import QtQml 2.0 import QOwnNotesTypes 1.0 /** * This script is used for manual interaction with Taskwarrior by either * importing tasks from a certain project, or exporting them from a note. */ QtObject { /** * Initializes the custom actions */ function init() { // export selected data to Taskwarrior script.registerCustomAction("exportToTaskwarrior", "Export selected list as Taskwarrior tasks", "Export to Taskwarrior"); // create a menu entry "Create meeting note" with a button and a freedesktop theme icon script.registerCustomAction("importFromTaskwarrior", "Import tasks from Taskwarrior as a list", "Import from Taskwarrior"); } /** * Get selected text and separate it by lines. * * @returns array of strings representing separate lines */ function getSelectedTextAndSeparateByNewline() { var text = script.noteTextEditSelectedText(); var separatedByLines; // Consider Windows different newline method. if (script.platformIsWindows()) { separatedByLines = text.split('\r\n'); } else { separatedByLines = text.split('\n'); } return separatedByLines; } /** * Parse input string to get the project name and run supplied function if found. * * @param str input string which may contain project name * @param func function to be executed if the project name is found * * @returns boolean for if the project name was detected or not */ function getProjectNameAndRun(str, func) { // We are trying to get the name of the project. // To do so, we are getting the substring of a line by using regexp group. var projectRegExp = /project:[\s*]?(.+)?[\s*]?/i; var isProjectName = projectRegExp.exec(str); if (isProjectName) { func(isProjectName[1]); return true; } } /** * This function is invoked when a custom action is triggered * in the menu or via button * * @param identifier string the identifier defined in registerCustomAction */ function customActionInvoked(identifier) { var pathToTaskwarrior = "/usr/bin/task"; switch (identifier) { // export selected lines to Taskwarriors as tasks. // The project name will be taken from "Project:" keyword detected in first lines. case "exportToTaskwarrior": // Starting with an empty default project name. var projectName = ""; // For each line, we are gathering data to properly create tasks. getSelectedTextAndSeparateByNewline().forEach(function (line){ if (getProjectNameAndRun(line, function (proName) { projectName = proName; // We expect, that the project name would be the only thing in line, hence `return`. return; })) return; // We are trying to get the task description. // It should be started with either - (minus) or * (asterisk) to indicate list item. var taskRegExp = /[\*\-][\s*]?(.+)[\s*]?/; var taskDescription; var isTask = taskRegExp.exec(line); if (isTask) { taskDescription = isTask[1]; script.startDetachedProcess(pathToTaskwarrior, [ "add", "pro:" + projectName, taskDescription ]); // We expect, that the task description would be the only thing in the line, hence `return`. return; } }); break; case "importFromTaskwarrior": // Get selected text to determine the project we want to import from. var projectNames = []; getSelectedTextAndSeparateByNewline().forEach(function (line){ if (getProjectNameAndRun(line, function (proName) { projectNames.push(proName); })) return; }); // To avoid overwriting what we have selected, we are simply writing it script.noteTextEditWrite(script.noteTextEditSelectedText()); projectNames.forEach( function(projectName) { var result = script.startSynchronousProcess(pathToTaskwarrior, [ "pro:" + projectName, "", "" ], ""); if (result) { var tasksSeparated; // The result does not contain any \n, so we are splitting by whitespace. tasksSeparated = result.toString().split('\n'); tasksSeparated.splice(0, 1); // removing "" if (tasksSeparated.length === 0) { script.log("No entries"); return; } tasksSeparated.splice(0, 1); // removing "Desc" tasksSeparated.splice(0, 1); // removing "----" tasksSeparated.splice(tasksSeparated.length - 1, 1); // removing "" tasksSeparated.splice(tasksSeparated.length - 1, 1); // removing "X tasks" tasksSeparated.splice(tasksSeparated.length - 1, 1); // removing "" script.noteTextEditWrite("\n"); script.noteTextEditWrite("Project: " + projectName + "\n\n"); tasksSeparated.forEach( function(taskDesc){ script.noteTextEditWrite("* " + taskDesc + "\n"); }); } }); break; } } }