import QtQml 2.0 /** * This is an example for custom styling of html in the note preview */ QtObject { property string customStylesheet; // register your settings variables so the user can set them in the script settings property variant settingsVariables: [ { "identifier": "customStylesheet", "name": "Custom stylesheet", "description": "Please enter your custom stylesheet:", "type": "text", "default": "h2 {margin-left: 20px;}\nh3 {margin-left: 40px;}\nh4 {margin-left: 60px;}", }, ]; /** * This function is called when the markdown html of a note is generated * * It allows you to modify this html * This is for example called before by the note preview * * @param {NoteApi} note - the note object * @param {string} html - the html that is about to being rendered * @return {string} the modfied html or an empty string if nothing should be modified */ function noteToMarkdownHtmlHook(note, html) { // see for a list of // supported css styles html = html.replace("", customStylesheet + ""); return html; } }