import QtQml 2.2
import QOwnNotesTypes 1.0

/// Simple script, that creates a button and a context menu item that insert text, defined in the script settings.

Script { 
    property string text
    property string menuName
    property string buttonName
    property string buttonIcon
    property variant settingsVariables: [
            "identifier": "text",
            "name": "Text to insert",
            "description": "A text that would be inserted to note text when the button is pressed.",
            "type": "string",
            "default": "[comment]: # ()",
            "identifier": "menuName",
            "name": "Name of the menu item",
            "description": "",
            "type": "string",
            "default": "Insert comment",
            "identifier": "buttonName",
            "name": "Name of the button",
            "description": "",
            "type": "string",
            "default": "Insert comment",
            "identifier": "buttonIcon",
            "name": "Icon of the button",
            "description": "Name or full path to button icon. If empty, button name will be shown.",
            "type": "string",
            "default": "insert-text.svg",
    function init() {
        script.registerCustomAction("insertText", menuName, buttonName, buttonIcon, true)
    function customActionInvoked(action) {
        if (action == "insertText") {