def create_habits(db, trackers): c = db.cursor() tracker = trackers["cigarette"] print(tracker) habit = ( 0, # archived 11, # color (but nomie: `#369DD3`, loop `2` of available selection) tracker["label"], # name "smoking", # description (a little one-liner extended description) 1, # freq_den (frequency denominator, either 7 for per week or 30 for per month) 1, # freq_num (frequency numerator, how often per week/month. Has to be one for ranges afaik?) 0, # highlight (function ??) 4, # position (which vertical position on screen tracker takes. must be unique?) 0, # reminder_days (simple int, but i'm not sure how, saw 127) 0, # type (range,counter [more in nomie]; string in nomie, int in loop) 0, # target_type (??) 0.0, # target_value (??) "c", # unit (text description of value, in nomie set values with `num` being no-value count) "Did you smoke today?", # question (text question tracker asks) tracker["id"], # uuid (unique id, must be unique surprisingly) ) c.execute( """INSERT INTO Habits(id, archived, color, name, description, freq_den, freq_num, highlight, position, reminder_days, type, target_type, target_value, unit, question, uuid) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""", habit, ) c.execute("""select * from Habits""") print(c.fetchall()) c.execute( """ INSERT INTO Repetitions(id, habit, timestamp, value) VALUES (NULL, 5, 1629676800000, 2) """ ) c.execute( """ INSERT INTO Repetitions(id, habit, timestamp, value) VALUES (NULL, 6, 1629676800000, 2) """ ) # grab next tracker info # look for unique id of next habit # if exists skip and warn user # insert tracker into habit table