import QtQml 2.2 import QOwnNotesTypes 1.0 /*This script adds a toolbar button and a note list context menu item to merge multiple selected notes. Notes are merged to the first selected note or to a new note, depending on settings. Notes are merged in the order they were selected. Dependencies: Python 3.3+ Interpreter */ Script { /// functions to find correct Python 3 interpreter command and set it as default function getPyCommand() { if (script.startSynchronousProcess('python3', '-V', '').toString().indexOf('Python 3') != '-1') {return 'python3'} if (script.startSynchronousProcess('python', '-V', '').toString().indexOf('Python 3') != '-1') {return 'python'} if (script.startSynchronousProcess('py', '-V', '').toString().indexOf('Python 3') != '-1') {return 'py'} return '' } function setDefaultPyCommand() { if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') == '') { script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', getPyCommand()) } return script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') } property string scriptDirPath property bool mergeToFirst property bool deleteMerged property string pyCommand property variant settingsVariables: [ { 'identifier': 'mergeToFirst', 'name': '', 'description': 'Merge selected notes to the note, which was selected first\n' + 'If disabled, notes will be merged to a new note', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': 'False', }, { 'identifier': 'deleteMerged', 'name': '', 'description': 'Delete notes that were merged', 'type': 'boolean', 'default': 'False', }, { 'identifier': 'pyCommand', 'name': 'Command/path to run Python 3 Interpreter', 'description': "Put a command or path for Python 3 interpreter here.", 'type': 'file', 'default': setDefaultPyCommand(), } ] function init() { /// Check if set pyCommand can run Python 3, alert the user on failure, enable custom action on success if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') != pyCommand) { if (script.startSynchronousProcess(pyCommand, '-V', '').toString().indexOf('Python 3') != '-1') { script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', pyCommand) } else { script.setPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') } } if (script.getPersistentVariable('MdNT/pyCommand', '') == '') { script.informationMessageBox('The command/path for Python 3 interpreter in the script settings is not valid\n' + 'Please set the correct command/path.', 'Script') } else { script.registerCustomAction('mergeNotes', 'Merge selected notes', 'Merge notes', 'merge.svg', false, false, true) } } function customActionInvoked(action) { if (action == 'mergeNotes') { var pyScriptPath = scriptDirPath + script.dirSeparator() + '' script.startDetachedProcess(pyCommand, [pyScriptPath, mergeToFirst, deleteMerged, script.selectedNotesPaths().join('//>')]) // script.log(pyCommand + " '" + [pyScriptPath, mergeToFirst, deleteMerged, script.selectedNotesPaths().join('//>')].join("' '") + "'") } } }