from pathlib import Path import Levenshtein import fitz_new as fitz import papis.config from papis_extract.annotation_data import Annotation COLOR_MAPPING = {} def start(filename: Path) -> list[Annotation]: """Extract annotations from a file. Returns all readable annotations contained in the file passed in. Only returns Highlight or Text annotations. """ annotations = [] with fitz.Document(filename) as doc: for page in doc: for annot in page.annots(): quote, note = _retrieve_annotation_content(page, annot) a = Annotation( file=str(filename), text=quote, content=note, colors=annot.colors, type=annot.type[1], page=(page.number or 0) + 1, ) a.tag = _tag_from_colorname(a.colorname) annotations.append(a) return annotations def _tag_from_colorname(colorname): return COLOR_MAPPING.get(colorname, "") def _retrieve_annotation_content(page, annotation): """Gets the text content of an annotation. Returns the actual content of an annotation. Sometimes that is only the written words, sometimes that is only annotation notes, sometimes it is both. Runs a similarity comparison between strings to find out whether they should both be included or are the same, using Levenshtein distance. """ content =["content"].replace("\n", " ") written = page.get_textbox(annotation.rect).replace("\n", " ") # highlight with selection in note minimum_similarity = ( papis.config.getfloat("minimum_similarity_content", "plugins.extract") or 1.0 ) if Levenshtein.ratio(content, written) > minimum_similarity: return (content, "") # an independent note, not a highlight elif content and not written: return ("", content) # both a highlight and a note elif content: return (written, content) # highlight with selection not in note return (written, "")