# Writing module This module contains everything that is specific for me writing prose, journaling and pursuing academic work. That means there are configurations for reference management (`papis`), for daily journaling (`jrnl`), for reading PDFs (`sioyek`, `zathura`) and for general notetaking (`zk`). [bibtex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX) - plain-text references [papis](https://github.com/papis/papis) - yaml-driven and bibtex-compatible reference management [jrnl](https://github.com/jrnl-org/jrnl) - journaling on the command line [zk](https://github.com/zk-org/zk) - notetaking with a 'zettelkasten' principle [zathura](git.pwmt.org) - keyboard-driven PDF reading [sioyek](http://sioyek.info/) - keyboard-driven PDF reading *and annotating*