import QtQml 2.0 /** * This is an example for custom styling of html in the note preview */ QtObject { /** * This function is called when the markdown html of a note is generated * * It allows you to modify this html * This is for example called before by the note preview * * @param {Note} note - the note object * @param {string} html - the html that is about to being rendered * @return {string} the modfied html or an empty string if nothing should be modified */ function noteToMarkdownHtmlHook(note, html) { // see for a list of // supported css styles html = html.replace(/
  • (\s*)(

    )*(\s*)\[[xX]\]/g, "

  • $1$2$3☑"); html = html.replace(/
  • (\s*)(

    )*(\s*)\[ \]/g, "

  • $1$2$3☐"); return html; } }