link = require '' Test_date = {year = 2019, month = 10, day = 29, hour = 16, min = 45} before_each(function() _G.vim = {g = {}, b = {}} end) after_each(function() _G.vim = nil end) describe("urlify", function() it("should return lowercased link text", function() assert.same("yesiamshouting", link.urlify("YESIAMSHOUTING")) end) it("should return spaces in text replaced with dashes", function() assert.same("yes-indeed-a-space", link.urlify("yes indeed a space")) end) end) describe("append_extension", function() it("should append the contents set in global zettel extension option", function() vim.g.zettel_extension = ".extension" assert.same("myfile.extension", link.append_extension("myfile")) end) it("should append the contents set in global zettel extension option", function() vim.b.zettel_extension = ".bufext" assert.same("myfile.bufext", link.append_extension("myfile")) end) end) describe("create", function() before_each(function() vim.g.zettel_extension = ".md" vim.g.zettel_anchor_separator = "_" vim.g.zettel_link_style = "markdown" end) after_each(function() vim.g = nil end) it("should create a working link using set options in vim", function() assert.same("[My FILE NAME](", link.create("1910291645", "My FILE NAME")) end) it("should create a working link if style is manually set", function() assert.same("[[1910291645|My FILE NAME]]", link.create("1910291645", "My FILE NAME", "wiki")) end) it("should not error on empty text", function() vim.g.zettel_extension = ".wiki" vim.g.zettel_anchor_separator = "_" vim.g.zettel_link_style = "wiki" assert.same("[[1910291645]]", link.create("1910291645")) end) describe("wiki link styling", function() it("should correctly apply transformations to link and text", function() assert.same("[[1910291645|My AWESOME Link]]", link.create("1910291645", "My AWESOME Link", "wiki")) end) it("should trim whitespace for the text area", function() assert.same("[[1910291645]]", link.create("1910291645", " ", "wiki")) assert.same("[[1910291645|hi]]", link.create("1910291645", " hi ", "wiki")) end) describe("markdown link styling", function() it("should correctly apply transformations to link and text", function() assert.same("[My AWESOME Link](", link.create("1910291645", "My AWESOME Link", "markdown")) end) it("should trim whitespace for the text area", function() assert.same("[](", link.create("1910291645", " ", "markdown")) assert.same("[hi](", link.create("1910291645", " hi ", "markdown")) end) end) end) end) describe("new", function() it("should create a link out of only text input", function() local result ="My FILE NAME") assert.is_not_nil(result:match( "%[My FILE NAME%]%(.*")) end) it("should be callable without any parameters, using default settings", function() vim.g.zettel_link_style = "wiki" local result = assert.is_not_nil(result:match("%[%[[^|]+%]%]")) end) end) describe("extract_all", function() it("should get all links input string", function() local input = "[Some text]( and another, [with more text](2001261123, and done. " local expected = { { endpos = 34, ref = "", startpos = 1, text = "Some text", anchor = "2003042042" }, { endpos = 92, ref = "2001261123", startpos = 49, text = "with more text", anchor = "2001261123" } } assert.same(expected, link.extract_all(input)) end) end)