local L = {} local o = require 'zettelkasten.options' local a = require 'zettelkasten.anchor' local parsers = { markdown = { ref = "%[.-%]%((.-)%)", text = "%[(.-)%]%(.-%)", style_func = function(link, text, extension) return "[" .. L.trimmed(text) .. "](" .. link .. extension .. ")" end }, wiki = { ref = "%[%[(.-)|?.-%]%]", text = "%[%[.-|?(.-)%]%]", style_func = function(link, text) local pipe = "" text = L.trimmed(text) if text and text ~= "" then pipe = "|" .. text end return "[[" .. link .. pipe .. "]]" end } } -- Returns the text cleaned up to be more useful in a link. -- Spaces are replaced by dashes and everything is lowercased. function L.urlify(text) text = text or "" return text:lower():gsub(" ", "-") end -- Returns the untouched text with the extension set in options appended -- at the end. function L.append_extension(text) return text .. o.zettel().extension end local function must_have(content) if not content or content == "" then error("Link is not allowed to be empty.") end end -- Returns text with surrounding whitespace trimmed. Returns empty string -- if only whitespace. function L.trimmed(text) if not text then return end return text:match '^()%s*$' and '' or text:match '^%s*(.*%S)' end -- Returns a markdown-compatible transformation of the link and text combination -- passed in. function L.style_markdown(link, text) must_have(link) return "[" .. L.trimmed(text) .. "](" .. link .. ")" end -- Returns a wikilink-compatible transformation of the link and text combination -- passed in, adding the text as a pipe if it exists. function L.style_wiki(link, text) must_have(link) local pipe = "" text = L.trimmed(text) if text and text ~= "" then pipe = "|" .. text end return "[[" .. link .. pipe .. "]]" end -- Returns a correctly formatted link to a zettel. -- Requires an anchor to be passed in. -- Takes an optional link text which will be added to the link. -- Takes an optional style according to which the link will be transformed. function L.create(anchor, text, style) style = style or o.zettel().link_style if style == "markdown" then local link = (a.prepend(anchor, L.urlify(L.trimmed(text)))) return parsers.markdown.style_func(link, text, o.zettel().extension) elseif style == "wiki" then return parsers.wiki.style_func(anchor, text) end error("Link creation failed.") end -- Returns a correctly formatted link to a new zettel (without anchor). -- Takes an optional link text which will be added to the link. -- Takes an optional style according to which the link will be transformed. function L.new(text, style) local anchor = a.create() return L.create(anchor, text, style) end -- Return all links contained in the input given in an array. -- Returned link tables have the following structure: -- link = { text=, ref=, startpos=27, endpos=65 } function L.extract_all(input) if not input then return end local links = {} local curpos = 1 for _, parser in pairs(parsers) do while input:find(parser.ref, curpos) do local ref = input:match(parser.ref, curpos) local text = input:match(parser.text, curpos) local startpos, endpos = input:find(parser.ref, curpos) table.insert(links, { ref = ref, text = text, startpos = startpos, endpos = endpos }) curpos = endpos end end return links end return { new = L.new, create = L.create, style_wiki = L.style_wiki, style_markdown = L.style_markdown, append_extension = L.append_extension, urlify = L.urlify, extract_all = L.extract_all }