#!/bin/sh # check for existence of fuzzy finders. If found, substitute fzf with it. # order is skim > fzy > fzf > nothing if type sk >/dev/null 2>&1; then alias fzf=sk elif type fzy >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "[WARNING]: fzy found as fuzzy finder - install skim to use full script functionality" alias fzf=fzy elif type fzf >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "[WARNING]: fzf found as fuzzy finder - install skim to use full script functionality" alias fzf=fzf else echo "[WARNING]: No fuzzy finder found - install skim to enable functionality" fi # check for existence of greplikes. If found, substitute fzf with it. # order is skim > fzy > fzf > nothing if type rg >/dev/null 2>&1; then alias rg=rg elif type ag >/dev/null 2>&1; then alias rg=ag elif type ack >/dev/null 2>&1; then alias rg=ack else echo "[WARNING]: No grep-like found - install ripgrep/the silver surfer (ag)/ack to enable functionality" fi # set up fuzzy file and directory search alias f="fzf -c 'find . -type f' --preview='"'head -$LINES {}'"' | xargs xdg-open" alias F="fzf -c 'find ~ -type f' --preview='"'head -$LINES {}'"' | xargs xdg-open" alias d="fzf -c 'find . -type d' --preview='ls --color='always' {}' | cd" alias D="fzf -c 'find ~ -type d' --preview='ls --color='always' {}' --color=dark --ansi | cd" # Display fuzzy-searchable history alias zhfind="history | fzf --tac --height 20"