import QtQml 2.0 import QOwnNotesTypes 1.0 QtObject { property string backgroundColor; property variant settingsVariables: [ { "identifier": "backgroundColor", "name": "Highlight Color", "description": "Color to highlight text with (name or #hex):", "type": "string", "default": "#FFFF00", } ]; function noteToMarkdownHtmlHook(note, html) { var stylesheet = "mark {background-color:" + backgroundColor + ";}"; html = html.replace(/==(.+?)==/g, "$1"); html = html.replace("", stylesheet + ""); return html; } function init() { script.registerCustomAction("addHighlights", "Add Highlight Marks", "Add Highlights", "text-wrap"); } function customActionInvoked(identifier) { switch (identifier) { case "addHighlights": // getting selected text from the note text edit var text = "==" + script.noteTextEditSelectedText() + "=="; // put the result to the current cursor position in the note text edit script.noteTextEditWrite(text); break; } } }