import QtQml 2.0 /** * This script creates a menu item and a button that converts the selected Markdown * text to BBCode in the clipboard * * Dependencies: * * */ QtObject { property string pandocPath; // register your settings variables so the user can set them in the script settings property variant settingsVariables: [ { "identifier": "pandocPath", "name": "Pandoc path", "description": "Please select the path to your Pandoc executable:", "type": "file", "default": "pandoc", }, ]; // the path to the script's directory will be set here property string scriptDirPath; /** * Initializes the custom action */ function init() { script.registerCustomAction("markdownToBBCode", "Markdown to BBCode", "BBCode", "edit-copy", true, true); } /** * This function is invoked when a custom action is triggered * in the menu or via button * * @param identifier string the identifier defined in registerCustomAction */ function customActionInvoked(identifier) { if (identifier != "markdownToBBCode") { return; } // get the selected text from the note text edit var text = script.noteTextEditSelectedText(); var panbbcodePath = scriptDirPath + "/panbbcode.lua"; // you need pandoc and the BBCode writer from // to convert Markdown to BBCode var params = ["-t", panbbcodePath, "-f", "markdown"]; var result = script.startSynchronousProcess(pandocPath, params, text); // do some code list cleanup result = replaceAll(result, "[list=*]", "[list]"); result = replaceAll(result, "[/*]", ""); // convert inline code blocks to italic // do this 10 times to take care of multiple code blocks in a line for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { result = result.replace(/^(.+?)\[code\](.+?)\[\/code\]/img, "$1[i]$2[/i]"); } // convert headlines to bold result = replaceAll(result, "[h]", "[b]"); result = replaceAll(result, "[/h]", "[/b]"); // convert `em` to `i` result = replaceAll(result, "[em]", "[i]"); result = replaceAll(result, "[/em]", "[/i]"); // link some users result = replaceAll(result, "@Georg", "[USER=1]Georg[/USER]"); result = replaceAll(result, "@Sören", "[USER=2]Sören[/USER]"); result = replaceAll(result, "@Robert", "[USER=16]Robert[/USER]"); result = replaceAll(result, "@Stephan", "[USER=8]Stephan[/USER]"); result = replaceAll(result, "@Gunnar", "[USER=14]Gunnar[/USER]"); // put the result into the clipboard script.setClipboardText(result); } function replaceAll(str, find, replace) { return String(str).replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find), 'g'), replace); } function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); } }