import QtQml 2.0 /** * This script renders any plantuml text embedded in a note with the language hint, into a uml diagram. * * Dependencies: * Node.js: * java: * plantuml: * * Install node and java. download the plantuml jar and provide the full path to the script. * */ QtObject { property string javaExePath; property string plantumlJarPath; property string workDir; // register your settings variables so the user can set them in the script settings property variant settingsVariables: [ { "identifier": "javaExePath", "name": "Path to Java executable", "description": "Please enter path to your java executable, or just mention the 'java' if it is already on path:", "type": "file", "default": "java" }, { "identifier": "plantumlJarPath", "name": "Path to plantuml jar", "description": "Please enter absolute path to plantuml jar file:", "type": "file", "default": "/home/nikhil/softs/plantuml/plantuml.jar" }, { "identifier": "workDir", "name": "Working directory", "description": "Please enter a path to be used as working directory i.e. temporary directory for file creation:", "type": "file", "default": "/tmp" } ]; /** * This function is called when the markdown html of a note is generated * * It allows you to modify this html * This is for example called before by the note preview * * @param {Note} note - the note object * @param {string} html - the html that is about to being rendered * @return {string} the modfied html or an empty string if nothing should be modified */ function noteToMarkdownHtmlHook(note, html) { var matches = html.match(/language-plantuml\"\>([\s\S]*?)<\/pre/gmi); var index = 0; html = html.replace(/
([\s\S]*?)<\/pre>/gmi, function(matchedStr, g1) {
        	var matchedUml = g1.replace(/\n/gi, "\\n");
			var filePath = workDir + "/" + + "_" + (++index);
			var plantumlFilePath = filePath + ".plantuml";

			var params = ["-e", "require('fs').writeFileSync('" + plantumlFilePath + "', \"" + matchedUml + "\", 'utf8');"];
        	var result = script.startSynchronousProcess("node", params, html);
//			script.log(additionalPumlParams);
        	params = ["-jar", plantumlJarPath, "-o", workDir, " ", plantumlFilePath];
        	result = script.startSynchronousProcess(javaExePath, params, html); //["-jar", plantumlJarPath, "-o", workDir, filePath]
        	return "
" + matchedStr; }); return html; } } // Future plans: // TODO: Allow for passingin addtional parameters to plantuml. // TODO: Allow for replacing the markup in the rendered preview with image instead of keeping both. // TODO: Optimize image creation by combining img generation in a single java command instead of in a loop.