#!/usr/bin/env python import json def load_file(filename): with open(filename) as f: nomie_data = json.load(f) return nomie_data # generate a yes/no cli question with a default answer def confirmation_question(question, default_no=True): choices = " [y/N]: " if default_no else " [Y/n]: " default_answer = "n" if default_no else "y" reply = str(input(question + choices)).lower().strip() or default_answer if reply[0] == "y": return True if reply[0] == "n": return False else: return False if default_no else True # display stats and ask user to confirm if they seem okay def verify_continue(data): trackers = "" for t in data["trackers"]: trackers += t + ", " print(f"Exporting from nomie {data['nomie']['number']}:") print(f"Found trackers: {trackers}") print(f"Found events: {len(data['events'])} entries.") if not confirmation_question("Do you want to continue?", default_no=False): print("Aborted.") exit(0) # return the data belonging to nomie def get_data(file, interactive): nomie_data = load_file(file) if interactive: verify_continue(nomie_data) return nomie_data