#!/usr/bin/env bash # nmcli WireGuard abstraction layer for use with my waybar module and rofi custom menu script # # requires nmcli on your path # install to the same directory as wireguard-rofi.sh # # usage: ./wireguard.sh [menu|toggle NAME] # no argument: print current connections # json: print waybar-ready json output # menu: print all connections # toggle NAME: toggle connection NAME if ! command -v nmcli >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "err: nmcli not found" exit 1 fi nargs=$# showmenu="no" dotoggle="no" printjson="no" if [[ $nargs == 1 ]]; then if [[ $1 == "menu" ]]; then showmenu="yes" elif [[ $1 == "json" ]]; then printjson="yes" fi elif [[ $nargs == 2 ]]; then if [[ $1 == "toggle" ]]; then dotoggle="yes" conn="$2" fi fi nmclicmd="nmcli connection" wgconns="$nmclicmd show" wgactive="$wgconns --active" connected=() available=() function print_as_json() { text="${1%% |*}" # prints out name of first vpn it finds alt="${1%%:*}" tooltip="${1}" [ -n "$1" ] && class="connected" || class="disconnected" printf "{\"text\": \"%s\", \"alt\": \"%s\", \"tooltip\": \"%s\", \"class\": \"%s\"}" \ "$text" \ "$alt" \ "$tooltip" \ "$class" } function get_conns { while read -r name _ type device; do if [[ $type != "wireguard" && ($type != "tun" || $device != "proton0") ]]; then continue fi if [[ $device != "--" ]]; then while read -r key value; do if [[ $key != "ipv4.addresses:" ]]; then continue fi connected+=("$name: $value") done < <($wgconns "$name") else available+=("$name") fi done < <($1) } function get_pia { if ! command -v piactl >/dev/null 2>&1; then return 1 fi status=$(piactl get connectionstate) if [[ $status = "Connected" ]]; then connected+=("pia: $(piactl get vpnip)") fi } function get_netbird { if ! command -v netbird >/dev/null 2>&1 || [ "$(systemctl is-active netbird)" == "inactive" ]; then return 1 fi status="$(netbird status)" if echo "$status" | grep -q "^Signal: Connected"; then connected+=("netbird:$(echo "$status" | grep "^NetBird IP:" | cut -d':' -f2)") fi } function print_conns { local first="yes" local array_print="$1[@]" local array_print=("${!array_print}") if [[ $2 == "list" ]]; then for c in "${array_print[@]}"; do output="$1: $c" done else output="" for c in "${array_print[@]}"; do if [[ "$first" != "yes" ]]; then output+=" | " fi output+="$c" first="no" done fi if [[ "$printjson" == "yes" ]]; then print_as_json "$output" else echo "$output" fi } function array_contains { local array_has="$1[@]" local array_has=("${!array_has}") local element="$2" for e in "${array_has[@]}"; do if [[ "$e" == *"$element"* ]]; then echo "yes" return fi done echo "no" } if [[ $nargs == 0 ]] || [[ $printjson = "yes" ]]; then get_pia get_netbird get_conns "$wgactive" print_conns connected elif [[ $showmenu == "yes" ]]; then get_pia get_netbird get_conns "$wgconns" print_conns connected "list" print_conns available "list" elif [[ $dotoggle == "yes" ]]; then get_pia get_netbird get_conns "$wgconns" if [[ "$(array_contains connected "$conn")" == "yes" ]]; then $nmclicmd down "$conn" elif [[ "$(array_contains available "$conn")" == "yes" ]]; then $nmclicmd up "$conn" else echo "err: connection not found" exit 1 fi else echo "err: wrong args" exit 1 fi