local opt = require 'zettelkasten.options' before_each(function() _G.vim = {g = {}, b = {}} end) after_each(function() _G.vim = nil end) describe("zettel options", function() it("should return the global zettel extension if set in vim", function() _G.vim.g.zettel_extension = ".myextension" assert.same(".myextension", opt.zettel().extension) end) it("should return the buffer zettel extension if set in vim", function() _G.vim.b.zettel_extension = ".mybufextension" assert.same(".mybufextension", opt.zettel().extension) end) it("should return the default zettel extension if not set in vim", function() assert.same(".md", opt.zettel().extension) end) end) describe("zettel options", function() it("should return the global anchor separator if set in vim", function() _G.vim.g.zettel_anchor_separator = "SEPARATE" assert.same("SEPARATE", opt.anchor().separator) end) it("should return the buffer anchor separator if set in vim", function() _G.vim.b.zettel_anchor_separator = "--" assert.same("--", opt.anchor().separator) end) it("should return the default anchor separator if not set in vim", function() assert.same("_", opt.anchor().separator) end) end)