### [x] McNabb2018 - regional and gender inequalities in school attendance * looks at attendance rates and its determinants * results: * high increases in attendance since 1990s * important determinants: richer HHs, Christian religion, educated HHHs more likely to have children enrolled in school * gender disparities persist: * girls less likely to attend, adopted girls at greatest disadvantage * opportunity costs higher for boys working along school than girls * distance mattered more for boys working in field than domestic work ### [x] Gruijters2020 - learning inequality of poor and rich * looks at correlation of family socioeconomic status and learning outcomes * data from 10 francophone African countries * standardized mathematics and reading competence end of primary school * results: * outcomes both poor and highly stratified * 3 determinants within family socioeconomic status, but little effect overall: * educational resources at home * health/well-being * differences in school quality * most effect comes from differing school quality (unequal distribution of resources teachers, textbooks) and high socio-economic segregation between schools ### [x] WorldBank2022a - Learning poverty * looks at Learning Poverty Indicator formed of 'Schooling Deprived' (out-of-school) children and 'Learning Deprived' (below minimum proficiency) children * results: * 56% of children late primary age not proficient in reading * 55% of children do not achieve minimum proficiency level at end of primary school * 3% of primary school-aged children are not enrolled in school * does not disaggregate rural/location-based, can not disaggregate gender (missing data in Benin, except learning deprivation 56.1% boys, 52.8% girls) etc.