# much of this such as the whitelist, canonical list for lasgenre # is stolen from https://github.com/montchr/beets-config/ with much gratitude directory: ~/media/audio/music library: ~/.local/share/beets/library.db threaded: true art_filename: albumart # Use the album's original date instead of the release's date original_date: yes # Use safer pathnames asciify_paths: yes max_filename_length: 255 # Long format - I don't need all the extra info for each invocation #format_item: '[$id] [$album_id] [$singleton] $albumartist - $title - $album - $original_year - [$format - $bitrate $length $filesize]' #format_album: '[$id] $albumartist - $album - $original_year [$catalognum]' clutter: - Thumbs.db - .DS_Store - '*.m3u' - '*.pls' - '*.db' import: copy: false move: true write: true bell: true # incremental: true languages: - en log: ~/.cache/beets.log quiet_fallback: skip timid: false ignore_hidden: yes paths: default: "%the{$albumartist}/$album/$track $title" singleton: "singletons/%the{$artist - $title}" comp: compilations/$album/$track $title albumtype:soundtrack: soundtracks/$album/$track $title item_fields: multidisc: 1 if disctotal > 1 else 0 artist_differs: 1 if albumartist != artist else 0 musicbrainz: extra_tags: [year, catalognum, country, media, label] auto: yes remove: yes match: preferred: countries: ["US", "UK|GB", "DE", "NL", "SE"] media: ["Digital Media|File", "CD"] strong_rec_thresh: 0.15 medium_red_thresh: 0.25 rec_gap_thresh: 0.25 plugins: - acousticbrainz - bandcamp - chroma - deezer - describe - edit - embedart - export - fetchart - fromfilename - ftintitle - fuzzy - importadded - info - inline - lastgenre - lastimport - lyrics - mbcollection - mbsync - missing - spotify - the - ydl edit: itemfields: track title artist album albumfields: album albumartist albumtype ignore_fields: id path fetchart: sources: filesystem coverart itunes discogs amazon albumart store_source: yes lastgenre: auto: true canonical: ~/.config/beets/lastgenre_canonicallist.yaml count: 4 fallback: "" force: yes min_weight: 6 prefer_specific: false separator: "; " source: album whitelist: ~/.config/beets/lastgenre_whitelist.txt lastfm: user: schmitzkater lyrics: sources: musixmatch genius fallback: '' bandcamp: art: true