import click import papis.cli import papis.config import papis.document import papis.logging import papis.notes import papis.strings from papis.document import Document from papis_extract import extractor, exporter from papis_extract.annotation_data import AnnotatedDocument from papis_extract.templating import Csv, Markdown, Templating logger = papis.logging.get_logger(__name__) DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { "plugins.extract": { "tags": {}, "on_import": False, "minimum_similarity": 0.75, # for checking against existing annotations "minimum_similarity_content": 0.9, # for checking if highlight or note "minimum_similarity_color": 0.833, # for matching tag to color } } papis.config.register_default_settings(DEFAULT_OPTIONS) @click.command("extract") @click.help_option("-h", "--help") @papis.cli.query_argument() @papis.cli.doc_folder_option() @papis.cli.git_option(help="Commit changes made to the notes files.") @papis.cli.all_option() @click.option( "--write/--no-write", "-w", help="Do not write annotations to notes only print results to stdout.", ) @click.option( "--manual/--no-manual", "-m", help= "Open each note in editor for manual editing after extracting its annotations.", ) @click.option( "--template", "-t", type=click.Choice(["markdown", "csv"], case_sensitive=False), help="Choose an output template to format annotations with.", ) def main( query: str, # info: bool, # _papis_id: bool, # _file: bool, # notes: bool, # _dir: bool, # _format: str, _all: bool, doc_folder: str, manual: bool, write: bool, template: str, git: bool, ) -> None: """Extract annotations from any pdf document. The extract plugin allows manual or automatic extraction of all annotations contained in the pdf documents belonging to entries of the papis library. It can write those changes to stdout or directly create and update notes for papis documents. It adds a `papis extract` subcommand through which it is invoked, but can optionally run whenever a new document is imported for a papis entry, if set in the plugin configuration. """ documents = papis.cli.handle_doc_folder_query_all_sort( query, doc_folder, sort_field=None, sort_reverse=False, _all=_all ) if not documents: logger.warning(papis.strings.no_documents_retrieved_message) return if template == "csv": template_type = Csv() else: template_type = Markdown() run(documents, edit=manual, write=write, git=git, template=template_type) def run( documents: list[Document], edit: bool = False, write: bool = False, git: bool = False, template: Templating = Markdown(), ) -> None: doc_annotations: list[AnnotatedDocument] = extractor.start(documents) if write: exporter.to_notes(doc_annotations, template, edit=edit, git=git) else: exporter.to_stdout(doc_annotations, template)