import re from typing import Any import papis.format import papis.config import papis.document import papis.logging logger = papis.logging.get_logger(__name__) DEFAULT_TITLE_LENGTH_WORDS = 3 DEFAULT_TITLE_LENGTH_CHARS = -1 class BBTFormatter(papis.format.Formater): """Provides zotero better-bibtex-like keys.""" def format( self, fmt: str, doc: papis.format.FormatDocType, doc_key: str = "", additional: dict[str, Any] = {}, ) -> str: if fmt.startswith("bbt"): author_unfmt = ( doc["author_list"][0]["family"] if "author_list" in doc else doc["author"].split(maxsplit=1)[0] if "author" in doc else "UNKNOWN" ) title_unfmt = doc["title"] if "title" in doc else "NO TITLE" year_unfmt = str(doc["year"]) if "year" in doc else "0000" author = re.sub("[^a-z]+", "", author_unfmt.lower()) year = year_unfmt[-2:] title = self.get_title(title_unfmt, fmt) return f"{author}{year}{title}" else: return papis.format.PythonFormater().format(fmt, doc, doc_key, additional) def get_title(self, title: str, fmt: str) -> str: title = re.sub("[^0-9a-z ]+", "", title.lower()) title_words = list( map( str.capitalize, filter(lambda word: word and word not in SKIP_WORDS, title.split()), ) ) wlen = self._title_length_words(fmt) clen = self._title_length_chars(fmt) wlen = None if wlen == -1 else wlen clen = None if clen == -1 else clen title = "".join(title_words[:wlen])[:clen] return title def _title_length_words(self, fmt: str) -> int: """Returns the length (in words) the title should be shortened to.""" if match :="\[title-words=(-?\d+)\]", fmt): logger.debug(f"Found title length: {} words.") return int( return DEFAULT_TITLE_LENGTH_WORDS def _title_length_chars(self, fmt: str) -> int: """Returns the length (in characters) the title should be shortened to.""" if match :="\[title-chars=(-?\d+)\]", fmt): logger.debug(f"Found title length: {} chars.") return int( return DEFAULT_TITLE_LENGTH_CHARS SKIP_WORDS = set( [ "about", "above", "across", "afore", "after", "against", "al", "along", "alongside", "amid", "amidst", "among", "amongst", "anenst", "apropos", "apud", "around", "as", "aside", "astride", "at", "athwart", "atop", "barring", "before", "behind", "below", "beneath", "beside", "besides", "between", "beyond", "but", "by", "circa", "despite", "down", "during", "et", "except", "for", "forenenst", "from", "given", "in", "inside", "into", "lest", "like", "modulo", "near", "next", "notwithstanding", "of", "off", "on", "onto", "out", "over", "per", "plus", "pro", "qua", "sans", "since", "than", "through", " thru", "throughout", "thruout", "till", "to", "toward", "towards", "under", "underneath", "until", "unto", "up", "upon", "versus", "vs.", "v.", "vs", "v", "via", "vis-à-vis", "with", "within", "without", "according to", "ahead of", "apart from", "as for", "as of", "as per", "as regards", "aside from", "back to", "because of", "close to", "due to", "except for", "far from", "inside of", "instead of", "near to", "next to", "on to", "out from", "out of", "outside of", "prior to", "pursuant to", "rather than", "regardless of", "such as", "that of", "up to", "where as", "or", "yet", "so", "for", "and", "nor", "a", "an", "the", "de", "d'", "von", "van", "c", "ca", ] )