import os import argparse import fitz import Levenshtein from pubs.plugins import PapersPlugin from import DocAddEvent, NoteEvent from pubs import repo, pretty from pubs.utils import resolve_citekey_list from pubs.content import check_file, read_text_file, write_file from pubs.query import get_paper_filter from .annotation import ( PaperAnnotated, Annotation, COLOR_SIMILARITY_MINIMUM, TEXT_SIMILARITY_MINIMUM, ) CONFIRMATION_PAPER_THRESHOLD = 5 class ExtractPlugin(PapersPlugin): """Extract annotations from any pdf document. The extract plugin allows manual or automatic extraction of all annotations contained in the pdf documents belonging to entries of the pubs library. It can write those changes to stdout or directly create and update notes for the pubs entries. It adds a `pubs extract` subcommand through which it is invoked, but can optionally run whenever a new document is imported for a pubs entry. """ name = "extract" description = "Extract annotations from pubs documents" def __init__(self, conf, ui): self.ui = ui self.note_extension = conf["main"]["note_extension"] self.max_authors = conf["main"]["max_authors"] self.repository = repo.Repository(conf) self.pubsdir = os.path.expanduser(conf["main"]["pubsdir"]) = self.repository.databroker settings = conf["plugins"].get("extract", {}) self.on_import = settings.get("on_import", False) self.minimum_similarity = float( settings.get("minimum_text_similarity", TEXT_SIMILARITY_MINIMUM) ) self.minimum_color_similarity = float( settings.get("minimum_color_similarity", COLOR_SIMILARITY_MINIMUM) ) self.formatting = settings.get( "formatting", "{%quote_container> {quote} %}[{page}]{%note_container{newline}Note: {note} %}{%tag_container #{tag}%}", ) self.color_mapping = settings.get("tags", {}) self.short_header = settings.get("short_header", False) def update_parser(self, subparsers, _): """Allow the usage of the pubs extract subcommand""" # TODO option for ignoring missing documents or erroring. extract_parser = subparsers.add_parser(, help=self.description) extract_parser.add_argument( "-w", "--write", help="Write to individual notes instead of standard out. Appends to existing notes.", action="store_true", default=None, ) extract_parser.add_argument( "-e", "--edit", help="Open each note in editor for manual editing after extracting annotations to it.", action="store_true", default=False, ) extract_parser.add_argument( "-q", "--query", help="Query library instead of providing individual citekeys. For query help see pubs list command.", action="store_true", default=None, dest="is_query", ) extract_parser.add_argument( "-i", "--ignore-case", action="store_false", default=None, dest="case_sensitive", help="When using query mode, perform case insensitive search.", ) extract_parser.add_argument( "-I", "--force-case", action="store_true", dest="case_sensitive", help="When using query mode, perform case sensitive search.", ) extract_parser.add_argument( "--strict", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force strict unicode comparison of query.", ) extract_parser.add_argument( "query", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="Citekey(s)/query for the documents to extract from.", ) extract_parser.set_defaults(func=self.command) def command(self, conf, args): """Run the annotation extraction command.""" papers = self._gather_papers(conf, args) all_annotations = self.extract(papers) if args.write: self._to_notes(all_annotations, self.note_extension, args.edit) else: self._to_stdout(all_annotations, self.short_header) self.repository.close() def extract(self, papers): """Extracts annotations from citekeys. Returns all annotations belonging to the papers that are described by the citekeys passed in. """ papers_annotated = [] for paper in papers: file = self._get_file(paper) try: annotations = self._get_annotations(file) papers_annotated.append(PaperAnnotated.from_paper(paper, annotations)) except fitz.FileDataError as e: self.ui.error(f"Document {file} is broken: {e}") return papers_annotated def tag_from_colorname(self, colorname): return self.color_mapping.get(colorname, "") def _gather_papers(self, conf, args): """Get all papers for citekeys. Returns all Paper objects described by the citekeys passed in. """ papers = [] if not args.is_query: keys = resolve_citekey_list( self.repository, conf, args.query, ui=self.ui, exit_on_fail=True ) if not keys: return [] for key in keys: papers.append(self.repository.pull_paper(key)) else: papers = list( filter( get_paper_filter( args.query, case_sensitive=args.case_sensitive, strict=args.strict, ), self.repository.all_papers(), ) ) if len(papers) > CONFIRMATION_PAPER_THRESHOLD: self.ui.message( "\n".join( pretty.paper_oneliner( p, citekey_only=False, max_authors=self.max_authors ) for p in papers ) ) self.ui.input_yn( question=f"Extract annotations for these papers?", default="y" ) return papers def _get_file(self, paper): """Get path of document belonging to paper. Returns the real path to the document which belongs to the paper passed in. Emits a warning if no document belongs to paper. """ path = if not path: self.ui.warning(f"{paper.citekey} has no valid document.") return path def _get_annotations(self, filename): """Extract annotations from a file. Returns all readable annotations contained in the file passed in. Only returns Highlight or Text annotations currently. """ annotations = [] with fitz.Document(filename) as doc: for page in doc: for annot in page.annots(): quote, note = self._retrieve_annotation_content(page, annot) a = Annotation( file=filename, text=quote, content=note, colors=annot.colors, type=annot.type[1], page=(page.number or 0) + 1, ) a.tag = self.tag_from_colorname(a.colorname) annotations.append(a) return annotations def _retrieve_annotation_content(self, page, annotation): """Gets the text content of an annotation. Returns the actual content of an annotation. Sometimes that is only the written words, sometimes that is only annotation notes, sometimes it is both. Runs a similarity comparison between strings to find out whether they should both be included or are doubling up, using Levenshtein distance. """ content =["content"].replace("\n", " ") written = page.get_textbox(annotation.rect).replace("\n", " ") # highlight with selection in note if Levenshtein.ratio(content, written) > self.minimum_similarity: return (content, "") # an independent note, not a highlight elif content and not written: return ("", content) # both a highlight and a note elif content: return (written, content) # highlight with selection not in note return (written, "") def _to_stdout(self, annotated_papers, short_header=False): """Write annotations to stdout. Simply outputs the gathered annotations over stdout ready to be passed on through pipelines etc. """ output = "" for paper in annotated_papers: output += f"\n------ {paper.headline(self.short_header, self.max_authors)} ------\n\n" for annotation in paper.annotations: output += f"{annotation.format(self.formatting)}\n" output += "\n" self.ui.message(output.strip()) def _to_notes(self, annotated_papers, note_extension="txt", edit=False): """Write annotations into pubs notes. Permanently writes the given annotations into notes in the pubs notes directory. Creates new notes for citekeys missing a note or appends to existing. """ for paper in annotated_papers: if paper.annotations: notepath =, note_extension) if check_file(notepath, fail=False): self._append_to_note(notepath, paper) else: self._write_new_note( notepath, paper, paper.headline(short=True, max_authors=self.max_authors), )"Wrote annotations to {paper.citekey} note {notepath}.") if edit is True: self.ui.edit_file(notepath, temporary=False) NoteEvent(paper.citekey).send() def _write_new_note(self, notepath, paper, headline): """Create a new note containing the annotations. Will create a new note in the notes folder of pubs and fill it with the annotations extracted from pdf. """ output = f"# {headline}\n\n" for annotation in paper.annotations: output += f"{annotation.format(self.formatting)}\n\n" write_file(notepath, output, "w") def _append_to_note(self, notepath, paper): """Append new annotations to the end of a note. Looks through note to determine any new annotations which should be added and adds them to the end of the note file. """ existing = read_text_file(notepath) # removed annotations already found in the note existing_dropped = [ x for x in paper.annotations if x.format(self.formatting) not in existing ] if not existing_dropped: return output = "" for annotation in existing_dropped: output += f"{annotation.format(self.formatting)}\n\n" write_file(notepath, output, "a") @DocAddEvent.listen() def modify_event(event): if ExtractPlugin.is_loaded(): plg = ExtractPlugin.get_instance() if plg.on_import: all_annotations = plg.extract([event.citekey]) if all_annotations[0][1]: plg._to_notes(all_annotations, plg.note_extension)