from __future__ import annotations import sqlite3 from typing import Optional from datetime import datetime from habitmove.loopdata import Habit, Repetition from habitmove.nomiedata import Event def migrate(db: sqlite3.Connection, habits: list[Habit], events: list[Event]) -> None: """Move Loop Activities contained in all Events matching Habits passed in into database. :param db: Database to populate. :param habits: List of Habits to find matching repetitions for. :param events: List of events to find repetitions in. """ c = db.cursor() habits_with_sql_id = habit_list_add_ids(c, habits) repetitions = get_all_repetitions(habits_with_sql_id, events) for rep in repetitions: add_to_database(c, habits_with_sql_id, rep) LOOP_RANGE_VALUE_MULTIPLIER = 1000 def get_all_repetitions( habits: dict[int, Habit], events: list[Event] ) -> list[Repetition]: """Return list of all repetitions found in events passed in. :param habits: Dict of habits with sql_ids that repetitions can be for. :param events: List of events to search through for repetitions. :return repetitions: List of Loop repetitions. """ repetitions = [] for event in events: for activity in event.activities: for habit in habits.values(): # TODO Fix reaching a layer too far into activity -> tracker if habit.uuid == rep = Repetition( habit_uuid=habit.uuid, timestamp=event.end, value=2 ) if habit.type == 1 and activity.value: rep.value = activity.value * LOOP_RANGE_VALUE_MULTIPLIER repetitions.append(rep) return repetitions # TODO possibly just get rid of this entirely def habit_list_add_ids(c: sqlite3.Cursor, habitlist: list[Habit]) -> dict[int, Habit]: """Return the collection of habits with their sqlite id added. :param c: SQL cursor of database to query. :param habitlist: Habits to get sql IDs for. :return habit_id_dict: The habit collection as a dict with the keys consisting of the habit's sqlite database ID. """ with_id = {} for h in habitlist: sql_id = fetch_habit_id(c, h.uuid or "") with_id[sql_id] = h return with_id def fetch_habit_id(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, uuid: str) -> Optional[int]: """Return sqlite internal id for habit with uuid. :param c: SQL cursor of database to query. :param uuid: Unique id of habit to query for. :return id: SQLite internal id for habit queried for. """ cursor.execute("select id from Habits where uuid = ?", ([uuid])) id = cursor.fetchone() if id is not None: return id[0] def add_to_database( cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, habits: dict[int, Habit], repetition: Repetition ) -> None: """Insert the repetition into a sqlite3 table suitable for Loop. :param c: SQL cursor of database to query. :sql_id: Internal sqlite database id of the habit the repetition belongs to. """ for sql_id, habit in habits.items(): if repetition.habit_uuid == habit.uuid: try: cursor.execute( """ INSERT INTO Repetitions(id, habit, timestamp, value) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?) """, (sql_id, repetition.timestamp, repetition.value), ) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: # FIXME better error handling # TODO think about adapting this to allow importing into existing databases print( f"{sql_id}, {}: timestamp {datetime.fromtimestamp(repetition.timestamp/1000)} not unique, moving timestamp slightly." ) add_to_database( cursor, habits, Repetition( repetition.habit_uuid, repetition.timestamp + 1, repetition.value, ), )