def migrate(db, trackers): c = db.cursor() habits = trackers_to_habits(trackers) for habit in habits: existing_habit = check_habit_duplicate(c, habit) if not existing_habit: add_to_database(c, habit) else: print(f"Found duplicate Habit: {existing_habit} - skipping.") return habits def trackers_to_habits(trackers): habits = [] for tracker_name in trackers.keys(): t = trackers[tracker_name] habits.append( { "archived": 0 if t["hidden"] == False else 1, "color": 11 if t.get("score", 0) != "-1" else 0, "description": t["tag"], "freq_den": 1, "freq_num": 1, "highlight": 0, "name": f"{t['emoji']} {t['label']}", "question": "", "position": 0, "unit": "" if t["uom"] == "num" else t["uom"], "uuid": t["id"], } ) if t["type"] == "range" and len(habits) > 0: habits[-1]["type"] = "1" habits[-1]["target_value"] = t["max"] return habits def check_habit_duplicate(cursor, habit): cursor.execute("select name from Habits where uuid = ?", [habit["uuid"]]) name = cursor.fetchone() if name: return name[0] return False def add_to_database(cursor, habit): """Takes a habit in the form of a dictionary and inserts it into the Habits table. Parameters: cursor (db.cursor): SQL executing cursor habit (dict): A Loop habit to be added to the database. Must contain a minimum of 'archived','color','description','freq_den','freq_num','highlight','name', 'question','position','unit','uuid' as keys. """ placeholder = ", ".join("?" * len(habit)) columns = ", ".join(habit.keys()) sql = "insert into `{table}` ({columns}) values ({values});".format( table="Habits", columns=columns, values=placeholder ) values = list(habit.values()) cursor.execute(sql, values)