From 113e2a3c53c96be6a79cc39f2bfd7b246de1ffb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marty Oehme Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 18:03:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Fix correct escaping of ampersand symbols Now newly required since they may appear in an environment not cleaned by pandoc and smartypants (since they can appear in code blocks for xcolor commands now). --- content.yml | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/content.yml b/content.yml index 46bd28e..18a8924 100644 --- a/content.yml +++ b/content.yml @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ experience: de: Co-Autor, Formalisierung und sozialer Schutz, World Development en: Co-Author, Formalization and social protection, World Development publication: - de: "Torm, N., & Oehme, M. (unveröffentlicht). Social protection, productivity and formalization among low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature. World Development." - en: "Torm, N., & Oehme, M. (forthcoming). Social protection, productivity and formalization among low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature. World Development." + de: 'Torm, N., \& Oehme, M. (unveröffentlicht). Social protection, productivity and formalization among low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature. World Development.' + en: 'Torm, N., \& Oehme, M. (forthcoming). Social protection, productivity and formalization among low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review of the literature. World Development.' bullets: - de: Quantitative Analyse der Verknüpfungen von sozialer Absicherung, Formalisierung und Produktivität en: Quantitative analysis of connections between sozial protection, formalization and productivity @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ experience: de: Redaktionsarbeit, Soziale Absicherung und Widerstandsfähigkeit, Universität Roskilde en: Editorial work, Social Protection and Resilience, Roskilde University publication: - de: "Torm, N., Gundertofte, C. M., & Thur, G. E. (2022). Social Protection and Resilience during COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of Informal Worker Associations in Kenya. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 6" - en: "Torm, N., Gundertofte, C. M., & Thur, G. E. (2022). Social Protection and Resilience during COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of Informal Worker Associations in Kenya. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 6" + de: 'Torm, N., Gundertofte, C. M., \& Thur, G. E. (2022). Social Protection and Resilience during COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of Informal Worker Associations in Kenya. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 6.' + en: 'Torm, N., Gundertofte, C. M., \& Thur, G. E. (2022). Social Protection and Resilience during COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Role of Informal Worker Associations in Kenya. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 6.' bullets: - de: Textliche Zuschneidung und Überarbeitung auf editorielle und formelle Anforderungen des Verlags en: Textual editing and cropping for editorial and formal publisher requirements @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ experience: de: Forschungsassistenz, Entwicklungsprojekte zur Reduzierung von Ungleichheitstrends, UNU-WIDER en: Research Assistant, Development projects to reduce inequality trends, UNU-WIDER publication: - de: Niño-Zarazúa, M., & Morabito, C. (unveröffentlicht). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER. - en: Niño-Zarazúa, M., & Morabito, C. (forthcoming). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER. + de: Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Morabito, C. (unveröffentlicht). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER. + en: Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Morabito, C. (forthcoming). Assessing the potential distributional impacts of development interventions. UNU-WIDER. bullets: - de: Sammlung, Verarbeitung und Bereinigung von 4 quantitativen Datensätzen, u.a. der UN Ungleichheitstrends en: Collected, processed, and cleaned 4 datasets, including UN World inequality trends @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ experience: de: Consultant, Review Arbeitsmarktpolitiken in Asien und dem Pazifik, Universität Roskilde en: Consultant, Labour Market Policies Review in Asia and the Pacific, Roskilde University publication: - de: "Niño-Zarazúa, M., & Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4" - en: "Niño-Zarazúa, M., & Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4" + de: 'Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4.' + en: 'Niño-Zarazúa, M., \& Torm, N. (2022). Active Labour Market Policies in Asia and the Pacific: A review of the literature. Roskilde Universitet. SECO Working Paper Series Vol. 2022 No. 4.' bullets: - de: Verwaltung der Datenerfassung, Organisation und Pflege für die Analyse aus einem Pool von über 700 Überprüfungskandidaten en: Managed data acquisition, organization, and maintenance for analysis from a pool of over 700 review candidates @@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ experience: de: Redaktionsassistenz, SPIWORK-Projekt, Universität Roskilde en: Editorial Assistant, SPIWORK Project, Roskilde University publication: - de: "Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., & Torm, N. (Eds.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge." - en: "Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., & Torm, N. (Ed.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge." + de: 'Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., \& Torm, N. (Eds.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge.' + en: 'Riisgaard, L., Mitullah, W.V., \& Torm, N. (Ed.). (2021). Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lived Realities and Associational Experiences from Tanzania and Kenya (1st ed.). Routledge.' bullets: - de: Strukturierung und Bearbeitung einzelner Kapitel einer wissenschaftlichen Anthologie en: Structured and edited individual chapters of a scientific anthology