# pubs-extract Quickly extract annotations from your pdf files with the help of the pubs bibliography manager. Installation: Put `extract` folder in your pubs `plugs` directory. Add extract to your plugin list in pubs configuration file. Usage: `pubs extract ` This readme is a stub so far, feel free to extend it and raise a PR if you have the time. What follows is a not-very-sorted train of though on the plugin and pubs in general, to keep my thoughts in one place while I work on it. ## extractor plugin: - extracts highlights and annotations from a doc file (e.g. using PyMuPDF) - puts those in the annotation file of a doc in a customizable format - option to have it automatically run after a file is updated? - needs some way to delimit where it puts stuff and user stuff is in note - one way is to have it look at `> [17] here be extracted annotation from page seventeen` annotations and put it in between - another, probably simpler first, is to just append missing annotations to the end of the note - some highlights (or annotations in general) do not contain text as content - pymupdf can extract the content of the underlying rectangle (mostly) - issue is that sometimes the highlight contents are in content, sometimes a user comment instead - we could have a comparison function which estimates how 'close' the two text snippets are and act accordingly - config option to map colors in annotations to meaning ('read', 'important', 'extra') in pubs - colors are given in very exact 0.6509979 RGB values, meaning we could once again estimate if a color is 'close enough' in distance to tag it accordingly - make invoking the command run a query if `-e` option provided (or whatever) in pubs syntax and use resulting papers - confirm? # would also be nice in pubs, missing for me - `show` command which simply displays given entry in a nice way - could take multiple entries but present them all in the same larger way - a metadata command which shows the metadata connected to an entry (e.g. `show --meta`) - XDG compliance - a way to insert env vars into the configuration paths - looking in XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_DATA_HOME by default - accepting env vars for overriding the directories - isbn import re-enabled with -> `api.paperpile.com/api/public/convert` - example request: `curl -X POST -d '{"fromIds":true,"input":"9780816530441","targetFormat":"Bibtex"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.paperpile.com/api/public/convert` - example reponse: `{"output":"@BOOK{Igoe2017-cu,\n title = \"The nature of spectacle\",\n author = \"Igoe, James\",\n publisher = \"University of Arizona Press\",\n series = \"Critical Green Engagements: Investigating the Green Economy and\n its Alternatives\",\n month = jun,\n year = 2017,\n address = \"Tucson, AZ\",\n language = \"en\"\n}\n","token":"3ca6b666-2b9d-4962-8017-a0c8f1f86bfd","tags":[],"withErrors":false}` - side-by-side command to open annotation file and document at the same time - fzf-mode/bemenu mode to look through documents - batch-edit? a way to quickly modify items matching a query, e.g. removing file entry for all those from year:2022 or whatever - link related items - a special tag? - building relationships: two-way (related, e.g. same working paper), or single direction, e.g. a re-print, a compendium, etc - should still always be traceable from both sides - automatically keeping a main bibtex file up-to-date - can be done through the `export` command, e.g. as a git hook when the repo is updated - better git commit names for git plugin - more direct linking to individual annotations - e.g. you have an annotation on page 17, allow opening that page from there and vice versa - can use e.g. existing markdown quote pattern: > [17] To be or not to be blabla which would then open page 17 in the document - makes most sense as plugin probably (which also allows setting the pattern by which it finds citations in the notes) - fuzzy matching - either by default, as a config setting or with the ~prefix - why are we doing tags in metadata not in the bibtex files? - default replacement bibkey for files which are missing part of what makes it up - e.g. if you use {authorname}{year} as bibkey, a file missing author would substitute with this