import QtQml 2.0 /** * This script creates a menu item and a button that converts the selected Markdown * text to Jira code in the clipboard * * Dependencies: * Node.js: * * * first you have to install jira2md: * npm install jira2md */ QtObject { property string nodejsExecutablePath; // register your settings variables so the user can set them in the script settings property variant settingsVariables: [ { "identifier": "nodejsExecutablePath", "name": "Node.js path", "description": "Please select the path to your Node.js executable:", "type": "file", "default": "nodejs", } ]; /** * Initializes the custom action */ function init() { script.registerCustomAction("markdownToJira", "Markdown to Jira", "Jira", "edit-copy", true, true); } /** * This function is invoked when a custom action is triggered * in the menu or via button * * @param identifier string the identifier defined in registerCustomAction */ function customActionInvoked(identifier) { if (identifier != "markdownToJira") { return; } // get the selected text from the note text edit var text = script.noteTextEditSelectedText(); // fix unordered lists text = text.replace(/^-/gm, "*"); text = text.replace(/\t-/gm, "\t*"); // you need NodeJs and jira2md ( to convert Markdown to Jira var params = ["-e", "console.log(require('jira2md').to_jira(require('fs').readFileSync('/dev/stdin').toString()))"]; var result = script.startSynchronousProcess(nodejsExecutablePath, params, text); // replace some names result = String(result).replace(/\@Georg/ig, "[~g.franz]"); // put the result into the clipboard script.setClipboardText(result); } }