#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import time import argparse import platform import collections import multiprocessing.dummy import md_link import md_convert import safe_path try: import watchdog.events import watchdog.observers except ImportError: pass File_attrs = collections.namedtuple('File_attrs', 'file_path folder_dir_path output_dir_path output_file') """ A named tuple which functions use to pass input data - data of files to be processed :param file_path: full absolute path to the file to process :param folder_dir_path: full absolute path to directory where 'media' and 'attachment' directories are :param output_dir_path: full absolute path to directory where resulting text file will be stored :param output_file: empty for new standalone text file with mtime in the name, '*no mtime*' for or new standalone text file without mtime in the name or full absolute path to the text file which will be appended with a new entry """ Note_attrs = collections.namedtuple('Note_attrs', 'input_file_path output_file_path text mtime title') '''A named tuple which functions use to pass output data - data of notes to be written. :param input_file_path: full absolute path to the file which was processed to this tuple :param output_file_path: full absolute path to the output text file which should be written :param text: content of the text file which should be written :param mtime: modification time of input file as markdown headline to optionally prepend a text :param title: title of a input file as markdown headline to optionally prepend a text''' def text_to_md(file_attrs, topic_marker): """ This will process specified text file getting its topics and replacing urls with favicons and titles where possible :param file_attrs: File_attrs named tuple :param topic_marker: symbol(s) which start the 'topic' word, if such word present in text, it will go to 'topic.md' :return: list of Note_attrs named tuple """ filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_attrs.file_path))[0] mtime = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(file_attrs.file_path)) try: with open(file_attrs.file_path, 'r') as text_file: text = text_file.read() except(UnicodeDecodeError): return topics = re.findall(topic_marker + '(\w*)', text) text = re.sub(topic_marker + '\w*[ ]?', '', text).strip() if re.match('^http[s]?://[^\s]*$', text): is_bookmark = True else: is_bookmark = False for link in re.findall('(^|\s)(http[s]?://.*)(\s|$)', text, re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE): url = md_link.URL(link[1], file_attrs.folder_dir_path) text = text.replace(link[1], url.md) if is_bookmark: bookmark_title = url.title if file_attrs.output_file and file_attrs.output_file != '*no mtime*': output_files = [file_attrs.output_file] headline_title = '' elif topics: output_files = [topic + '.md' for topic in topics] headline_title = '' elif is_bookmark: headline_title = '# {}\n'.format(bookmark_title) if file_attrs.output_file == '*no mtime*': output_files = [bookmark_title + '.md'] else: output_files = [time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M', mtime) + ' ' + bookmark_title + '.md'] else: headline_title = '# {}\n'.format(filename) if file_attrs.output_file == '*no mtime*': output_files = [filename + '.md'] else: output_files = [time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M', mtime) + ' ' + filename + '.md'] output = [] for output_file in output_files: output.append(Note_attrs(input_file_path=file_attrs.file_path, output_file_path=file_attrs.output_dir_path + os.sep + safe_path.filename(output_file), text=text, mtime='**{}** \n'.format(time.strftime('%x %a %X', mtime)), title=headline_title)) return output def html_to_md(file_attrs, pandoc_bin='pandoc', pandoc_ver=''): """ This will move specified convert specified html file to markdown and move all in-line images to sub-folder at media directory :param file_attrs: File_attrs named tuple :return: Note_attrs named tuple """ html_file_name_noext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_attrs.file_path))[0] mtime = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(file_attrs.file_path)) md_text = md_convert.saved_html(file_attrs.file_path, file_attrs.folder_dir_path, pandoc_bin=pandoc_bin, pandoc_ver=pandoc_ver) if not md_text: return return Note_attrs(input_file_path=file_attrs.file_path, output_file_path=file_attrs.output_dir_path + os.sep + safe_path.filename(html_file_name_noext + '.md'), text=md_text, mtime='**{}** \n'.format(time.strftime('%x %a %X', mtime)), title='') def file_to_md(file_attrs, media_dir_name): """ This will move specified file to media_dir_name and put note with a reference to that file instead :param file_attrs: File_attrs named tuple :param media_dir_name: name of sub-directory in folder_dir_path where file will be moved (for non-text files) :return: Note_attrs named tuple """ mtime = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(file_attrs.file_path)) new_filename = str(time.mktime(mtime))[:-2] + '_' + os.path.basename(file_attrs.file_path) new_path = os.path.join(file_attrs.folder_dir_path, media_dir_name, new_filename) try: os.rename(file_attrs.file_path, new_path) except OSError: pass file = md_link.File(new_path, file_attrs.folder_dir_path, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_attrs.file_path))[0]) if file_attrs.output_file == '*no mtime*': output_file = file.title + '.md' elif file_attrs.output_file: output_file = file_attrs.output_file else: output_file = time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M', mtime) + ' ' + file.title + '.md' return Note_attrs(input_file_path=file_attrs.file_path, output_file_path=file_attrs.output_dir_path + os.sep + safe_path.filename(output_file), text=file.md, mtime='**{}** \n'.format(time.strftime('%x %a %X', mtime)), title='# {}\n'.format(file.title)) def make_flat_list(mixed_list, target_item_type=tuple): """ Make a list that has lists and 'target_item_type' as items flat, not recursive. :param mixed_list: list to make flat :param target_item_type: type of items in the flat list :return: flat list of 'target_item_type' """ flat_list = [] for object in mixed_list: if type(object) == list: for item in object: if type(item) == target_item_type: flat_list.append(item) elif type(object) == target_item_type: flat_list.append(object) return flat_list def process_by_path(file_path): """ Checks if the file is valid for processing and returns File_attrs tuple depending on its path :param file_path: Absolute file path :return: File_attrs named tuple """ if file_path.endswith(('.md', 'notes.sqlite')) \ or file_path.startswith((folder_dir + os.sep + 'media', folder_dir + os.sep + 'attachments')) \ or os.sep + '.' in file_path[len(folder_dir):] \ or '_files' + os.sep in file_path[len(folder_dir):]: return if file_path[:len(inbox_dir)] == inbox_dir: if os.path.dirname(file_path) == inbox_dir: return File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir, output_dir_path=inbox_dir, output_file='') else: return File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir, output_dir_path=inbox_dir, output_file=os.path.dirname(file_path)[len(inbox_dir)+1:].replace(os.sep, ' - ') + '.md') else: return File_attrs(file_path=file_path, folder_dir_path=folder_dir, output_dir_path=os.path.dirname(file_path), output_file='*no mtime*') def process_by_ext(file_attrs): """ This will run different functions to process specified File_attrs tuple based on file extension :param file_attrs: File_attrs named tuple :return: Note_attrs named tuple """ if file_attrs.file_path.endswith('.txt') or not os.path.splitext(file_attrs.file_path)[1]: return text_to_md(file_attrs, args.topic_marker) elif args.pandoc_bin and args.pandoc_ver and file_attrs.file_path.endswith(('.htm', '.html')): return html_to_md(file_attrs, args.pandoc_bin, args.pandoc_ver) elif file_attrs.file_path.endswith(('.jpg', '.png', '.gif')): return file_to_md(file_attrs, 'media') else: return file_to_md(file_attrs, 'attachments') def write_note_and_delete(note_attrs): # TODO Test """ Create or append existing note files based on Note_attrs tuples data, then delete the source file :param note_attrs: Note_attrs named tuple """ if os.path.isfile(note_attrs.output_file_path): if os.path.dirname(note_attrs.output_file_path) == inbox_dir: note_file_path = note_attrs.output_file_path with open(note_file_path, 'r') as source: content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text + '\n\n' + source.read() else: i = 1 while os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(note_attrs.output_file_path)[0] + '_' + str(i) + '.md'): i += 1 note_file_path = os.path.splitext(note_attrs.output_file_path)[0] + '_' + str(i) + '.md' content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text else: note_file_path = note_attrs.output_file_path if note_attrs.title: content = note_attrs.title + note_attrs.text else: content = note_attrs.mtime + note_attrs.text with open(note_file_path, 'w') as output: output.write(content) if os.path.isfile(note_file_path): try: os.remove(note_attrs.input_file_path) except OSError: pass if __name__ == '__main__': arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A script to turn everything in the inbox directory to markdown notes.') arg_parser.add_argument('-i', '--inbox', action='store', dest='inbox_dir', required=True, help="Full absolute path to the inbox directory to organize") arg_parser.add_argument('-f', '--folder', action='store', dest='folder_dir', required=True, help="Full absolute path to directory where 'media' and 'attachment' directories are") arg_parser.add_argument('-m', '--marker', action='store', dest='topic_marker', required=False, default='@', help="Symbol(s) which start the 'topic' word (for text files)") arg_parser.add_argument('-s', '--scan-folder', action='store_true', dest='scan_folder', required=False, help="Process whole folder rather than only inbox") arg_parser.add_argument('-p', '--pandoc-bin', action='store', dest='pandoc_bin', required=False, help="Command/path to run pandoc") arg_parser.add_argument('-pv', '--pandoc-ver', action='store', dest='pandoc_ver', required=False, help="Installed pandoc version") arg_parser.add_argument('-w', '--watch', action='store_true', dest='watch_fs', required=False, help="Watch and process new files as they appear after initial scan") args = arg_parser.parse_args() inbox_dir = args.inbox_dir folder_dir = args.folder_dir os.makedirs(inbox_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(folder_dir + os.sep + 'media', exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(folder_dir + os.sep + 'attachments', exist_ok=True) if args.scan_folder: scan_path = folder_dir else: scan_path = inbox_dir file_list = [] for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(scan_path): for file_path in sorted([dir + os.sep + file for file in files], key=os.path.getmtime): file_attrs = process_by_path(file_path) if file_attrs: file_list.append([file_attrs]) write_list = multiprocessing.dummy.Pool(100).starmap(process_by_ext, file_list) flat_write_list = make_flat_list(write_list, Note_attrs) for note_attrs in flat_write_list: write_note_and_delete(note_attrs) if args.watch_fs: try: import watchdog.events import watchdog.observers except ImportError: print("Can't find Watchdog module. Watching for changes won't work.") exit(1) class FsEventHandler(watchdog.events.FileSystemEventHandler): def on_any_event(self, event): if event.is_directory: return elif event.event_type == 'created': file_path = event.src_path elif event.event_type == 'moved': file_path = event.dest_path else: return file_attrs = process_by_path(file_path) if file_attrs: # Wait for all the web page resources saved/synced if file_path.endswith(('.htm', '.html')): time.sleep(2) obj_to_write = process_by_ext(file_attrs) else: return if type(obj_to_write) == list: for note_attrs in obj_to_write: write_note_and_delete(note_attrs) else: write_note_and_delete(obj_to_write) event_handler = FsEventHandler() observer = watchdog.observers.Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, scan_path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: time.sleep(5) except: observer.stop() observer.join() # if platform.system() == 'Linux': # os.system('notify-send "-a" "Inbox script" "Your inbox is organized"') # TODO maybe change to gi.repository: Notify