action = require 'zettelkasten.action' before_each(function() _G.vim = {g = {}, b = {}} end) after_each(function() _G.vim = nil end) describe("open", function() it("should open file in editor if it is a valid link", function() vim.api = {nvim_command = mock(function() end)}"[some text](") assert.spy(vim.api.nvim_command).was_called_with( "edit") end) it("should do nothing when no link passed in", function() vim.fn = {expand = function() end} assert.is_not_error( end) end) describe("open_selected", function() before_each(function() vim.api = { nvim_command = mock(function() end), nvim_get_current_line = function(sure) return "Hello, this is a line and [mylink]( whereas another [link](2030101158" end, nvim_win_get_cursor = function(winnum) return {0, 0} end } end) it("should use the style passed to it, above the one set in options", function() vim.g['zettel_link_following'] = 'cursor' vim.api.nvim_get_current_line = mock(vim.api.nvim_get_current_line) action.open_selected("line") assert.spy(vim.api.nvim_get_current_line).was_called() end) it("should open link under cursor if option set", function() vim.g['zettel_link_following'] = 'cursor' vim.fn = { expand = function(sure) return "[" .. sure .. "](" end } action.open_selected() assert.spy(vim.api.nvim_command).was_called_with( "edit") end) it("should open next link on line if option set", function() vim.g['zettel_link_following'] = 'line' action.open_selected() assert.spy(vim.api.nvim_command).was_called_with( "edit") end) it("should ignore links before cursor position", function() vim.g['zettel_link_following'] = 'line' vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor = function(winnum) return {0, 65} end action.open_selected() assert.spy(vim.api.nvim_command).was_called_with( "edit 2030101158") end) end)