import 'dart:html'; import 'package:browserloop/game/Game.dart'; import 'package:browserloop/game/LoopExample.dart'; class DirtyFlagRender implements LoopExample { static final double MS_PER_UPDATE = 1000.0; static final double SAFE_GUARD = 500.0; Stopwatch elapsed = new Stopwatch(); double lag = 0.0; Game game; num id; bool dirty = true; DirtyFlagRender(; void eventloop(num time) { lag += elapsed.elapsedMilliseconds; elapsed.reset(); while (lag >= MS_PER_UPDATE && elapsed.elapsedMilliseconds < SAFE_GUARD) { update(); lag -= MS_PER_UPDATE; } if(dirty) render(lag / MS_PER_UPDATE); id = window.requestAnimationFrame(eventloop); } void update() { game.update(); // This is for demonstration purposes. It will set the dirty flag once every // update. Usually should be set this deeper in the individual logic units // where a change happens and moved through the program from there. dirty = true; } void render(double interp) { game.draw(interp); dirty = false; } // Starting and stopping the loop for the example page void stop() { elapsed.stop(); window.cancelAnimationFrame(id); } void start() { elapsed.start(); elapsed.reset(); window.requestAnimationFrame(eventloop); } }