:000312934300003, @@ -21030,7 +21146,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000313767200004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {63}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000313988500021, @@ -21220,7 +21337,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000316322300001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000316405300002, @@ -21313,7 +21431,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000316806600006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000317149000018, @@ -21447,6 +21566,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial}, note = {4th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, SPAIN, MAR 08-10, 2010} } @@ -21471,7 +21591,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000318904400013}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {37}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000319278100002, @@ -21540,7 +21661,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000320907000004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {30}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000321484200005, @@ -21679,7 +21801,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000322902300004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {22}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000322902300006, @@ -21748,7 +21871,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000323427100001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000323454800001, @@ -21889,7 +22013,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000326013200006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {39}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000327154100006, @@ -22009,7 +22134,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000328741900048}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences} + web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000329131500004, @@ -22203,7 +22329,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {5}, usage-count-since-2013 = {79}, web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Psychology, Experimental}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Spain,inequality::gender,out::abstract,region::EU} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Spain,inequality::gender,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::EU} } @article{WOS:000330418800002, @@ -22886,7 +23012,7 @@ looks at qualitative estimation of terminations from workplace due to pregnancy usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Applied; Management}, - keywords = {cite::framework,inequality::migration,inequality::racial,method::qualitative,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::framework,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::migration,inequality::racial,method::qualitative,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000342390300001, @@ -22961,7 +23087,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, instead building its own predicti usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, web-of-science-categories = {Physics, Multidisciplinary}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::income,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000344386200008, @@ -23254,7 +23380,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, instead building its own predicti usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {9}, web-of-science-categories = {Urban Studies}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::racial,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000347760400006, @@ -24195,6 +24321,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial}, note = {6th International Scientific Conference on Rural Development - Innovations and Sustainability, Akademija, LITHUANIA, NOV 28-29, 2013} } @@ -24320,7 +24447,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {22}, web-of-science-categories = {Family Studies}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TGTGRYSY/Zhang_2015_Wives' relative income and marital quality in urban china.pdf} } @@ -24467,7 +24594,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, web-of-science-categories = {History; History Of Social Sciences}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @incollection{WOS:000360846600010, @@ -24491,7 +24618,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review} } @article{WOS:000360902600011, @@ -24516,7 +24643,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Obstetrics \& Gynecology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000361587400001, @@ -24708,7 +24835,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000363075000006, @@ -24802,7 +24929,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {10}, usage-count-since-2013 = {130}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000364169600006, @@ -24827,7 +24954,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {43}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,out::title} } @article{WOS:000364202800007, @@ -24969,7 +25096,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {34}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::disability,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::disability,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000365969900006, @@ -24994,7 +25121,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {11}, web-of-science-categories = {Immunology; Infectious Diseases}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000367310500015, @@ -25141,7 +25268,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000368716800010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Environmental Studies; Psychology, Multidisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Environmental Studies; Psychology, Multidisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000368840100010, @@ -25397,7 +25525,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000374732600001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {41}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000374819900001, @@ -25443,7 +25572,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000374958500008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000375163600007, @@ -25490,7 +25620,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375270400008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {21}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000375363800021, @@ -25513,7 +25644,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375363800021}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {37}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Energy \& Fuels; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Energy \& Fuels; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000375542100028, @@ -25559,7 +25691,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375571900009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {40}, - web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor} + web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000375628900015, @@ -25603,7 +25736,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375635100009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Law} + web-of-science-categories = {Law}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000376215700008, @@ -25787,7 +25921,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000377633600007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, - web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000377694100027, @@ -25857,7 +25992,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000378667100025}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {22}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000379670800002, @@ -25880,7 +26016,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000379670800002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, - web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor; Psychology, Applied; Management} + web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor; Psychology, Applied; Management}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000379706200015, @@ -25903,7 +26040,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000379706200015}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000379777400006, @@ -26274,7 +26412,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000386645600016}, usage-count-last-180-days = {10}, usage-count-since-2013 = {104}, - web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning} + web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000386778000012, @@ -26297,7 +26436,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000386778000012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Energy \& Fuels} + web-of-science-categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Energy \& Fuels}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000387191500009, @@ -26368,7 +26508,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000388920400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {72}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000389445300003, @@ -26413,7 +26554,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000389559100005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {52}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000389966300007, @@ -26459,7 +26601,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000390074400005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {21}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000390085200002, @@ -26530,7 +26673,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000390676600005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Work} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000390693000001, @@ -26625,7 +26769,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000392498800003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Sport Sciences} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Sport Sciences}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000392500500003, @@ -26649,7 +26794,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000392500500003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, - web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor} + web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000392851000005, @@ -26840,7 +26986,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000394328900005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {29}, - web-of-science-categories = {Demography} + web-of-science-categories = {Demography}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000394424500062, @@ -27053,7 +27200,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000395612900003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {30}, - web-of-science-categories = {Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Studies; Geography; Operations Research \& Management Science; Regional \& Urban Planning} + web-of-science-categories = {Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Studies; Geography; Operations Research \& Management Science; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @inproceedings{WOS:000395726900065, @@ -27410,7 +27558,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000399647800005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {17}, - web-of-science-categories = {Ethnic Studies; Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Ethnic Studies; Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000399846000009, @@ -27905,7 +28054,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000404311200005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000404361400002, @@ -28092,7 +28242,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000405140800006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing; Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing; Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @incollection{WOS:000405173400017, @@ -28390,7 +28541,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000408892000014}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, - web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000409190700010, @@ -28436,7 +28588,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000409889400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000411589000001, @@ -28620,7 +28773,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000414914900001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {54}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @incollection{WOS:000414955300005, @@ -28758,7 +28912,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000416165400001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000416171800006, @@ -28895,7 +29050,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000418016200012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000418036500001, @@ -28966,7 +29122,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000418338300010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, - web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research} + web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000418612500001, @@ -29038,7 +29195,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000419012300008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000419258600011, @@ -29059,7 +29217,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000419258600011}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000419457600002, @@ -29106,7 +29265,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000423094600005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000423309900012, @@ -29229,7 +29389,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {55}, web-of-science-categories = {Education, Special}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000424805500002, @@ -29397,7 +29557,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse unique-id = {WOS:000427094400005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000427339200004, @@ -29422,7 +29583,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse usage-count-last-180-days = {10}, usage-count-since-2013 = {117}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {country::China,inequality::age,inequality::health,out::abstract,region::AP,type::pension} + keywords = {country::China,inequality::age,inequality::health,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP,type::pension} } @article{WOS:000427446400025, @@ -29471,7 +29632,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,out::title} } @article{WOS:000427883200009, @@ -29667,7 +29828,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse unique-id = {WOS:000429325400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000429418400002, @@ -30399,7 +30561,7 @@ but not inequalities in specific} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000438348100004, @@ -30568,7 +30730,7 @@ but not inequalities in specific} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {35}, web-of-science-categories = {Political Science; Public Administration}, - keywords = {country::Denmark,out::abstract,region::EU,type::welfare} + keywords = {country::Denmark,inequality::ethnicity,out::abstract,region::EU,type::welfare} } @article{WOS:000440211000004, @@ -30762,7 +30924,8 @@ but not inequalities in specific} unique-id = {WOS:000442125200001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration} + web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000442231900007, @@ -30836,7 +30999,7 @@ but not inequalities in specific} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, web-of-science-categories = {Gerontology}, - keywords = {out::title,type::pension} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::income,out::title,type::pension} } @article{WOS:000443211000007, @@ -31595,7 +31758,7 @@ does NOT look at LM adjacent markers; policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Area Studies}, - keywords = {country::Italy,inequality::migration,out::abstract,region::EU}, + keywords = {country::Italy,inequality::migration,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::EU}, note = {looks at inequality; looks partly at LM adjacency; \par does NOT look at specific policy interventions} @@ -31894,7 +32057,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {56}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Transportation}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Canada,inequality::socio-demographic,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Canada,inequality::income,inequality::socio-demographic,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000459291700003, @@ -32137,7 +32300,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Finland,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,out::abstract,region::EU,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Finland,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::income,out::abstract,region::EU,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000462693700024, @@ -32620,7 +32783,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, - keywords = {country::Canada,inequality::education,inequality::migration,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {country::Canada,inequality::education,inequality::migration,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000470135800003, @@ -32720,7 +32883,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000470887400006, @@ -32890,7 +33053,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {17}, web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {inequality::health,out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::health,out::title} } @article{WOS:000471206500012, @@ -33406,7 +33569,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Anthropology; Environmental Studies; Sociology}, - keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::gender,region::MENA,TODO::full-text}, + keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::gender,inequality::income,region::MENA,TODO::full-text}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/BCX686SU/Montanari_Bergh_2019_A gendered analysis of the income generating activities under the green morocco.pdf} } @@ -33631,7 +33794,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Primary Health Care}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000478935700006, @@ -34302,7 +34465,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::ethnicity,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000493603700001, @@ -34375,7 +34538,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Substance Abuse}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000494155000001, @@ -34401,7 +34564,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000495099300012, @@ -34602,7 +34765,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {17}, web-of-science-categories = {Physics, Multidisciplinary}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/PV7UTRZP/Tian_Liu_2020_Emergence of income inequality.pdf} } @@ -34677,7 +34840,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Regional \& Urban Planning}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000502871100001, @@ -34854,7 +35017,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Women's Studies}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000503809100009, @@ -35181,7 +35344,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {33}, web-of-science-categories = {Area Studies}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::education,inequality::migration,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::education,inequality::migration,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000511249100001, @@ -35780,7 +35943,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Political Science}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,method::qualitative,out::abstract,type::ubi} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::income,method::qualitative,out::abstract,type::ubi} } @article{WOS:000523977200001, @@ -35857,7 +36020,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Rheumatology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000525951500001, @@ -36006,6 +36169,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Agriculture, Multidisciplinary; Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial}, note = {8th International Scientific Conference on Rural Development - Bioeconomy Challenges, Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ, Akademija, LITHUANIA, NOV 23-24, 2017} } @@ -36081,7 +36245,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Law}, - keywords = {inequality::migration,out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::migration,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000530055200001, @@ -36235,7 +36399,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Geriatrics \& Gerontology; Gerontology; Psychiatry}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000532104900001, @@ -36358,7 +36522,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000533552800003, @@ -36433,7 +36597,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {23}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance}, - keywords = {country::South\_Africa,out::abstract,region::SSA,type::ubi} + keywords = {country::South\_Africa,inequality::income,out::abstract,region::SSA,type::ubi} } @article{WOS:000535130100010, @@ -36556,7 +36720,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::health,inequality::poverty,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::NA}, + keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::health,inequality::income,inequality::poverty,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::NA}, note = {Academy-Health Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC, JUN 02-04, 2019} } @@ -36607,7 +36771,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000537155300001, @@ -36981,7 +37145,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, web-of-science-categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Vietnam,inequality::education,inequality::migration,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::AP} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Vietnam,inequality::education,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::migration,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::AP} } @article{WOS:000543556000001, @@ -37007,7 +37171,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Switzerland,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::EU} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Switzerland,inequality::disability,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::EU} } @article{WOS:000544423900028, @@ -37281,7 +37445,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000549898000126, @@ -37600,7 +37764,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {out::title,review::scoping} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::income,out::title,review::scoping} } @article{WOS:000562009500001, @@ -37676,7 +37840,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Respiratory System; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000564212100001, @@ -37700,7 +37864,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000565504400001, @@ -37726,7 +37890,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::health,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::health,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000565842100023, @@ -38076,7 +38240,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Education, Special; Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000575951700006, @@ -38480,7 +38644,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {cite::further\_reading,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::further\_reading,inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000590940300001, @@ -38735,7 +38899,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Pharmacology \& Pharmacy}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000595019000001, @@ -38908,7 +39072,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance; Economics}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract}, note = {Dallas Fed's Regional Centennial Conference, Dallas, TX, NOV 07, 2014} } @@ -39231,7 +39395,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000607253600001, @@ -39306,7 +39470,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000609006200002, @@ -39452,7 +39616,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance; Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000619749900006, @@ -40822,7 +40986,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::age,inequality::education,inequality::racial,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::age,inequality::education,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000660505100001, @@ -41018,7 +41182,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000670676400001, @@ -41197,7 +41361,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration; Social Issues}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/28D6SQZ8/Sakamoto_2021_Do social investment policies reduce income inequality.pdf} } @@ -41398,7 +41562,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000683346000003, @@ -41801,7 +41965,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Ethnic Studies; Sociology}, - keywords = {country::Korea,out::abstract,region::AP,type::collective\_action} + keywords = {country::Korea,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::AP,type::collective\_action} } @article{WOS:000701448400002, @@ -42276,7 +42440,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography; Ethnic Studies}, - keywords = {country::Canada,method::qualitative,out::title,region::NA} + keywords = {country::Canada,inequality::ethnicity,method::qualitative,out::title,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000713356400005, @@ -42809,7 +42973,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000731399400020, @@ -42959,7 +43123,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000742061000001, @@ -43038,7 +43202,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {13}, usage-count-since-2013 = {33}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000743239100012, @@ -43417,7 +43581,7 @@ looks at gender gaps on modern Fordist/early Taylorist working environment} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000751648300011, @@ -43594,7 +43758,7 @@ looks at gender gaps on modern Fordist/early Taylorist working environment} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, web-of-science-categories = {Oncology; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::health,out::title} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::health,inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000753843100001, @@ -43793,7 +43957,7 @@ looks at gender gaps on modern Fordist/early Taylorist working environment} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::India,inequality::education,inequality::gender,out::abstract,region::AP}, + keywords = {cite::channels,country::India,inequality::education,inequality::gender,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP}, note = {looks at employment, LM adjacent outcomes and intersectional inequalities (gender, age, education); \par does NOT look at specific policy intervention} @@ -43974,7 +44138,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {19}, usage-count-since-2013 = {64}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::income,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP} } @article{WOS:000767997600001, @@ -43999,7 +44163,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {TODO::QUESTION} + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::QUESTION} } @article{WOS:000769995400001, @@ -44049,7 +44213,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {8}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {out::review,review::systematic,TODO::review} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::review,review::systematic,TODO::review} } @article{WOS:000771542600001, @@ -44125,7 +44289,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::poverty,region::MENA,TODO::full-text,type::cooperative\_entrepreneurship} + keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::poverty,inequality::spatial,region::MENA,TODO::full-text,type::cooperative\_entrepreneurship} } @article{WOS:000772433800001, @@ -44252,7 +44416,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Medicine, Legal; Social Issues; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::racial,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::income,inequality::racial,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000778983400018, @@ -44577,7 +44741,7 @@ does not look at LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, - keywords = {inequality::education,out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::education,inequality::ethnicity,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000785799500001, @@ -44752,7 +44916,7 @@ does not look at LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000792482000005, @@ -45235,7 +45399,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {method::qualitative,out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,method::qualitative,out::title} } @article{WOS:000810669600001, @@ -45406,7 +45570,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {country::Ethiopia,country::Jordan,region::MENA,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {country::Ethiopia,country::Jordan,inequality::disability,region::MENA,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/H7DSDGMX/Pincock et al_2022_COVID-19 and social policy in contexts of existing inequality.pdf} } @@ -45872,7 +46036,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, - keywords = {country::Malawi,method::qualitative,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {country::Malawi,inequality::disability,method::qualitative,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/325L9AYD/Remnant et al_2022_Disability inclusive employment in urban Malawi.pdf} } @@ -45899,7 +46063,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Gastroenterology \& Hepatology; Surgery; Transplantation}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000834837000001, @@ -45998,7 +46162,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000836454300009, @@ -46291,7 +46455,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Business}, - keywords = {inequality::gender,TODO::abstract,type::csr}, + keywords = {inequality::gender,inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract,type::csr}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/6KUSIQVK/Uduji_Okolo-Obasi_2022_Gender inequalities in rural labour markets.pdf} } @@ -46442,7 +46606,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Energy \& Fuels; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, - keywords = {country::Rwanda,inequality::gender,inequality::income,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract,type::infrastructure} + keywords = {country::Rwanda,inequality::gender,inequality::income,inequality::spatial,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract,type::infrastructure} } @article{WOS:000855148600001, @@ -46667,7 +46831,7 @@ does not look at specific intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {32}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {country::China,out::abstract,region::AP} + keywords = {country::China,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP} } @article{WOS:000861350800002, @@ -47067,7 +47231,7 @@ does not look at specific intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical; Sociology}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/FJYJPYPV/Wanggren et al_2023_Disability policy and practice in Malawian employment and education.pdf} } @@ -47668,7 +47832,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {5}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000911590500001, @@ -47938,7 +48102,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {18}, usage-count-since-2013 = {33}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/JRBT5U6G/Jia et al_2023_Inverted U-shaped relationship between education and family health.pdf} } @@ -48163,7 +48327,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/L9FESG7L/Sprague et al_2023_National policies on parental leave and breastfeeding breaks.pdf} } @@ -48213,7 +48377,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Dentistry, Oral Surgery \& Medicine; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract}, note = {does not look at policy intervention; does not look at LM adjacency} } @@ -48239,7 +48403,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography; Geography}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/9J4RT92J/Jivraj_Alao_2023_Are ethnic employment penalties mitigated in deprived neighbourhoods and in.pdf} } @@ -48442,7 +48606,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues; Social Work}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/8E2E3IKA/Peijen_Wilthagen_2023_Tackling ethnic minority disadvantage.pdf} } @@ -48491,7 +48655,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000946756100001, @@ -48569,7 +48733,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {18}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Transportation}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial,relevant,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000949807800014, @@ -48644,7 +48808,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000950272000001, @@ -48742,7 +48906,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Industrial Relations \& Labor}, - keywords = {review::scoping,TODO::review} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,review::scoping,TODO::review} } @article{WOS:000953785800001, @@ -48959,7 +49123,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::racial,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000962974100001, @@ -48981,7 +49145,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research; Ethnic Studies}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000964889700010, @@ -49002,7 +49166,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Law}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000966045000001, @@ -49052,7 +49216,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {9}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,relevant,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000967811100002, @@ -49079,7 +49243,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Cardiac \& Cardiovascular Systems}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000969287000001, @@ -49124,7 +49288,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000970517800003, @@ -49219,7 +49383,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Urban Studies}, - keywords = {country::Brazil,region::LAC,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {country::Brazil,inequality::income,region::LAC,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000975638800011, @@ -49460,7 +49624,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {8}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Family Studies}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TTSBVZLD/Magda et al_2023_What if she earns more.pdf} } @@ -49510,7 +49674,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Allergy; Immunology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000990405000001, @@ -49557,7 +49721,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Urban Studies}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract,type::collective\_action} + keywords = {inequality::racial,TODO::abstract,type::collective\_action} } @article{WOS:000994504900001, @@ -49580,7 +49744,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000995212900001, @@ -49895,7 +50059,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:001009883000001, @@ -49921,7 +50085,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Developmental}, - keywords = {out::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract}, note = {does not look at specific intervention nor LM adjacency} } @@ -49948,7 +50112,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:001012255600017, @@ -50019,7 +50183,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001018508200011, @@ -50116,7 +50280,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {5}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Hospitality, Leisure, Sport \& Tourism}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001024752900004, @@ -50337,7 +50501,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance; Economics}, - keywords = {country::Britain,region::EU,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {country::Britain,inequality::income,region::EU,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/FIA664ZF/Cribb et al_2023_Twenty-five years of income inequality in Britain.pdf} } @@ -50362,7 +50526,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:001034103200001, @@ -50481,7 +50645,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {8}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/2JKIMYUX/Neely et al_2023_Social inequality in high tech.pdf} } @@ -50576,7 +50740,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001040414700001, @@ -50736,7 +50900,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/JXYY3JXL/Kepper et al_2023_A communitywide collaboration to increase enrollment, retention, and success in.pdf} } @@ -50879,7 +51043,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Political Science}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001050303400001, @@ -50972,7 +51136,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/ADNB7G44/Witte et al_2023_Social representations of gender and their influence in Supported Employment.pdf} } @@ -50995,7 +51159,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001057986800001, @@ -51044,7 +51208,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Obstetrics \& Gynecology; Pediatrics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:001059015200025, @@ -51257,7 +51421,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001075675900010, @@ -51352,7 +51516,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {History}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:A1993PR69100007, @@ -51376,7 +51540,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Gerontology}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:A1994PP00700001, @@ -51400,7 +51564,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Political Science; Public Administration}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:A1994QD05600002, @@ -51423,7 +51587,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Regional \& Urban Planning}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:A1995QV53900010, @@ -51470,7 +51634,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:A1996UA41100012, @@ -51615,7 +51779,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics; Urban Studies}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Wright1975, @@ -51631,7 +51795,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} issn = {00377732}, doi = {10.2307/2576471}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Wu2004, @@ -51989,7 +52153,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {5}, usage-count-since-2013 = {52}, web-of-science-categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Environmental Studies; Transportation}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/GFZFR8VI/Zhao_Li_2016_Restraining transport inequality in growing cities.pdf} } @@ -52040,7 +52204,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} issn = {0770-3198, 1434-9949}, doi = {10.1007/s10067-007-0642-x}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @misc{zotero-15204, diff --git a/02-data/supplementary/lib.bib b/02-data/supplementary/lib.bib index 568eb12..380d81b 100644 --- a/02-data/supplementary/lib.bib +++ b/02-data/supplementary/lib.bib @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract There is an irreducible conflict between, on the one hand, the desire to allocate income in society in an equitable way and, on the other, the desire to alleviate poverty. The conflict materializes itself in the problem of designing a basic income (or negative income tax) system which requires formulating a workable compromise. This paper approaches the problem through solving a mathematical program whose utility-based objective function explicitly embodies both considerations. The solution describes a simple basic income system and its comparative statics indicate how the specification of the objective function leads to a more, or less, pro-poor solution.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {cite::framework,out::abstract,type::ubi} + keywords = {cite::framework,inequality::income,out::abstract,type::ubi} } @article{Abraham2022, @@ -692,7 +692,8 @@ issn = {1471-2458}, doi = {10.1186/1471-2458-12-470}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{AnneRoopnarine2012, @@ -742,7 +743,8 @@ issn = {0022-0388, 1743-9140}, doi = {10.1080/00220380701466567}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Anttila2012, @@ -758,7 +760,8 @@ pages = {9--48}, issn = {1878643X, 10554181}, doi = {10.3233/TAD-2012-0332}, - urldate = {2023-11-24} + urldate = {2023-11-24}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Anyanwu2014, @@ -826,7 +829,7 @@ urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Using a rich longitudinal data set, we examine the relationship between teen fertility and both subsequent educational outcomes and HIV-related mortality risk in rural South Africa. Human capital deficits among teen mothers are large and significant, with earlier births associated with greater deficits. In contrast to many other studies from developed countries, we find no clear evidence of selectivity into teen childbearing in either schooling trajectories or prefertility household characteristics. Enrollment rates among teen mothers only begin to drop in the period immediately preceding the birth, and future teen mothers are not behind in their schooling relative to other girls. Older teen mothers and those further ahead in school for their age prebirth are more likely to continue schooling after the birth. In addition to adolescents' higher biological vulnerability to HIV infection, pregnancy also appears to increase the risk of contracting HIV. Following women over an extended period, we document a higher HIV-related mortality risk for teen mothers that cannot be explained by household characteristics in early adulthood. Controlling for age at sexual debut, we find that teen mothers report lower condom use and older partners than other sexually active adolescents.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{Arksey2005, @@ -930,7 +933,7 @@ doi = {10.1086/298255}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Ashraf2014, @@ -1205,7 +1208,8 @@ doi = {10.1177/0149206305277800}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) has not achieved its potential, in part, because those it sought to help have shown a reluctance to request accommodations. Using survey data from 229 hearing-impaired employees and an expert panel, logistic regression confirmed that monetary costs and impositions on others negatively influence the likelihood of requesting recurring accommodations. Furthermore, monetary costs and impositions on others negatively influence the requester's assessments of the social consequences of making such requests. These consequences, in turn, can also negatively influence future disability accommodation requests.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Baldridge2013, @@ -1222,7 +1226,8 @@ doi = {10.1177/0149206310396375}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Prior research suggests that people with disabilities often do not request needed workplace accommodations, though relatively few studies address which factors influence the extent of such potentially self-limiting behavior. Drawing on workplace disability, help seeking, and social identity literature, this study proposes and tests a model of request withholding frequency using survey data from 279 people with hearing impairments. Consistent with expectations, older employees withheld requests less frequently; however, there was no main effect of gender. Moreover, the strength of the relationship between age and request withholding frequency was significantly weaker when the disability was more severe and when the age of disability onset was earlier. Similarly, disability severity influenced the strength of the relationship between gender and request withholding frequency, though the age of disability onset did not. These findings are consistent with social identity theory, in that those individual differences and disability attributes that shape social identities also appear to affect decisions to request disability accommodation. In practical terms, managers need to not only be supportive of disability accommodation requests but also recognize that some employees, such as young persons with disabilities, may need even more support, and support in a form that affirms or minimizes threats to other salient identities, such as their youth. Additional implications for management research and practice are discussed.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Balkhi2020, @@ -1283,7 +1288,8 @@ issn = {0892-7545, 1573-3378}, doi = {10.1007/s10672-007-9062-y}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Banna2022, @@ -1377,7 +1383,8 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, issn = {1748-3107, 1748-3115}, doi = {10.3109/17483107.2010.529631}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Baumol1974, @@ -1410,7 +1417,7 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, doi = {10.2307/1237396}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Baye2006, @@ -1524,7 +1531,7 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, issn = {00346535}, doi = {10.2307/2109377}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Bezak2022, @@ -1584,7 +1591,8 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, number = {2}, issn = {1898-0198, 1730-4237}, doi = {10.2478/v10031-011-0037-7}, - urldate = {2023-11-24} + urldate = {2023-11-24}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Bigsten1999, @@ -1601,7 +1609,7 @@ might be relevant due to focus on minimum wage policy interventions}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Poverty is gradually spreading to the urban areas of Ethiopia, although it remains more extensive in the rural areas. This paper presents the first substantial analysis, since the 1960s, of the distribution of urban incomes and their determinants. It uses data for 1994 for an analysis of the economic well-being of urban households; it shows that income diversification is a typical characteristic of the poor, while those who are better off derive more than 75 per cent of their income from wage employment. Multiple activity remains less common in urban Ethiopia than in comparable countries, which is not surprising, since the two-decade socialist rule ruined the private sector. {\textemdash} La pauvret{\'e}, d{\'e}j{\`a} g{\'e}n{\'e}ralis{\'e}e dans les r{\'e}gions rurales de l'Ethiopie, se r{\'e}pand progressivement dans les zones urbaines de ce pays. Cet article pr{\'e}sente la premi{\`e}re analyse approfondie relative {\`a} la distribution des revenus dans les villes et aux d{\'e}terminants de ces revenus, depuis les ann{\'e}es 60. Les donn{\'e}es pour 1994 sont utilis{\'e}es pour analyser les conditions de vie des m{\'e}nages urbains; l'article montre que la diversification du revenu est une caract{\'e}ristique des pauvres tandis que les couches de la population mieux nanties tirent plus de 75 pour cent de leurs revenus d'un emploi salari{\'e}. Par rapport {\`a} d'autres pays analogues, la multiplicit{\'e} de l'activit{\'e} reste peu courante dans les zones urbaines d'Ethiopie, ce qui n'est gu{\`e}re surprenant {\'e}tant donn{\'e} que les deux d{\'e}cennies de r{\'e}gime socialiste ont ruin{\'e} le secteur priv{\'e}.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Billava2016, @@ -1925,7 +1933,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} issn = {10472797}, doi = {10.1016/j.annepidem.2007.04.004}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Broadway2020, @@ -1986,7 +1995,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} doi = {10.1086/260730}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Burtless1981, @@ -2019,7 +2028,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} pages = {201--210}, issn = {1878643X, 10554181}, doi = {10.3233/TAD-2004-16402}, - urldate = {2023-11-24} + urldate = {2023-11-24}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Buvinic1998, @@ -2133,7 +2143,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} doi = {10.1086/229428}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Caldwell1978, @@ -2168,7 +2178,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} doi = {10.1111/cars.12091}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Cet article traite de l'impact d'une exp{\'e}rience sociale men{\'e}e dans les ann{\'e}es 1970, l'Exp{\'e}rience du revenu annuel de base du Manitoba (MINCOME). J'examine le lieu de ``saturation'' de la~MINCOME, la ville de Dauphin au Manitoba, o{\`u} tous les habitants {\'e}taient admissibles {\`a} des versements de revenus annuels garantis pendant trois ans. {\`A} partir d'archives de r{\'e}cits qualitatifs des participants je montre que la conception et le discours autour de la~MINCOME~ont amen{\'e} les participants {\`a} voir les versements d'un oeil pragmatique, contrairement {\`a} la perspective moralisatrice qu'inspire le bien-{\^e}tre sociale. Conform{\'e}ment {\`a} la th{\'e}orie existante cet article constate que la participation {\`a} la MINCOME n'a pas produit de stigmate social. Plus largement, cette {\'e}tude discute de la faisabilit{\'e} d'autres formes d'organisation socio-{\'e}conomique {\`a} travers une prise en compte des aspects moraux de la politique {\'e}conomique. La signification sociale de la~MINCOME~{\'e}tait suffisamment puissante pour que m{\^e}me les participants ayant des attitudes n{\'e}gatives {\`a} l'{\'e}gard d'aides gouvernementales se sentirent capables de recevoir des versements de la~MINCOME~sans un sentiment de contradiction. En occultant les distinctions entre les ``pauvres m{\'e}ritants'' et les ``pauvres non-m{\'e}ritants'', les programmes universalistes de support {\'e}conomique peuvent affaiblir la stigmatisation sociale et augmenter la durabilit{\'e} du programme. This paper examines the impact of a social experiment from the 1970s called the Manitoba Basic Annual Income Experiment (Mincome). I examine Mincome's ``saturation'' site located in Dauphin, Manitoba, where all town residents were eligible for guaranteed annual income payments for three years. Drawing on archived qualitative participant accounts I show that the design and framing of Mincome led participants to view payments through a pragmatic lens, rather than the moralistic lens through which welfare is viewed. Consistent with prior theory, this paper finds that Mincome participation did not produce social stigma. More broadly, this paper bears on the feasibility of alternative forms of socioeconomic organization through a consideration of the moral aspects of economic policy. The social meaning of Mincome was sufficiently powerful that even participants with particularly negative attitudes toward government assistance felt able to collect Mincome payments without a sense of contradiction. By obscuring the distinctions between the ``deserving'' and ``undeserving'' poor, universalistic income maintenance programs may weaken social stigmatization and strengthen program sustainability.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Calnitsky2019, @@ -2185,7 +2196,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {This essay evaluates the state of the debate around basic income, a controversial and much-discussed policy proposal. I explore its contested meaning and consider its potential impact. I provide a summary of the randomized guaranteed income experiments from the 1970s, emphasizing how experimental methods using scattered sets of isolated participants cannot capture the crucial social factors that help to explain changes in people's patterns of work. In contrast, I examine a community experiment from the same period, where all residents of the town of Dauphin, Manitoba, were eligible for basic income payments. This ``macro-experiment'' sheds light on the community-level realities of basic income. I describe evidence showing that wages offered by Dauphin businesses increased. Additionally, labor market participation fell. By ignoring the social interactions that characterize real-world community contexts, randomized studies underestimate the decline in labor market participation and its impact on employers. These findings depend to a great extent on the details of the policy design, and as such I conclude that the oft-proposed right{\textendash}left ideological alliance on basic income is unlikely to survive the move from basic income as a broad policy umbrella to basic income as a concrete policy option.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::abstract,type::ubi}, + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract,type::ubi}, note = {looks at LM adjacency and PI; \par does NOT look at inequalities affected} @@ -2374,7 +2385,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1080/20477724.2021.1878446}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title,review::narrative} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title,review::narrative} } @article{Chakravarty2018, @@ -2662,7 +2673,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {03788733}, doi = {10.1016/j.socnet.2016.06.004}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{Chung2009, @@ -2750,7 +2762,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1111/j.1549-0831.2011.00069.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {A bstract Researchers have been following a trend posited by the renowned anthropologist Janet Fitchen, which examines the increasing movement of low-income people to rural communities drawn not necessarily by labor market forces, but by the characteristics and amenities found in rural towns. This study adds to that literature by focusing on the ways in which public housing availability, changes in housing policy, and rural economic restructuring create opportunities for low-income families to relocate from urban to rural communities in search of affordable housing. Data collected from an ethnographic sample addressed the following questions: (1) what motivates individuals and families to leave their urban neighborhoods and relocate to rural towns and (2) what challenges do individuals and families have in sustaining stable housing in rural communities? Two main sets of literature relevant to this discussion include studies of patterns of residential mobility and explanations of rural economic restructuring. Both form the conceptual approach of this article by offering a framework to better understand the housing choices and behaviors of low-income families and the contexts in which these actions are situated.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Clark2019, @@ -2834,7 +2847,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Respiratory System; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {country::Botswana,inequality::age,inequality::gender,inequality::poverty,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::structural}, + keywords = {country::Botswana,inequality::age,inequality::disability,inequality::gender,inequality::poverty,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::structural}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/RKEU6M3V/Cockcroft et al_2018_Access of choice-disabled young women in Botswana to government structural.pdf} } @@ -2915,7 +2928,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1136/jech.53.11.725}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Cooke2006, @@ -2981,7 +2994,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1111/j.1549-0831.2002.tb00118.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract Accounts of poverty generally fall into either ``individualist'' or ``structuralist'' camps. Often these are seen as irreconcilable and incompatible competing perspectives. This paper integrates individualist and structuralist accounts of poverty by examining the relationship between ``person poverty'' and ``place poverty'' in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan labor markets, using a multilevel framework. I fashion a general model of poverty production and allocation, drawing on the labor market ecology perspective. After a discussion of this perspective, I develop a multilevel framework for analyzing data from the 1990 Census PUMS-L sample, STF-3c, and other sources to show how compositional and contextual factors affect households' likelihoods of being in poverty. These multilevel models also allow us to estimate the degree to which labor market conditions influence the magnitude of household labor supply characteristics. Results suggest that both compositional and contextual factors contribute to the metro-nonmetro difference in poverty rates, and that the effects of employment vary in accordance with labor market characteristics.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Coutinho2006, @@ -3013,7 +3027,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0735-2166, 1467-9906}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9906.2009.00455.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Craig2021a, @@ -3057,7 +3072,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280600948193}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Crowther2001, @@ -3228,7 +3244,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {146}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{Danson2015, @@ -3326,7 +3342,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1366-8250, 1469-9532}, doi = {10.1080/13668250903103676}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Davies2022, @@ -3369,7 +3386,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1093/aepp/ppp004}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract Local economic disparities, particularly lower average wages, higher overall unemployment rates and higher poverty rates may lead to rural{\textendash}urban differences in the use of public programs designed to support working low-income families. This study analyzes the dynamics of program participation and employment stability for rural and urban families in the Oregon childcare subsidy program. While families' demographic characteristics, employment stability, and participation in work support programs were similar, families in rural noncore counties tended to make less use of public assistance, including childcare subsidies, food stamps and welfare, than did families in metropolitan and micropolitan counties.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Davis2018, @@ -3402,7 +3420,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022-0388, 1743-9140}, doi = {10.1080/00220380600774723}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Debowicz2014, @@ -3515,7 +3534,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1748-3107, 1748-3115}, doi = {10.1080/09638280500167324}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Delesalle2021, @@ -3632,7 +3652,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Technology entrepreneurs have endorsed a universal basic income (UBI) as a remedy against disruptions of the work force due to automation. The advancement of information technologies could thus drastically reshape welfare state policy, but its impact on citizens' preferences about UBI is unexplored. We extend previous research on citizens' preferences showing a link between job automation and demand for redistribution to the case of UBI preferences. Using European Social Survey data in 21 countries, we find no association between risk of job automation and UBI support. Our findings suggest that UBI and redistribution preferences differ in two important ways: First, opinion formation about UBI is still ongoing. Second, demand for UBI is lower than demand for redistribution, and traditional supporters of redistribution are sceptical about an UBI. This points to the multidimensionality of policy preferences. Its universalistic nature could imply that UBI support is more culturally driven than traditional welfare policies.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::abstract,type::ubi} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract,type::ubi} } @article{Derndorfer2021, @@ -4210,7 +4230,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0033-5533, 1531-4650}, doi = {10.1162/00335530360535225}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{Edwards1984, @@ -4273,7 +4294,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.01.028}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{El-Nimr2021, @@ -4355,7 +4376,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00221465}, doi = {10.2307/2955347}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Ellis1998, @@ -4371,7 +4392,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1080/00220389808422553}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Emigh2018, @@ -4480,7 +4501,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0376-835X, 1470-3637}, doi = {10.1080/03768350500044347}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @article{Esteve2012, @@ -4665,7 +4687,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1932-6203}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0153391}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Finger2013, @@ -4743,7 +4766,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Recent demographic studies document movement of poor people from both urban and rural places to depressed rural communities. Such migration redistributes poverty to rural areas and further concentrates it within them. This article presents a case study of one depressed community in New York that became a migration destination for urban poor people, causing dramatic increases in poverty rate, welfare rolls, and service needs. On-site research showed that the community's attraction was inexpensive rental housing that had become available after loss of manufacturing jobs prompted a middle-class exodus. The lack of jobs was not a deterrent for low-income inmigrants, though, because many of them had limited job skills and other employment barriers and would have had difficulty getting or holding a job anyway. Similar processes of economic decline, population loss, and poverty inmigration appear to be occurring elsewhere also. The article identifies community-level impacts and policy implications; it concludes with suggestions for further research needs.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Fitzpatrick2015, @@ -4760,7 +4783,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Introduction Healthcare spending occurs disproportionately among a very small portion of the population. Research on these high-cost users (HCUs) of health care has been overwhelmingly cross-sectional in nature and limited to the few sociodemographic and clinical characteristics available in health administrative databases. This study is the first to bridge this knowledge gap by applying a population health lens to HCUs. We investigate associations between a broad range of SES characteristics and future HCUs. Methods A cohort of adults from two cycles of large, nationally representative health surveys conducted in 2003 and 2005 was linked to population-based health administrative databases from a universal healthcare plan for Ontario, Canada. Comprehensive person-centered estimates of annual healthcare spending were calculated for the subsequent 5 years following interview. Baseline HCUs (top 5\%) were excluded and healthcare spending for non-HCUs was analyzed. Adjusted for predisposition and need factors, the odds of future HCU status (over 5 years) were estimated according to various individual, household, and neighborhood SES factors. Analyses were conducted in 2014. Results Low income (personal and household); less than post-secondary education; and living in high-dependency neighborhoods greatly increased the odds of future HCUs. After adjustment, future HCU status was most strongly associated with food insecurity, personal income, and non-homeownership. Living in highly deprived or low ethnic concentration neighborhoods also increased the odds of becoming an HCU. Conclusions Findings suggest that addressing social determinants of health, such as food and housing security, may be important components of interventions aiming to improve health outcomes and reduce costs.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::health,inequality::socio-demographic,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::health,inequality::income,inequality::socio-demographic,out::abstract} } @article{Fitzpatrick2020, @@ -4842,7 +4865,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {2240-9971, 2280-188X}, doi = {10.3280/SPE2010-001001}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - abstract = {Between 1968 and 1980, five negative income tax field experiments were conducted in North America. This essay examines the history of these five experiments, both in the political and social contexts of the period and as one chapter in the historical evolution of the social sciences. It considers the political and social contexts of the period and explores the ways in which these experiments were both generated by, and a challenge to, these deeper currents. The essay also presents some preliminary health and social results from a re-examination of the Canadian experiment} + abstract = {Between 1968 and 1980, five negative income tax field experiments were conducted in North America. This essay examines the history of these five experiments, both in the political and social contexts of the period and as one chapter in the historical evolution of the social sciences. It considers the political and social contexts of the period and explores the ways in which these experiments were both generated by, and a challenge to, these deeper currents. The essay also presents some preliminary health and social results from a re-examination of the Canadian experiment}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forget2011, @@ -4859,7 +4883,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.3138/cpp.37.3.283}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {This paper has two purposes. First, it documents the historical context of MINCOME, a Canadian guaranteed annual income field experiment (1974 to 1979). Second, it uses routinely collected health administration data and a quasi-experimental design to document an 8.5 percent reduction in the hospitalization rate for participants relative to controls, particularly for accidents and injuries and mental health. We also found that participant contacts with physicians declined, especially for mental health, and that more adolescents continued into grade 12. We found no increase in fertility, family dissolution rates, or improved birth outcomes. We conclude that a relatively modest GAI can improve population health, suggesting significant health system savings.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forget2013, @@ -4875,7 +4900,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00917435}, doi = {10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.05.029}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forget2013a, @@ -4890,7 +4916,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {2183-2803}, doi = {10.17645/si.v1i2.113}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - abstract = {The austerity movement in high-income countries of Europe and North America has renewed calls for a guaranteed Basic Income. At the same time, conditional and unconditional cash transfers accompanied by rigorous impact evaluations have been conducted in low- and middle-income countries with the explicit support of the World Bank. Both Basic Income and cash transfer programs are more confidently designed when based on empirical evidence and social theory that explain how and why cash transfers to citizens are effective ways of encouraging investment in human capital through health and education spending. Are conditional cash transfers more effective and/or more efficient than unconditional transfers? Are means-tested transfers effective? This essay draws explicit parallels between Basic Income and unconditional cash transfers, and demonstrates that cash transfers to citizens work in remarkably similar ways in low-, middle- and high-income countries. It addresses the theoretical foundation of cash transfers. Of the four theories discussed, three explicitly acknowledge the interdependence of society and are based, in increasingly complex ways, on ideas of social inclusion. Only if we have an understanding of how cash transfers affect decision-making can we address questions of how best to design cash transfer schemes.} + abstract = {The austerity movement in high-income countries of Europe and North America has renewed calls for a guaranteed Basic Income. At the same time, conditional and unconditional cash transfers accompanied by rigorous impact evaluations have been conducted in low- and middle-income countries with the explicit support of the World Bank. Both Basic Income and cash transfer programs are more confidently designed when based on empirical evidence and social theory that explain how and why cash transfers to citizens are effective ways of encouraging investment in human capital through health and education spending. Are conditional cash transfers more effective and/or more efficient than unconditional transfers? Are means-tested transfers effective? This essay draws explicit parallels between Basic Income and unconditional cash transfers, and demonstrates that cash transfers to citizens work in remarkably similar ways in low-, middle- and high-income countries. It addresses the theoretical foundation of cash transfers. Of the four theories discussed, three explicitly acknowledge the interdependence of society and are based, in increasingly complex ways, on ideas of social inclusion. Only if we have an understanding of how cash transfers affect decision-making can we address questions of how best to design cash transfer schemes.}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Forman-Hoffman2008, @@ -4981,7 +5008,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0258-9001, 1469-9397}, doi = {10.1080/0258900042000329457}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Frayne2007, @@ -5086,7 +5114,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1177/0164027508330722}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Older workers' share of involuntary job losses in the United States has grown fairly consistently in recent decades, prompting greater interest in the health consequences of involuntary unemployment among individuals nearing retirement. In this study, the authors applied the multifactorial model of geriatric health to investigate whether late-career involuntary job loss was associated with subsequent physical disability and whether the effect of involuntary job loss on physical disability varied by predisposition. Using data from the first four waves (1992 to 1998) of the Health and Retirement Survey, the authors measured predisposition with individual risk factors for functional disability and indices of aggregate risk. The results of gender-specific models fit with generalized estimating equations revealed that unmarried women and those with low predisplacement incomes had heightened risk for subsequent functional disability. No differential effects of job loss were found for men.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Galor1999, @@ -5317,7 +5346,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32083-X}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review,type::ubi} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review,type::ubi} } @article{Gilbert1982, @@ -5694,7 +5723,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {00346535}, doi = {10.2307/1935854}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Greenberg1983, @@ -5711,7 +5740,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1086/298019}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Greene1997, @@ -5777,7 +5806,7 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145406}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Gronn2002, @@ -5930,7 +5959,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} issn = {1366-8803, 1469-3615}, doi = {10.1080/13668803.2010.520849}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Haller1994, @@ -6030,7 +6060,8 @@ does NOT look at inequalities affected} doi = {10.1108/S1479-354720170000010008}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, isbn = {978-1-78714-606-8 978-1-78714-605-1}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @book{Hankivsky2019, @@ -6255,7 +6286,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1111/j.1533-8525.1999.tb00544.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Heath2017, @@ -6303,7 +6334,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1093/swra/13.2.17}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Herbst2008, @@ -6479,7 +6510,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.18235/0001849}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {This paper evaluates the impacts of a public program that introduced access to part-time childcare centers for children younger than four years of age in poor urban areas in Nicaragua. We explore the effects of this program on several measures of children's and parental outcomes. Our identification strategy exploits the original randomization and the distance to the centers, using Instrumental Variables (IV) and Marginal Treatment Effects (MTE) methods to tackle imperfect compliance with the original treatment assignments. We present a theoretical model to rationalize our IV assumptions. We find a positive impact of 0.35 standard deviations on the personal-social domain of a widely used development test, and an impact of 14 percentage points on mothers' work participation. Our results are robust to different econometric specifications. We also find suggestive evidence that quality greatly matters for the impacts at the child level, but not at the mother level.}, - keywords = {country::Nicaragua,done::extracted,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,region::LAC,relevant,type::maternity\_benefit}, + keywords = {country::Nicaragua,done::extracted,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::income,region::LAC,relevant,type::maternity\_benefit}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/5RWXD2JC/Hojman_López Bóo_2019_Cost-Effective Public Daycare in a Low-Income Economy Benefits Children and.pdf} } @@ -6628,7 +6659,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1016/j.ssmmh.2021.100039}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{Hotchkiss2017, @@ -6737,7 +6768,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Marital dissolutions occur for a variety of reasons. Among low income families, the added stress of inadequate earnings, intermittent job spells, and high unemployment may contribute to the decision to end a marriage. One approach to end poverty and marital instability is to give income assistance to the poor. At the same time, cash transfers might foster family breakups, intentionally or otherwise. For example, if the welfare system is designed such that individuals are better off living separately than together, there will be a financial incentive to split. The effect of income transfers on family structure is theoretically ambiguous. On the one hand, low income families may become more stable if stress factors associated with low earnings, intermittent job spells and the like are lessened by the receipt of assistance. On the other hand, unstable marriages held together strictly for economic convenience may have their bonds weakened if individuals, when separated, are eligible for support. Consequently, whether income assistance engenders, on balance, effects which are stabilising or destabilising is an empirical question which depends upon the specific population group and the assistance program under consideration. This paper employs microdata from MINCOME (Canada's experimental test of guaranteed income) to examine the effect of various income transfers on family dissolution. Employing a path model, we find that family income level is principally an intervening rather than a direct factor in determining whether or not a family will stay intact. Our results suggest that whether or not the male head has a stable work pattern, and whether or not the female head works at all, or earns more than her spouse, are more direct contributors to marital instability than the level of family income itself.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Hum1993, @@ -6754,7 +6785,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1086/298335}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Hupkau2020, @@ -6839,7 +6870,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1080/10511482.1998.9521321}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Ihlanfeldt2006, @@ -7101,7 +7132,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c issn = {00377732}, doi = {10.2307/2580495}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Jahid2022, @@ -7321,7 +7352,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1111/j.1465-7295.1980.tb00586.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Jokela2010, @@ -7438,7 +7469,8 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1111/j.1741-3737.2006.00350.x}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {This article focuses on how maternal employment in nonstandard schedules at night, on the weekends, or that rotate on a weekly basis influence preschoolers' behavioral outcomes. Examining low-income working mothers and their children aged 2 {\textendash} 4 years from the Welfare, Children, and Families: A Three-City Study ( N = 206), we find that maternal nonstandard schedules are associated with negative behavioral outcomes for young children. There is some evidence that the negative effects of nonstandard schedules on behavior problems operate indirectly through increased parenting stress. Moderating influences of child gender and family composition are also detected. These findings are consistent with the small number of studies demonstrating the negative effects of nonstandard schedules on children of varying ages.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Joshi2012, @@ -7555,7 +7587,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1080/10511482.1992.9521100}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kalasa2021, @@ -7783,7 +7815,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145299}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1979, @@ -7799,7 +7831,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c doi = {10.1080/05775132.1979.11470502}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1980, @@ -7815,7 +7847,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145408}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1980a, @@ -7831,7 +7863,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145407}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Keeley1987, @@ -7849,7 +7881,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c issn = {00206598}, doi = {10.2307/2526870}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kehrer1979, @@ -7866,7 +7898,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145316}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kerachsky1977, @@ -7897,7 +7929,7 @@ main facilitators: legislation and disability policies; support from people in c issn = {0036-8733}, doi = {10.1038/scientificamerican1072-19}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Kgel2004, @@ -8324,7 +8356,8 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas issn = {0355-3140, 1795-990X}, doi = {10.5271/sjweh.3290}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lacaille2004, @@ -8340,7 +8373,8 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas doi = {10.1002/art.20690}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Abstract Objective To define work-related factors associated with increased risk of work disability (WD) in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods Questionnaires were mailed to all RA patients who used a province-wide arthritis treatment program between 1991 and 1998 (n = 1,824). The association between risk factors and WD (defined as no paid work due to RA for at least 6 months) was assessed using multiple logistic regression analysis, controlling for significant sociodemographic and disease-related variables. Results Of the original 1,824 patients, 581 were eligible and responded to the questionnaire. Work survival analysis revealed a steady rate of WD starting early, with 7.5\%, 18\%, and 27\% work disabled at 1, 5, and 10 years, respectively. Significant determinants in multiple logistic regression were physical function (Health Assessment Questionnaire), pain (visual analog scale), and 6 work-related factors: self employment, workstation modification, work importance, family support toward employment, commuting difficulty, and comfort telling coworkers about RA. Conclusion Work disability occurs early in RA. Novel work-related factors were identified, which are potentially modifiable, to help RA patients stay employed.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lanfranconi2014, @@ -8400,7 +8434,8 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas doi = {10.1093/heapol/czw020}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Abstract Intersectionality has emerged as an important framework for understanding and responding to health inequities by making visible the fluid and interconnected structures of power that create them. It promotes an understanding of the dynamic nature of the privileges and disadvantages that permeate health systems and affect health. It considers the interaction of different social stratifiers (e.g. `race'/ethnicity, indigeneity, gender, class, sexuality, geography, age, disability/ability, migration status, religion) and the power structures that underpin them at multiple levels. In doing so, it is a departure from previous health inequalities research that looked at these forms of social stratification in isolation from one another or in an additive manner. Despite its potential use and long history in other disciplines, intersectionality is uncommonly used in health systems research in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). To orient readers to intersectionality theory and research, we first define intersectionality and describe its role in public health, and then we review resources on intersectionality. We found that applications in public health mostly increased after 2009, with only 14 out of 86 articles focused on LMICs. To arrive at 10 best resources, we selected articles based on the proportion of the article that was devoted to intersectionality, the strength of the intersectionality analysis, and its relevance to LMICs. The first four resources explain intersectionality as a methodology. The subsequent six articles apply intersectionality to research in LMIC with quantitative and qualitative analysis. We provide examples from India, Swaziland, Uganda and Mexico. Topics for the studies range from HIV, violence and sexual abuse to immunization and the use of health entitlements. Through these 10 resources, we hope to spark interest and open a needed conversation on the importance and use of intersectional analysis in LMICs as part of understanding people-centred health systems.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Lawal2022, @@ -8416,7 +8451,7 @@ policy recc: changes to FLFP require replacement of traditional value system bas doi = {10.1080/13548506.2020.1865548}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,out::title} } @article{Lee2005, @@ -8597,7 +8632,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {0002-9602, 1537-5390}, doi = {10.1086/669499}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{Lin2016, @@ -8642,7 +8678,7 @@ policy recc: usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {39}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/KD7RUUTC/Lindsay_2011_Discrimination and other barriers to employment for teens and young adults with.pdf} } @@ -8658,7 +8694,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.3109/09638288.2011.603015}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lindsay2013, @@ -8673,7 +8710,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.3109/09638288.2013.775356}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Lindsay2015a, @@ -8700,7 +8738,7 @@ policy recc: usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {39}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract} } @article{Lindsay2018, @@ -8846,7 +8884,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {0968-7599, 1360-0508}, doi = {10.1080/0968759042000283629}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Locke2012, @@ -8862,7 +8901,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {0022-0388, 1743-9140}, doi = {10.1080/00220388.2011.629650}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Loureiro2020, @@ -9262,7 +9302,7 @@ policy recc: issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145317}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Mberu2014, @@ -9316,7 +9356,7 @@ does NOT look at results of specific policy interventions} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145319}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{McDowell2015, @@ -9366,7 +9406,7 @@ does NOT look at results of specific policy interventions} issn = {00130095}, doi = {10.2307/144026}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{McLaughlin2017, @@ -9414,7 +9454,8 @@ does NOT look at results of specific policy interventions} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280500494819}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Mein1998, @@ -9708,7 +9749,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1257/089533003769204380}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {The negative income tax proposed by Milton Friedman represents one of the fundamental ideas of modern welfare policy. However, the academic literature has raised two difficulties with it, one challenging its purported work incentives and the other suggesting the possible superiority of work requirements. In addition, work requirement approaches have gained ground in actual U.S. welfare policy over the last 30 years and the number of different programs has proliferated, another development counter to the negative income tax. On the other hand, the Earned Income Tax Credit has produced a negative-income-tax-like program on a vast scale.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{Moffitt2012, @@ -9725,7 +9767,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1108/S0147-9121(2012)0000035030}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, isbn = {978-1-78190-218-9 978-1-78190-219-6}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Moghadam2004, @@ -9773,7 +9816,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280802658350}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::spatial} } @article{Moon2012, @@ -9805,7 +9849,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1177/00343552020450040601}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {The purpose of this study was to identify higher levels of income, based on consumer characteristics (i.e., gender, race/ethnicity, Hispanic origin) and service variables (i.e., assessment, restoration, job placement), for persons who are deaf and closed rehabilitated (Status 26). A split-half cross-validation research design was used to evaluate 2,422 case records obtained from the RSA-911 database for fiscal year 1996 on three consumer and eight service variables. Results are presented for income, and the implications of findings for research and practice are discussed.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Morgan2018, @@ -9934,7 +9979,7 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {The objective was to determine long-term psychological distress and quality of life (QOL) in young adult survivors of pediatric burns using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Scale II (WHODAS) and the Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B). Fifty burn survivors 2.5 to 12.5 years postburn (16{\textendash}21.5 years old; 56\% male, 82\% Hispanic) completed the WHODAS and BSHS-B. The WHODAS measures health and disability and the BSHS-B measures psychosocial and physical difficulties. Scores were calculated for each instrument, and then grouped by years postburn, TBSA, sex, burn age, and survey age to compare the effects of each. Next, the instruments were compared with each other. The WHODAS disability score mean was 14.4 {$\pm$} 2.1. BSHS-B domain scores ranged from 3 to 3.7. In general, as TBSA burned increased, QOL decreased. Female burn survivors, survivors burned prior to school entry, and adolescents who had yet to transition into adulthood reported better QOL than their counterparts. In all domains except Participation, the WHODAS consistently identified more individuals with lower QOL than the BSHS-B. Young adult burn survivors' QOL features more disability than their nonburned counterparts, but score in the upper 25\% for QOL on the BSHS-B. This analysis revealed the need for long-term psychosocial intervention for survivors with larger TBSA, males, those burned after school entry, and those transitioning into adulthood. Both instruments are useful tools for assessing burn survivors' QOL and both should be given as they discern different individuals. However, the WHODAS is more sensitive than the BSHS-B in identifying QOL issues.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @book{Murray2012, @@ -9946,7 +9991,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} doi = {10.1057/9781137265227}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, isbn = {978-1-349-33054-6 978-1-137-26522-7}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Muzaffar2022, @@ -9980,7 +10026,8 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280802305929}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Myers2017, @@ -10112,7 +10159,7 @@ NO LM adjacency for outcomes} issn = {00377791, 15338533}, doi = {10.2307/800563}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::racial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Neuberg1988, @@ -10347,7 +10394,7 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145321}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @incollection{OConnor2008, @@ -10477,7 +10524,8 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o number = {1}, issn = {1932-0183, 2194-6094}, doi = {10.1515/bis-2012-0007}, - urldate = {2023-11-20} + urldate = {2023-11-20}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Oteng-Ababio2012, @@ -10576,7 +10624,8 @@ barrier/facilitators: self-advocacy, support of employer and community, amount o issn = {1756-1833}, doi = {10.1136/bmj.i6473}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Pallangyo2020, @@ -10963,7 +11012,7 @@ migration.}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cited::previous\_reviews,out::review,out::title,review::systematic,type::ubi} + keywords = {cited::previous\_reviews,inequality::income,out::review,out::title,review::systematic,type::ubi} } @article{Piquero2020, @@ -11055,7 +11104,7 @@ migration.}, doi = {10.1080/00324728.1974.10405193}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Popkin1993, @@ -11072,7 +11121,7 @@ migration.}, issn = {02768739}, doi = {10.2307/3325306}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Poppen2017, @@ -11260,7 +11309,8 @@ migration.}, institution = {{National Bureau of Economic Research}}, doi = {10.3386/w14973}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{Quisumbing2007, @@ -11531,7 +11581,7 @@ migration.}, doi = {10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30229-1}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{Robins1980, @@ -11563,7 +11613,7 @@ migration.}, issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145685}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Robins1986, @@ -11639,7 +11689,8 @@ migration.}, doi = {10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03322.x}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {This paper aimed to discuss functioning, quality of life, (QoL) and lifespan care issues of adolescents and young adults with childhood-onset physical disability from a clinical, scientific, and personal perspective. We present a r{\'e}sum{\'e} of results of recently performed studies in rehabilitation-based samples of (young) adults with childhood-onset conditions such as cerebral palsy (CP) and spina bifida (SB), and different models of transition and lifespan care. The studies showed that many young adults with a childhood-onset disability experience health-related problems such as functional deterioration, pain or fatigue, and an inactive lifestyle. A significant number are restricted in participation in work, housing, and intimate relationships. They perceive a lower health-related and global QoL compared with a reference group. In some centres in the UK and the Netherlands specialized outpatient services are available or being developed. In conclusion, transition to adulthood is a critical phase for reaching autonomous participation in adult life. There is an international challenge to incorporate a lifespan perspective in paediatric, transition, and adult health care services for persons with a childhood-onset disability.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Roessler2007, @@ -11900,7 +11951,7 @@ policy recc: urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {The general purpose of the four negative income tax (NIT) experiments was to evaluate the impact of a guaranteed income on labor participation. Beyond this general objective, certain subobjectives can be identified, three of which define the purpose of this analysis. The first is to determine what effect an income maintenance experiment program can have on the health and educational status of children from low-income families, the second is to examine the long-range effects of such a program, and the third is to complete a policy analysis using these results to consider the relative effectiveness of service programs and income maintenance programs in promoting child development and stability. The results show that the NIT experiments were effective in reducing a child's risk of being at poverty. The implications of this are discussed from several policy perspectives.}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Salm2009, @@ -11963,7 +12014,8 @@ policy recc: doi = {10.1080/0042098042000214815}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {While policy-makers assert that increased public transit mobility can positively affect employment status for low-income persons, there is little empirical evidence to support this theory. It is generally assumed that public transit can effectively link unemployed, car-less, persons with appropriate job locations{\textemdash}hence the call for more public transit services to assist moving welfare recipients to gainful employment. Thus far, the available evidence is anecdotal, while general patterns of transit access in relationship to labour participation remain relatively unexplored. This analysis examines whether increased transit access is associated with the case status (employment status) of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients in the Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colorado; Milwaukee, Wisconsin ; and Portland, Oregon metropolitan areas. Individual TANF recipient location data, transit route/stop data and employment location data were used in limited dependent variable regression analyses to predict the employment status of TANF recipients. The results of this analysis indicate that access to fixed-route transit and employment concentrations had virtually no association with the employment outcomes of TANF recipients in the six selected metropolitan areas.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Sanghi2015, @@ -12061,7 +12113,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {1748-3107, 1748-3115}, doi = {10.3109/17483101003746360}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Schaller2006, @@ -12229,7 +12282,7 @@ policy recc: doi = {10.1016/j.jaad.2020.04.046}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{Sharma2020, @@ -12509,7 +12562,7 @@ policy recc: usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/4ZQS8WLS/Slack_2010_Working Poverty across the Metro-Nonmetro Divide.pdf} } @@ -12591,7 +12644,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {19366574}, doi = {10.1016/j.dhjo.2009.04.002}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Solovieva2011, @@ -12606,7 +12660,8 @@ policy recc: issn = {19366574}, doi = {10.1016/j.dhjo.2010.03.001}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{SolstadVedeler2011, @@ -12623,7 +12678,8 @@ policy recc: doi = {10.1177/1044207310395942}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Workplace accommodation is an important measure to ensure equal employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Substantial research has investigated workplace accommodations in the United States. This article represents a first step in exploring the complexities of workplace accommodation from a cross-national perspective. Drawing on 29 qualitative interviews with employed Americans and Norwegians with mobility disabilities, we investigated similarities and differences in experiences with accommodation provision. Two main similarities emerged: Many of the American and Norwegian interviewees made use of accommodations, and the employer played an important role in the provision process in both countries. Concerning the particular role of the employer, two main differences emerged: American interviewees' accounts of obstacles to a smooth accommodation process were related to the redistribution agent (i.e., the employer). In Norway, employers can either provide the accommodation themselves or make use of subsidized public services. When the employer chose to make use of public services, Norwegian interviewees reported a slow process and obstacles that were related to the recognition of eligibility, which rests on medical assessment. The article reveals a common vulnerability among people with disabilities when dependent on the recognition of their needs and effective provision of workplace accommodation to be competitive employees.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Son2021, @@ -12811,7 +12867,8 @@ does NOT look at policy impacts (but theories behind it)} doi = {10.2202/1935-1682.1645}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract This paper re-examines the labor supply responses in the Seattle and Denver Income Maintenance Experiments (SIME/DIME). Specifically, the original experimental results show a significantly larger labor supply response for men and women from dual-headed households in the five-year Negative Income Tax (NIT) treatment relative to those in the three-year NIT treatment. Although typically thought of only as an NIT experiment, the SIME/DIME also included a job training experiment that enrolled roughly 60 percent of households, including both NIT treatment and control households. The original empirical specification imposed strong assumptions on the treatment response to the job training experiment in order to increase the precision of the estimated parameters. Once these assumptions are relaxed, the labor supply differences between men in the three- and five-year NIT treatments fall by over 50 percent in magnitude and become statistically insignificant. The analogous differences for women are almost entirely explained by these specification changes. Whereas the original findings of the SIME/DIME were inconsistent with the standard life-cycle labor supply model, the results of the re-analysis are mostly consistent with the model.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Stock2021, @@ -13162,7 +13219,8 @@ main findings: issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.3109/09638288.2010.503257}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Teshome2021, @@ -13655,7 +13713,8 @@ inequality: issn = {0144-1647, 1464-5327}, doi = {10.1080/01441640701450627}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Vera-Sanso2012, @@ -13845,7 +13904,8 @@ uses cash benefit to identify `increased need' sample but is not impact study fo doi = {10.1002/jid.1500}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, abstract = {Abstract Objectives To identify whether individual and household economic empowerment is associated with lower intimate partner violence in low and middle income country settings. Methods Systematic PubMed and internet searches. Results Published data from 41 sites were reviewed. Household assets and women's higher education were generally protective. Evidence about women's involvement in income generation and experience of past year violence was mixed, with five finding a protective association and six documenting a risk association. Conclusion At an individual and household level, economic development and poverty reduction may have protective impacts on IPV. Context specific factors influence whether financial autonomy is protective or associated with increased risk. Copyright {\textcopyright} 2008 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. This article was published online on 6 October 2008. Errors were subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected [17 April 2009].}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{Wacquant1996, @@ -14115,7 +14175,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} issn = {0022166X}, doi = {10.2307/145404}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{Wekwete2014, @@ -14238,7 +14298,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} issn = {0963-8288, 1464-5165}, doi = {10.1080/09638280400020631}, urldate = {2023-11-24}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{Weziak-Bialowolska2020, @@ -14313,7 +14374,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {country::Britain,region::EU,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::work\_programme}, + keywords = {country::Britain,inequality::spatial,region::EU,relevant,TODO::full-text,type::work\_programme}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TRVEJ5HN/Whitworth_2020_Activating spatial inequality.pdf} } @@ -14355,7 +14416,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} doi = {10.4324/9781315239934}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, isbn = {978-1-315-23993-4}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @inbook{Widerquist2018, @@ -14372,7 +14434,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} collaborator = {Widerquist, Karl}, isbn = {978-3-030-03848-9 978-3-030-03849-6}, langid = {english}, - keywords = {out::full-text,review::critical} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::full-text,review::critical} } @article{Williams2013, @@ -14450,7 +14512,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income doi = {10.1017/S0305741010001037}, urldate = {2023-11-20}, abstract = {Abstract This article explores the relationship between gender and income inequality within and across households in an urban Chinese sample by looking at survey data from 381 married couples with infants born in a Nanjing hospital between 2006 and 2007 and in-depth interviews with a subsample of 80 of these couples. We explore the relationship between family income and differences between husbands' and wives' work preferences. A couple-level quantitative analysis shows that in lower-income families, husbands were more likely than their wives to prefer career advancement and low stress at work, and wives were more likely than their husbands to prefer state jobs. Our analyses of the qualitative subsample show that, even though high-income husbands and wives are more likely to share similar work preferences, the household division of roles within their marriages is still gendered along traditional lines, as it is in the marriages of low-income couples.}, - langid = {english} + langid = {english}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000074906000002, @@ -14474,7 +14537,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::racial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:000076158900009, @@ -14521,7 +14584,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::income,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:000080028000001, @@ -14643,7 +14706,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {issue::age,out::year} + keywords = {inequality::racial,issue::age,out::year} } @article{WOS:000084333500002, @@ -15131,7 +15194,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Economics; Food Science \& Technology; Nutrition \& Dietetics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000171386100003, @@ -15228,7 +15291,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000174600700003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {48}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Environmental Studies; Urban Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Environmental Studies; Urban Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000174824800007, @@ -15250,7 +15314,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000174824800007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000174924400007, @@ -15434,7 +15499,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000180871700004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, - web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research} + web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000181129800025, @@ -15504,7 +15570,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000181952800004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning} + web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000182309600001, @@ -15549,7 +15616,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000182381400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000182457600010, @@ -15829,7 +15897,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000188929600007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {9}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000207962500008, @@ -15853,7 +15922,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000207962500008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {34}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics; Geography} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics; Geography}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000208438200007, @@ -16043,7 +16113,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {country::US,inequality::disability,inequality::health,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {country::US,inequality::disability,inequality::health,inequality::income,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000218708600006, @@ -16091,7 +16161,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000220546300004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {9}, - web-of-science-categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Agricultural Economics \& Policy; Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000222194300003, @@ -16115,7 +16186,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000222194300003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {36}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000223418200008, @@ -16139,6 +16211,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor; Management}, + keywords = {inequality::racial}, note = {79th Conference of the Applied-Econometrics-Association, UNIV LIBRE BRUXELLES, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, MAY 28-29, 2002} } @@ -16328,7 +16401,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000227835700016}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000228006600008, @@ -16495,7 +16569,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000234984100004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000235549200007, @@ -16591,7 +16666,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {country::US,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {country::US,inequality::income,inequality::spatial,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/M5RULSJI/Wu et al_2006_Effects of government policies on urban and rural income inequality.pdf} } @@ -16615,7 +16690,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000238311400010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000238750800004, @@ -16780,7 +16856,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000240215300003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, - web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research} + web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000240306500013, @@ -16875,7 +16952,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000241196600004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000241430900002, @@ -16945,7 +17023,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000242957200007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Public Administration} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Public Administration}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000243910000002, @@ -17041,7 +17120,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000245685800012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000246089600014, @@ -17205,7 +17285,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000247675600010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {25}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000248294500001, @@ -17276,7 +17357,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000249870000067}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {11}, - web-of-science-categories = {Pediatrics} + web-of-science-categories = {Pediatrics}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000250197100001, @@ -17324,7 +17406,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000250927900003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Law; Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Law; Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000250967400004, @@ -17397,7 +17480,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000251874400013}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, - web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal} + web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000252108500007, @@ -17706,7 +17790,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000257188500012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000257894000001, @@ -17990,7 +18075,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000262734800003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration} + web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000263421500001, @@ -18013,7 +18099,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000263421500001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {54}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000263585700004, @@ -18156,7 +18243,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000264826300003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Work} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000264982800003, @@ -18251,7 +18339,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000265423400004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {30}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000265682700021, @@ -18322,7 +18411,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000266247900008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {25}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000266348500008, @@ -18581,7 +18671,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000270304400005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000270315500002, @@ -18842,7 +18933,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000276152500009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {28}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000276507700012, @@ -18912,7 +19004,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000277170500010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {45}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000277552000008, @@ -19006,7 +19099,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000278802400030}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{WOS:000278891300008, @@ -19118,7 +19212,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000279876100002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {21}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000279980500003, @@ -19331,7 +19426,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000283018000006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000283604600015, @@ -19399,7 +19495,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000284683400014}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {11}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000284919500007, @@ -19444,7 +19541,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000285177200010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {149}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000285179900011, @@ -19492,7 +19590,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000285250000002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000285631100003, @@ -19539,7 +19638,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000285776100004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {28}, - web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Developmental; Pediatrics; Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Developmental; Pediatrics; Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000286214700004, @@ -19587,7 +19687,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000286559600001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000287073700007, @@ -19658,7 +19759,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000287963300002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, - web-of-science-categories = {Political Science; Social Issues; Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Political Science; Social Issues; Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000287991100009, @@ -19682,7 +19784,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000287991100009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {67}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000288271100004, @@ -19726,7 +19829,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000288321800001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000289242800030, @@ -19844,7 +19948,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000289865100023}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000290052600010, @@ -19867,7 +19972,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000290052600010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Work} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000290057000008, @@ -19960,7 +20066,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000291221100002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000291261100001, @@ -20080,7 +20187,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000292427700042}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {43}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Geography; Transportation} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Geography; Transportation}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000293187200003, @@ -20784,7 +20892,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000303670800004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {38}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medical Informatics} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medical Informatics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000303813000006, @@ -20831,7 +20940,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000303918400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {29}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000304449900002, @@ -20973,7 +21083,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000305751500003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000305868300001, @@ -21139,7 +21250,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000306435500017}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000306890000021, @@ -21163,7 +21275,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000306890000021}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000307227200001, @@ -21351,7 +21464,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000310433700007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000310654400006, @@ -21420,7 +21534,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000311000300011}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000311764000005, @@ -21444,7 +21559,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000311764000005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {28}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @incollection{WOS:000312934300003, @@ -21536,7 +21652,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000313767200004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {63}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000313988500021, @@ -21726,7 +21843,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000316322300001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000316405300002, @@ -21819,7 +21937,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000316806600006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000317149000018, @@ -21953,6 +22072,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial}, note = {4th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), Valencia, SPAIN, MAR 08-10, 2010} } @@ -21977,7 +22097,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000318904400013}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {37}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000319278100002, @@ -22046,7 +22167,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000320907000004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {30}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000321484200005, @@ -22185,7 +22307,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000322902300004}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {22}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000322902300006, @@ -22254,7 +22377,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000323427100001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000323454800001, @@ -22395,7 +22519,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000326013200006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {39}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000327154100006, @@ -22515,7 +22640,8 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income unique-id = {WOS:000328741900048}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences} + web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000329131500004, @@ -22709,7 +22835,7 @@ outcome variables are absolute, not looking at INEQUALITY outcomes (only income usage-count-last-180-days = {5}, usage-count-since-2013 = {79}, web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Psychology, Experimental}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Spain,inequality::gender,out::abstract,region::EU} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Spain,inequality::gender,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::EU} } @article{WOS:000330418800002, @@ -23392,7 +23518,7 @@ looks at qualitative estimation of terminations from workplace due to pregnancy usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Applied; Management}, - keywords = {cite::framework,inequality::migration,inequality::racial,method::qualitative,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::framework,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::migration,inequality::racial,method::qualitative,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000342390300001, @@ -23467,7 +23593,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, instead building its own predicti usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {31}, web-of-science-categories = {Physics, Multidisciplinary}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::income,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000344386200008, @@ -23760,7 +23886,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, instead building its own predicti usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {9}, web-of-science-categories = {Urban Studies}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::racial,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000347760400006, @@ -24701,6 +24827,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial}, note = {6th International Scientific Conference on Rural Development - Innovations and Sustainability, Akademija, LITHUANIA, NOV 28-29, 2013} } @@ -24826,7 +24953,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {22}, web-of-science-categories = {Family Studies}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TGTGRYSY/Zhang_2015_Wives' relative income and marital quality in urban china.pdf} } @@ -24973,7 +25100,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, web-of-science-categories = {History; History Of Social Sciences}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @incollection{WOS:000360846600010, @@ -24997,7 +25124,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title,review::scoping,TODO::review} } @article{WOS:000360902600011, @@ -25022,7 +25149,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Obstetrics \& Gynecology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000361587400001, @@ -25214,7 +25341,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000363075000006, @@ -25308,7 +25435,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {10}, usage-count-since-2013 = {130}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000364169600006, @@ -25333,7 +25460,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {43}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,out::title} } @article{WOS:000364202800007, @@ -25475,7 +25602,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {34}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::disability,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::disability,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000365969900006, @@ -25500,7 +25627,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {11}, web-of-science-categories = {Immunology; Infectious Diseases}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000367310500015, @@ -25647,7 +25774,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000368716800010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {26}, - web-of-science-categories = {Environmental Studies; Psychology, Multidisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Environmental Studies; Psychology, Multidisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000368840100010, @@ -25903,7 +26031,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000374732600001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {41}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000374819900001, @@ -25949,7 +26078,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000374958500008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000375163600007, @@ -25996,7 +26126,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375270400008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {21}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000375363800021, @@ -26019,7 +26150,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375363800021}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {37}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Energy \& Fuels; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Energy \& Fuels; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000375542100028, @@ -26065,7 +26197,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375571900009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {40}, - web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor} + web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000375628900015, @@ -26109,7 +26242,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000375635100009}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Law} + web-of-science-categories = {Law}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000376215700008, @@ -26293,7 +26427,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000377633600007}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, - web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry; Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry; Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000377694100027, @@ -26363,7 +26498,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000378667100025}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {22}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000379670800002, @@ -26386,7 +26522,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000379670800002}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, - web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor; Psychology, Applied; Management} + web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor; Psychology, Applied; Management}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000379706200015, @@ -26409,7 +26546,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000379706200015}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {15}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000379777400006, @@ -26780,7 +26918,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000386645600016}, usage-count-last-180-days = {10}, usage-count-since-2013 = {104}, - web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning} + web-of-science-categories = {Geography; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000386778000012, @@ -26803,7 +26942,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000386778000012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, - web-of-science-categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Energy \& Fuels} + web-of-science-categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Energy \& Fuels}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000387191500009, @@ -26874,7 +27014,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000388920400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {72}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000389445300003, @@ -26919,7 +27060,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000389559100005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {7}, usage-count-since-2013 = {52}, - web-of-science-categories = {Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000389966300007, @@ -26965,7 +27107,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000390074400005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {21}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000390085200002, @@ -27036,7 +27179,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000390676600005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Work} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, + keywords = {inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000390693000001, @@ -27131,7 +27275,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000392498800003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Sport Sciences} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Sport Sciences}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000392500500003, @@ -27155,7 +27300,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000392500500003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, - web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor} + web-of-science-categories = {Industrial Relations \& Labor}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000392851000005, @@ -27346,7 +27492,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000394328900005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {29}, - web-of-science-categories = {Demography} + web-of-science-categories = {Demography}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity} } @article{WOS:000394424500062, @@ -27559,7 +27706,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000395612900003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {30}, - web-of-science-categories = {Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Studies; Geography; Operations Research \& Management Science; Regional \& Urban Planning} + web-of-science-categories = {Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Studies; Geography; Operations Research \& Management Science; Regional \& Urban Planning}, + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial} } @inproceedings{WOS:000395726900065, @@ -27916,7 +28064,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000399647800005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {17}, - web-of-science-categories = {Ethnic Studies; Sociology} + web-of-science-categories = {Ethnic Studies; Sociology}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial} } @article{WOS:000399846000009, @@ -28411,7 +28560,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000404311200005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary} + web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000404361400002, @@ -28598,7 +28748,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000405140800006}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, - web-of-science-categories = {Nursing; Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Nursing; Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @incollection{WOS:000405173400017, @@ -28896,7 +29047,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000408892000014}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, - web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry} + web-of-science-categories = {Psychiatry}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000409190700010, @@ -28942,7 +29094,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000409889400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000411589000001, @@ -29126,7 +29279,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000414914900001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {54}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @incollection{WOS:000414955300005, @@ -29264,7 +29418,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000416165400001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, - web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation} + web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000416171800006, @@ -29401,7 +29556,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000418016200012}, usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000418036500001, @@ -29472,7 +29628,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000418338300010}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, - web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research} + web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000418612500001, @@ -29544,7 +29701,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000419012300008}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000419258600011, @@ -29565,7 +29723,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000419258600011}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health} + web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial} } @article{WOS:000419457600002, @@ -29612,7 +29771,8 @@ no PI} unique-id = {WOS:000423094600005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000423309900012, @@ -29735,7 +29895,7 @@ no PI} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {55}, web-of-science-categories = {Education, Special}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000424805500002, @@ -29903,7 +30063,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse unique-id = {WOS:000427094400005}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::disability} } @article{WOS:000427339200004, @@ -29928,7 +30089,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse usage-count-last-180-days = {10}, usage-count-since-2013 = {117}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {country::China,inequality::age,inequality::health,out::abstract,region::AP,type::pension} + keywords = {country::China,inequality::age,inequality::health,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP,type::pension} } @article{WOS:000427446400025, @@ -29977,7 +30138,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,out::title} } @article{WOS:000427883200009, @@ -30173,7 +30334,8 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention, nor effects of/on inequality itse unique-id = {WOS:000429325400003}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, - web-of-science-categories = {Economics} + web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000429418400002, @@ -30905,7 +31067,7 @@ but not inequalities in specific} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {14}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000438348100004, @@ -31074,7 +31236,7 @@ but not inequalities in specific} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {35}, web-of-science-categories = {Political Science; Public Administration}, - keywords = {country::Denmark,out::abstract,region::EU,type::welfare} + keywords = {country::Denmark,inequality::ethnicity,out::abstract,region::EU,type::welfare} } @article{WOS:000440211000004, @@ -31268,7 +31430,8 @@ but not inequalities in specific} unique-id = {WOS:000442125200001}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, - web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration} + web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration}, + keywords = {inequality::income} } @article{WOS:000442231900007, @@ -31342,7 +31505,7 @@ but not inequalities in specific} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, web-of-science-categories = {Gerontology}, - keywords = {out::title,type::pension} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::income,out::title,type::pension} } @article{WOS:000443211000007, @@ -32101,7 +32264,7 @@ does NOT look at LM adjacent markers; policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Area Studies}, - keywords = {country::Italy,inequality::migration,out::abstract,region::EU}, + keywords = {country::Italy,inequality::migration,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::EU}, note = {looks at inequality; looks partly at LM adjacency; \par does NOT look at specific policy interventions} @@ -32400,7 +32563,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {56}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Transportation}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Canada,inequality::socio-demographic,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Canada,inequality::income,inequality::socio-demographic,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000459291700003, @@ -32643,7 +32806,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Finland,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,out::abstract,region::EU,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Finland,country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::income,out::abstract,region::EU,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000462693700024, @@ -33126,7 +33289,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, - keywords = {country::Canada,inequality::education,inequality::migration,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {country::Canada,inequality::education,inequality::migration,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000470135800003, @@ -33226,7 +33389,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000470887400006, @@ -33396,7 +33559,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {17}, web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {inequality::health,out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::health,out::title} } @article{WOS:000471206500012, @@ -33912,7 +34075,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Anthropology; Environmental Studies; Sociology}, - keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::gender,region::MENA,TODO::full-text}, + keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::gender,inequality::income,region::MENA,TODO::full-text}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/BCX686SU/Montanari_Bergh_2019_A gendered analysis of the income generating activities under the green morocco.pdf} } @@ -34137,7 +34300,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Primary Health Care}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000478935700006, @@ -34808,7 +34971,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::ethnicity,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000493603700001, @@ -34881,7 +35044,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Substance Abuse}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000494155000001, @@ -34907,7 +35070,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000495099300012, @@ -35108,7 +35271,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {17}, web-of-science-categories = {Physics, Multidisciplinary}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/PV7UTRZP/Tian_Liu_2020_Emergence of income inequality.pdf} } @@ -35183,7 +35346,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Regional \& Urban Planning}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000502871100001, @@ -35360,7 +35523,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy interventions} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Women's Studies}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000503809100009, @@ -35687,7 +35850,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {33}, web-of-science-categories = {Area Studies}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::education,inequality::migration,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::education,inequality::migration,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000511249100001, @@ -36286,7 +36449,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Political Science}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,method::qualitative,out::abstract,type::ubi} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::income,method::qualitative,out::abstract,type::ubi} } @article{WOS:000523977200001, @@ -36363,7 +36526,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Rheumatology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000525951500001, @@ -36512,6 +36675,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Agriculture, Multidisciplinary; Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial}, note = {8th International Scientific Conference on Rural Development - Bioeconomy Challenges, Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ, Akademija, LITHUANIA, NOV 23-24, 2017} } @@ -36587,7 +36751,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Law}, - keywords = {inequality::migration,out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::migration,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000530055200001, @@ -36741,7 +36905,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Geriatrics \& Gerontology; Gerontology; Psychiatry}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000532104900001, @@ -36864,7 +37028,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000533552800003, @@ -36939,7 +37103,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {23}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance}, - keywords = {country::South\_Africa,out::abstract,region::SSA,type::ubi} + keywords = {country::South\_Africa,inequality::income,out::abstract,region::SSA,type::ubi} } @article{WOS:000535130100010, @@ -37062,7 +37226,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::health,inequality::poverty,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::NA}, + keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::health,inequality::income,inequality::poverty,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::NA}, note = {Academy-Health Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC, JUN 02-04, 2019} } @@ -37113,7 +37277,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000537155300001, @@ -37487,7 +37651,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, web-of-science-categories = {Green \& Sustainable Science \& Technology; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Vietnam,inequality::education,inequality::migration,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::AP} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Vietnam,inequality::education,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::migration,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::AP} } @article{WOS:000543556000001, @@ -37513,7 +37677,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::Switzerland,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::EU} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::Switzerland,inequality::disability,method::qualitative,out::abstract,region::EU} } @article{WOS:000544423900028, @@ -37787,7 +37951,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000549898000126, @@ -38106,7 +38270,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {out::title,review::scoping} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::income,out::title,review::scoping} } @article{WOS:000562009500001, @@ -38182,7 +38346,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Psychology, Multidisciplinary; Respiratory System; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000564212100001, @@ -38206,7 +38370,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Work}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000565504400001, @@ -38232,7 +38396,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::health,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::health,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000565842100023, @@ -38582,7 +38746,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Education, Special; Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000575951700006, @@ -38986,7 +39150,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {12}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {cite::further\_reading,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::further\_reading,inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000590940300001, @@ -39241,7 +39405,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Pharmacology \& Pharmacy}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000595019000001, @@ -39414,7 +39578,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance; Economics}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract}, note = {Dallas Fed's Regional Centennial Conference, Dallas, TX, NOV 07, 2014} } @@ -39737,7 +39901,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000607253600001, @@ -39812,7 +39976,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {20}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000609006200002, @@ -39958,7 +40122,7 @@ no LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance; Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000619749900006, @@ -41328,7 +41492,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {13}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::age,inequality::education,inequality::racial,out::abstract} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::age,inequality::education,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000660505100001, @@ -41524,7 +41688,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000670676400001, @@ -41703,7 +41867,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {18}, web-of-science-categories = {Public Administration; Social Issues}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/28D6SQZ8/Sakamoto_2021_Do social investment policies reduce income inequality.pdf} } @@ -41904,7 +42068,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::US,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000683346000003, @@ -42307,7 +42471,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Ethnic Studies; Sociology}, - keywords = {country::Korea,out::abstract,region::AP,type::collective\_action} + keywords = {country::Korea,inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::abstract,region::AP,type::collective\_action} } @article{WOS:000701448400002, @@ -42782,7 +42946,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography; Ethnic Studies}, - keywords = {country::Canada,method::qualitative,out::title,region::NA} + keywords = {country::Canada,inequality::ethnicity,method::qualitative,out::title,region::NA} } @article{WOS:000713356400005, @@ -43315,7 +43479,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {24}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000731399400020, @@ -43465,7 +43629,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000742061000001, @@ -43544,7 +43708,7 @@ does NOT directly look at LM adjacency markers (but education outcomes)}, usage-count-last-180-days = {13}, usage-count-since-2013 = {33}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000743239100012, @@ -43923,7 +44087,7 @@ looks at gender gaps on modern Fordist/early Taylorist working environment} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000751648300011, @@ -44100,7 +44264,7 @@ looks at gender gaps on modern Fordist/early Taylorist working environment} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, web-of-science-categories = {Oncology; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::health,out::title} + keywords = {cite::channels,inequality::gender,inequality::health,inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000753843100001, @@ -44299,7 +44463,7 @@ looks at gender gaps on modern Fordist/early Taylorist working environment} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::India,inequality::education,inequality::gender,out::abstract,region::AP}, + keywords = {cite::channels,country::India,inequality::education,inequality::gender,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP}, note = {looks at employment, LM adjacent outcomes and intersectional inequalities (gender, age, education); \par does NOT look at specific policy intervention} @@ -44480,7 +44644,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {19}, usage-count-since-2013 = {64}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP} + keywords = {cite::channels,country::China,inequality::income,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP} } @article{WOS:000767997600001, @@ -44505,7 +44669,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {TODO::QUESTION} + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::QUESTION} } @article{WOS:000769995400001, @@ -44555,7 +44719,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {8}, usage-count-since-2013 = {16}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {out::review,review::systematic,TODO::review} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::review,review::systematic,TODO::review} } @article{WOS:000771542600001, @@ -44631,7 +44795,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::poverty,region::MENA,TODO::full-text,type::cooperative\_entrepreneurship} + keywords = {country::Morocco,inequality::poverty,inequality::spatial,region::MENA,TODO::full-text,type::cooperative\_entrepreneurship} } @article{WOS:000772433800001, @@ -44758,7 +44922,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Care Sciences \& Services; Health Policy \& Services; Medicine, Legal; Social Issues; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::racial,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {country::US,inequality::gender,inequality::generational,inequality::income,inequality::racial,region::NA,relevant,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000778983400018, @@ -45083,7 +45247,7 @@ does not look at LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research}, - keywords = {inequality::education,out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::education,inequality::ethnicity,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000785799500001, @@ -45258,7 +45422,7 @@ does not look at LM adjacency} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {7}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000792482000005, @@ -45741,7 +45905,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Medicine, General \& Internal}, - keywords = {method::qualitative,out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,method::qualitative,out::title} } @article{WOS:000810669600001, @@ -45912,7 +46076,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {country::Ethiopia,country::Jordan,region::MENA,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {country::Ethiopia,country::Jordan,inequality::disability,region::MENA,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/H7DSDGMX/Pincock et al_2022_COVID-19 and social policy in contexts of existing inequality.pdf} } @@ -46378,7 +46542,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies}, - keywords = {country::Malawi,method::qualitative,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {country::Malawi,inequality::disability,method::qualitative,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/325L9AYD/Remnant et al_2022_Disability inclusive employment in urban Malawi.pdf} } @@ -46405,7 +46569,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Gastroenterology \& Hepatology; Surgery; Transplantation}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000834837000001, @@ -46504,7 +46668,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation}, - keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::disability,inequality::income,out::abstract} } @article{WOS:000836454300009, @@ -46797,7 +46961,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Business}, - keywords = {inequality::gender,TODO::abstract,type::csr}, + keywords = {inequality::gender,inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract,type::csr}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/6KUSIQVK/Uduji_Okolo-Obasi_2022_Gender inequalities in rural labour markets.pdf} } @@ -46948,7 +47112,7 @@ does not look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Energy \& Fuels; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Studies}, - keywords = {country::Rwanda,inequality::gender,inequality::income,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract,type::infrastructure} + keywords = {country::Rwanda,inequality::gender,inequality::income,inequality::spatial,region::SSA,relevant,TODO::abstract,type::infrastructure} } @article{WOS:000855148600001, @@ -47173,7 +47337,7 @@ does not look at specific intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {32}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical}, - keywords = {country::China,out::abstract,region::AP} + keywords = {country::China,inequality::spatial,out::abstract,region::AP} } @article{WOS:000861350800002, @@ -47573,7 +47737,7 @@ does not look at specific intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health; Social Sciences, Biomedical; Sociology}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/FJYJPYPV/Wanggren et al_2023_Disability policy and practice in Malawian employment and education.pdf} } @@ -48174,7 +48338,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {5}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000911590500001, @@ -48444,7 +48608,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {18}, usage-count-since-2013 = {33}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::spatial,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/JRBT5U6G/Jia et al_2023_Inverted U-shaped relationship between education and family health.pdf} } @@ -48669,7 +48833,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/L9FESG7L/Sprague et al_2023_National policies on parental leave and breastfeeding breaks.pdf} } @@ -48719,7 +48883,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Dentistry, Oral Surgery \& Medicine; Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::abstract}, note = {does not look at policy intervention; does not look at LM adjacency} } @@ -48745,7 +48909,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Demography; Geography}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/9J4RT92J/Jivraj_Alao_2023_Are ethnic employment penalties mitigated in deprived neighbourhoods and in.pdf} } @@ -48948,7 +49112,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Social Issues; Social Work}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/8E2E3IKA/Peijen_Wilthagen_2023_Tackling ethnic minority disadvantage.pdf} } @@ -48997,7 +49161,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Multidisciplinary Sciences}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000946756100001, @@ -49075,7 +49239,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {18}, usage-count-since-2013 = {19}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Transportation}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,inequality::spatial,relevant,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000949807800014, @@ -49150,7 +49314,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:000950272000001, @@ -49248,7 +49412,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Health Policy \& Services; Industrial Relations \& Labor}, - keywords = {review::scoping,TODO::review} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,review::scoping,TODO::review} } @article{WOS:000953785800001, @@ -49465,7 +49629,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::racial,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000962974100001, @@ -49487,7 +49651,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Education \& Educational Research; Ethnic Studies}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000964889700010, @@ -49508,7 +49672,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Law}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000966045000001, @@ -49558,7 +49722,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {9}, usage-count-since-2013 = {10}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, - keywords = {relevant,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {inequality::income,relevant,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000967811100002, @@ -49585,7 +49749,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Cardiac \& Cardiovascular Systems}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::ethnicity,inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000969287000001, @@ -49630,7 +49794,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Sociology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:000970517800003, @@ -49725,7 +49889,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Urban Studies}, - keywords = {country::Brazil,region::LAC,TODO::abstract} + keywords = {country::Brazil,inequality::income,region::LAC,TODO::abstract} } @article{WOS:000975638800011, @@ -49966,7 +50130,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {8}, usage-count-since-2013 = {8}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics; Family Studies}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,TODO::abstract}, file = {/home/marty/Zotero/storage/TTSBVZLD/Magda et al_2023_What if she earns more.pdf} } @@ -50016,7 +50180,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Allergy; Immunology}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::racial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000990405000001, @@ -50063,7 +50227,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Urban Studies}, - keywords = {TODO::abstract,type::collective\_action} + keywords = {inequality::racial,TODO::abstract,type::collective\_action} } @article{WOS:000994504900001, @@ -50086,7 +50250,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {3}, usage-count-since-2013 = {3}, web-of-science-categories = {Public, Environmental \& Occupational Health}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:000995212900001, @@ -50401,7 +50565,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {6}, usage-count-since-2013 = {6}, web-of-science-categories = {Rehabilitation; Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::disability,out::title} } @article{WOS:001009883000001, @@ -50427,7 +50591,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {4}, usage-count-since-2013 = {4}, web-of-science-categories = {Psychology, Developmental}, - keywords = {out::abstract}, + keywords = {inequality::income,out::abstract}, note = {does not look at specific intervention nor LM adjacency} } @@ -50454,7 +50618,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {1}, usage-count-since-2013 = {1}, web-of-science-categories = {Development Studies; Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::spatial,out::title} } @article{WOS:001012255600017, @@ -50525,7 +50689,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {0}, usage-count-since-2013 = {0}, web-of-science-categories = {Economics}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001018508200011, @@ -50622,7 +50786,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {5}, usage-count-since-2013 = {5}, web-of-science-categories = {Hospitality, Leisure, Sport \& Tourism}, - keywords = {out::title} + keywords = {inequality::income,out::title} } @article{WOS:001024752900004, @@ -50843,7 +51007,7 @@ does NOT look at specific policy intervention} usage-count-last-180-days = {2}, usage-count-since-2013 = {2}, web-of-science-categories = {Business, Finance; 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