local t = require 'zettelkasten.text' before_each(function() _G.vim = {g = {}, b = {}} end) after_each(function() _G.vim = nil end) describe("get_line", function() it("returns current line contents if no line nr passed", function() vim.api = { nvim_get_current_line = function() return "hello my old friend" end } assert.same("hello my old friend", t.get_line()) end) it("returns zero-indexed line contents", function() vim.api = { nvim_buf_get_lines = function(...) local args = table.pack(...) if args[1] == 0 and args[2] + 1 == args[3] then return "hello my new enemy" end return "wrong arguments" end } assert.same("hello my new enemy", t.get_line(1)) end) end) -- describe("Zettelkasten", function() -- it("should create an anchor for the current datetime", -- function() assert.same(os.date('%y%m%d%H%M'), ZK.create_anchor()) end) -- end)