The following is a simple groupby, counting the len of country rows per date: ```{python} # | label: fig-percountry-drop # | fig-cap: "Nuclear explosions by country, 1945-98" per_country = df.group_by(pl.col("date", "country")).agg(pl.len()).sort("date") g = sns.lineplot(data=per_country, x="date", y="len", hue="country") g.set_xlabel("Year") g.set_ylabel("Count") plt.setp( g.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor" ) # ensure rotated right-anchor ``` This works well to group generally, but there is an issue: If there is a year where a country did not have any entries at all, the resulting df will not have `Date | Cty | 0` but instead will not have an entry at all. This can be desirable for some applications, but for example if we then draw a line plot based on this it would interpolate between the country values and **not drop the line down to 0 for the years where a country does not have an entry**. We can fix it by first doing a cross product of all keys we always want to have a row for. Then we do the group by but supply it to a left-join on this cross product. End result is we keep all the rows from the cross-product, but we still aggregate and have a len column as before. For those where we don't have a len value we finally just fill in a 0 instead. ```{python} # | label: fig-percountry-keep # | fig-cap: "Nuclear explosions by country, 1945-98" keys ="date").unique().join("country").unique(), how="cross") per_country = keys.join( df.group_by(["date", "country"], maintain_order=True).len(), on=["date", "country"], how="left", coalesce=True, ).with_columns(pl.col("len").fill_null(0)) g = sns.lineplot(data=per_country, x="date", y="len", hue="country") g.set_xlabel("Year") g.set_ylabel("Count") plt.setp( g.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor" ) # ensure rotated right-anchor ``` A more nicely function-based solution (though using the same solution under the hood) can be found here: