local Element = require('elements/Element') -- Menu data structure accepted by `Menu:open(menu)`. ---@alias MenuData {id?: string; type?: string; title?: string; hint?: string; search_style?: 'on_demand' | 'palette' | 'disabled'; keep_open?: boolean; bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; muted?: boolean; separator?: boolean; align?: 'left'|'center'|'right'; items?: MenuDataItem[]; selected_index?: integer; on_search?: string|string[]|fun(search_text: string); on_paste?: string|string[]|fun(search_text: string); search_debounce?: number|string; search_submenus?: boolean; search_suggestion?: string} ---@alias MenuDataItem MenuDataValue|MenuData ---@alias MenuDataValue {title?: string; hint?: string; icon?: string; value: any; active?: boolean; keep_open?: boolean; selectable?: boolean; bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; muted?: boolean; separator?: boolean; align?: 'left'|'center'|'right'} ---@alias MenuOptions {mouse_nav?: boolean; on_open?: fun(); on_close?: fun(); on_back?: fun(); on_move_item?: fun(from_index: integer, to_index: integer, submenu_path: integer[]); on_delete_item?: fun(index: integer, submenu_path: integer[])} -- Internal data structure created from `Menu`. ---@alias MenuStack {id?: string; type?: string; title?: string; hint?: string; search_style?: 'on_demand' | 'palette' | 'disabled', selected_index?: number; keep_open?: boolean; bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; muted?: boolean; separator?: boolean; align?: 'left'|'center'|'right'; items: MenuStackItem[]; on_search?: string|string[]|fun(search_text: string); on_paste?: string|string[]|fun(search_text: string); search_debounce?: number|string; search_submenus?: boolean; search_suggestion?: string; parent_menu?: MenuStack; submenu_path: integer[]; active?: boolean; width: number; height: number; top: number; scroll_y: number; scroll_height: number; title_width: number; hint_width: number; max_width: number; is_root?: boolean; fling?: Fling, search?: Search, ass_safe_title?: string} ---@alias MenuStackItem MenuStackValue|MenuStack ---@alias MenuStackValue {title?: string; hint?: string; icon?: string; value: any; active?: boolean; keep_open?: boolean; selectable?: boolean; bold?: boolean; italic?: boolean; muted?: boolean; separator?: boolean; align?: 'left'|'center'|'right'; title_width: number; hint_width: number} ---@alias Fling {y: number, distance: number, time: number, easing: fun(x: number), duration: number, update_cursor?: boolean} ---@alias Search {query: string; timeout: unknown; min_top: number; max_width: number; source: {width: number; top: number; scroll_y: number; selected_index?: integer; items?: MenuDataItem[]}} ---@alias Modifiers {shift?: boolean, ctrl?: boolean, alt?: boolean} ---@alias MenuCallbackMeta {modifiers: Modifiers} ---@alias MenuCallback fun(value: any, meta: MenuCallbackMeta) ---@class Menu : Element local Menu = class(Element) ---@param data MenuData ---@param callback MenuCallback ---@param opts? MenuOptions function Menu:open(data, callback, opts) local open_menu = self:is_open() if open_menu then open_menu.is_being_replaced = true open_menu:close(true) end return Menu:new(data, callback, opts) end ---@param menu_type? string ---@return Menu|nil function Menu:is_open(menu_type) return Elements.menu and (not menu_type or Elements.menu.type == menu_type) and Elements.menu or nil end ---@param immediate? boolean Close immediately without fadeout animation. ---@param callback? fun() Called after the animation (if any) ends and element is removed and destroyed. ---@overload fun(callback: fun()) function Menu:close(immediate, callback) if type(immediate) ~= 'boolean' then callback = immediate end local menu = self == Menu and Elements.menu or self if menu and not menu.destroyed then if menu.is_closing then menu:tween_stop() return end local function close() Elements:remove('menu') menu.is_closing, menu.stack, menu.current, menu.all, menu.by_id = false, nil, nil, {}, {} menu:disable_key_bindings() Elements:update_proximities() cursor:queue_autohide() if callback then callback() end request_render() end menu.is_closing = true if immediate then close() else menu:fadeout(close) end end end ---@param data MenuData ---@param callback MenuCallback ---@param opts? MenuOptions ---@return Menu function Menu:new(data, callback, opts) return Class.new(self, data, callback, opts) --[[@as Menu]] end ---@param data MenuData ---@param callback MenuCallback ---@param opts? MenuOptions function Menu:init(data, callback, opts) Element.init(self, 'menu', {render_order = 1001}) -----@type fun() self.callback = callback self.opts = opts or {} self.offset_x = 0 -- Used for submenu transition animation. self.mouse_nav = self.opts.mouse_nav -- Stops pre-selecting items ---@type Modifiers self.modifiers = {} self.item_height = nil self.min_width = nil self.item_spacing = 1 self.item_padding = nil self.separator_size = nil self.padding = nil self.gap = nil self.font_size = nil self.font_size_hint = nil self.scroll_step = nil -- Item height + item spacing. self.scroll_height = nil -- Items + spacings - container height. self.opacity = 0 -- Used to fade in/out. self.type = data.type ---@type MenuStack Root MenuStack. self.root = nil ---@type MenuStack Current MenuStack. self.current = nil ---@type MenuStack[] All menus in a flat array. self.all = nil ---@type table Map of submenus by their ids, such as `'Tools > Aspect ratio'`. self.by_id = {} self.key_bindings = {} self.key_bindings_search = {} -- temporary key bindings for search self.type_to_search = options.menu_type_to_search self.is_being_replaced = false self.is_closing, self.is_closed = false, false self.drag_last_y = nil self.is_dragging = false if utils.shared_script_property_set then utils.shared_script_property_set('uosc-menu-type', self.type or 'undefined') end mp.set_property_native('user-data/uosc/menu/type', self.type or 'undefined') self:update(data) for _, menu in ipairs(self.all) do self:scroll_to_index(menu.selected_index, menu) end if self.mouse_nav then self.current.selected_index = nil end self:tween_property('opacity', 0, 1) self:enable_key_bindings() Elements:maybe('curtain', 'register', self.id) if self.opts.on_open then self.opts.on_open() end end function Menu:destroy() Element.destroy(self) self:disable_key_bindings() self.is_closed = true if not self.is_being_replaced then Elements:maybe('curtain', 'unregister', self.id) end if utils.shared_script_property_set then utils.shared_script_property_set('uosc-menu-type', nil) end mp.set_property_native('user-data/uosc/menu/type', nil) if self.opts.on_close then self.opts.on_close() end end ---@param data MenuData function Menu:update(data) local new_root = {is_root = true, submenu_path = {}} local new_all = {} local new_menus = {} -- menus that didn't exist before this `update()` local new_by_id = {} local menus_to_serialize = {{new_root, data}} local old_current_id = self.current and self.current.id local menu_props_to_copy = { 'title', 'hint', 'keep_open', 'search_style', 'search_submenus', 'search_suggestion', 'on_search', 'on_paste', } local item_props_to_copy = itable_join(menu_props_to_copy, { 'icon', 'active', 'bold', 'italic', 'muted', 'value', 'separator', 'selectable', 'align', }) table_assign_props(new_root, data, itable_join({'type'}, menu_props_to_copy)) local i = 0 while i < #menus_to_serialize do i = i + 1 local menu, menu_data = menus_to_serialize[i][1], menus_to_serialize[i][2] local parent_id = menu.parent_menu and not menu.parent_menu.is_root and menu.parent_menu.id if menu_data.id then menu.id = menu_data.id elseif not menu.is_root then menu.id = (parent_id and parent_id .. ' > ' or '') .. (menu_data.title or i) else menu.id = 'main' end menu.icon = 'chevron_right' -- Normalize `search_debounce` if type(menu_data.search_debounce) == 'number' then menu.search_debounce = math.max(0, menu_data.search_debounce) elseif menu_data.search_debounce == 'submit' then menu.search_debounce = 'submit' else menu.search_debounce = menu.on_search and 300 or 0 end -- Update items local first_active_index = nil menu.items = { {title = t('Empty'), value = 'ignore', italic = 'true', muted = 'true', selectable = false, align = 'center'}, } for i, item_data in ipairs(menu_data.items or {}) do if item_data.active and not first_active_index then first_active_index = i end local item = {} table_assign_props(item, item_data, item_props_to_copy) if item.keep_open == nil then item.keep_open = menu.keep_open end -- Submenu if item_data.items then item.parent_menu = menu item.submenu_path = itable_join(menu.submenu_path, {i}) menus_to_serialize[#menus_to_serialize + 1] = {item, item_data} end menu.items[i] = item end if menu.is_root then menu.selected_index = menu_data.selected_index or first_active_index end -- Retain old state local old_menu = self.by_id[menu.id] if old_menu then table_assign_props(menu, old_menu, {'selected_index', 'scroll_y', 'fling', 'search'}) else new_menus[#new_menus + 1] = menu end new_all[#new_all + 1] = menu new_by_id[menu.id] = menu end self.root, self.all, self.by_id = new_root, new_all, new_by_id self.current = self.by_id[old_current_id] or self.root self:update_content_dimensions() self:reset_navigation() -- Ensure palette menus have active searches, and clean empty searches from menus that lost the `palette` flag local update_dimensions_again = false for _, menu in ipairs(self.all) do local is_palette = menu.search_style == 'palette' if not menu.search and (is_palette or (menu.search_suggestion and itable_index_of(new_menus, menu))) then update_dimensions_again = true self:search_init(menu) elseif not is_palette and menu.search and menu.search.query == '' then update_dimensions_again = true menu.search = nil end end -- We update before _and_ after because search_inits need the initial un-searched -- menu's position and scroll state to save on the `search.source` table. if update_dimensions_again then self:update_content_dimensions() self:reset_navigation() end -- Apply search suggestions for _, menu in ipairs(new_menus) do if menu.search_suggestion then menu.search.query = menu.search_suggestion end end for _, menu in ipairs(self.all) do if menu.search then -- the menu items are new objects and the search needs to contain those menu.search.source.items = not menu.on_search and menu.items or nil -- Only internal searches are immediately submitted if not menu.on_search then self:search_internal(menu, true) end end if menu.selected_index then self:select_by_offset(0, menu) end end self:search_ensure_key_bindings() end ---@param items MenuDataItem[] function Menu:update_items(items) local data = table_assign({}, self.root) data.items = items self:update(data) end function Menu:update_content_dimensions() self.item_height = round(options.menu_item_height * state.scale) self.min_width = round(options.menu_min_width * state.scale) self.separator_size = round(1 * state.scale) self.scrollbar_size = round(2 * state.scale) self.padding = round(options.menu_padding * state.scale) self.gap = round(2 * state.scale) self.font_size = round(self.item_height * 0.48 * options.font_scale) self.font_size_hint = self.font_size - 1 self.item_padding = round((self.item_height - self.font_size) * 0.6) self.scroll_step = self.item_height + self.item_spacing local title_opts = {size = self.font_size, italic = false, bold = false} local hint_opts = {size = self.font_size_hint} for _, menu in ipairs(self.all) do title_opts.bold, title_opts.italic = true, false local max_width = text_width(menu.title, title_opts) + 2 * self.padding + 2 * self.item_padding -- Estimate width of a widest item for _, item in ipairs(menu.items) do local icon_width = item.icon and self.font_size or 0 item.title_width = text_width(item.title, title_opts) item.hint_width = text_width(item.hint, hint_opts) local spacings_in_item = 1 + (item.title_width > 0 and 1 or 0) + (item.hint_width > 0 and 1 or 0) + (icon_width > 0 and 1 or 0) local estimated_width = item.title_width + item.hint_width + icon_width + (self.item_padding * spacings_in_item) if estimated_width > max_width then max_width = estimated_width end end menu.max_width = max_width + 2 * self.padding end self:update_dimensions() end function Menu:update_dimensions() -- Coordinates and sizes are of the scrollable area. Title is rendered -- above it, so we need to account for that in max_height and ay position. -- This is a debt from an era where we had different cursor event handling, -- and dumb titles with no search inputs. It could use a refactor. local margin = round(self.item_height / 2) local width_available, height_available = display.width - margin * 2, display.height - margin * 2 local min_width = math.min(self.min_width, width_available) for _, menu in ipairs(self.all) do local width = math.max(menu.search and menu.search.max_width or 0, menu.max_width) menu.width = round(clamp(min_width, width, width_available)) local title_height = (menu.is_root and menu.title or menu.search) and self.scroll_step + self.padding or 0 local max_height = height_available - title_height local content_height = self.scroll_step * #menu.items menu.height = math.min(content_height - self.item_spacing, max_height) menu.top = clamp( title_height + margin, menu.search and math.min(menu.search.min_top, menu.search.source.top) or height_available, round((height_available - menu.height + title_height) / 2) ) if menu.search then menu.search.min_top = math.min(menu.search.min_top, menu.top) menu.search.max_width = math.max(menu.search.max_width, menu.width) end menu.scroll_height = math.max(content_height - menu.height - self.item_spacing, 0) self:set_scroll_to(menu.scroll_y, menu) -- clamps scroll_y to scroll limits end self:update_coordinates() end -- Updates element coordinates to match currently open (sub)menu. function Menu:update_coordinates() local ax = round((display.width - self.current.width) / 2) + self.offset_x self:set_coordinates(ax, self.current.top, ax + self.current.width, self.current.top + self.current.height) end function Menu:reset_navigation() local menu = self.current -- Reset indexes and scroll self:set_scroll_to(menu.scroll_y) -- clamps scroll_y to scroll limits if menu.items and #menu.items > 0 then -- Normalize existing selected_index always, and force it only in keyboard navigation if not self.mouse_nav then self:select_by_offset(0) end else self:select_index(nil) end -- Walk up the parent menu chain and activate items that lead to current menu local parent = menu.parent_menu while parent do parent.selected_index = itable_index_of(parent.items, menu) menu, parent = parent, parent.parent_menu end request_render() end function Menu:set_offset_x(offset) local delta = offset - self.offset_x self.offset_x = offset self:set_coordinates(self.ax + delta, self.ay, self.bx + delta, self.by) end function Menu:fadeout(callback) self:tween_property('opacity', 1, 0, callback) end function Menu:get_first_active_index(menu) menu = menu or self.current for index, item in ipairs(self.current.items) do if item.active then return index end end end ---@param pos? number ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:set_scroll_to(pos, menu) menu = menu or self.current menu.scroll_y = clamp(0, pos or 0, menu.scroll_height) request_render() end ---@param delta? number ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:set_scroll_by(delta, menu) menu = menu or self.current self:set_scroll_to(menu.scroll_y + delta, menu) end ---@param pos? number ---@param menu? MenuStack ---@param fling_options? table function Menu:scroll_to(pos, menu, fling_options) menu = menu or self.current menu.fling = { y = menu.scroll_y, distance = clamp(-menu.scroll_y, pos - menu.scroll_y, menu.scroll_height - menu.scroll_y), time = mp.get_time(), duration = 0.1, easing = ease_out_sext, } if fling_options then table_assign(menu.fling, fling_options) end request_render() end ---@param delta? number ---@param menu? MenuStack ---@param fling_options? Fling function Menu:scroll_by(delta, menu, fling_options) menu = menu or self.current self:scroll_to((menu.fling and (menu.fling.y + menu.fling.distance) or menu.scroll_y) + delta, menu, fling_options) end ---@param index? integer ---@param menu? MenuStack ---@param immediate? boolean function Menu:scroll_to_index(index, menu, immediate) menu = menu or self.current if (index and index >= 1 and index <= #menu.items) then local position = round((self.scroll_step * (index - 1)) - ((menu.height - self.scroll_step) / 2)) if immediate then self:set_scroll_to(position, menu) else self:scroll_to(position, menu) end end end ---@param index? integer ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:select_index(index, menu) menu = menu or self.current menu.selected_index = (index and index >= 1 and index <= #menu.items) and index or nil request_render() end ---@param value? any ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:select_value(value, menu) menu = menu or self.current local index = itable_find(menu.items, function(item) return item.value == value end) self:select_index(index) end ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:deactivate_items(menu) menu = menu or self.current for _, item in ipairs(menu.items) do item.active = false end request_render() end ---@param index? integer ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:activate_index(index, menu) menu = menu or self.current if index and index >= 1 and index <= #menu.items then menu.items[index].active = true end request_render() end ---@param index? integer ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:activate_one_index(index, menu) self:deactivate_items(menu) self:activate_index(index, menu) end ---@param value? any ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:activate_value(value, menu) menu = menu or self.current local index = itable_find(menu.items, function(item) return item.value == value end) self:activate_index(index, menu) end ---@param value? any ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:activate_one_value(value, menu) menu = menu or self.current local index = itable_find(menu.items, function(item) return item.value == value end) self:activate_one_index(index, menu) end ---@param menu MenuStack One of menus in `self.all`. function Menu:activate_menu(menu) if itable_index_of(self.all, menu) then self.current = menu self:update_coordinates() self:reset_navigation() self:search_ensure_key_bindings() request_render() else msg.error('Attempt to open a menu not in `self.all` list.') end end ---@param id string function Menu:activate_submenu(id) local submenu = self.by_id[id] if submenu then self:activate_menu(submenu) local menu = self.current local parent = menu.parent_menu while parent do parent.selected_index = itable_index_of(parent.items, menu) self:scroll_to_index(parent.selected_index, parent) menu, parent = parent, parent.parent_menu end else msg.error(string.format('Requested submenu id "%s" doesn\'t exist', id)) end end ---@param index? integer ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:delete_index(index, menu) menu = menu or self.current if (index and index >= 1 and index <= #menu.items) then table.remove(menu.items, index) self:update_content_dimensions() self:scroll_to_index(menu.selected_index, menu) end end ---@param value? any ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:delete_value(value, menu) menu = menu or self.current local index = itable_find(menu.items, function(item) return item.value == value end) self:delete_index(index) end ---@param menu MenuStack One of menus in `self.all`. ---@param x number `x` coordinate to slide from. function Menu:slide_in_menu(menu, x) local current = self.current current.selected_index = nil self:activate_menu(menu) self:tween(-(display.width / 2 - menu.width / 2 - x), 0, function(offset) self:set_offset_x(offset) end) self.opacity = 1 -- in case tween above canceled fade in animation end function Menu:back() if self.opts.on_back then self.opts.on_back() if self.is_closed then return end end local current = self.current local parent = current.parent_menu if parent then self:slide_in_menu(parent, display.width / 2 - current.width / 2 - parent.width / 2 + self.offset_x) else self:close() end end ---@param opts? {keep_open?: boolean, preselect_first_item?: boolean} function Menu:open_selected_item(opts) opts = opts or {} local menu = self.current if menu.selected_index then local item = menu.items[menu.selected_index] -- Is submenu if item.items then if opts.preselect_first_item then item.selected_index = #item.items > 0 and 1 or nil end self:activate_menu(item) self:tween(self.offset_x + menu.width / 2, 0, function(offset) self:set_offset_x(offset) end) self.opacity = 1 -- in case tween above canceled fade in animation else self.callback(item.value, {modifiers = self.modifiers or {}}) if not item.keep_open and not opts.keep_open then self:close() end end end end function Menu:open_selected_item_soft() self:open_selected_item({keep_open = true}) end function Menu:open_selected_item_preselect() self:open_selected_item({preselect_first_item = true}) end ---@param index integer function Menu:move_selected_item_to(index) local from, callback = self.current.selected_index, self.opts.on_move_item if callback and from and from ~= index and index >= 1 and index <= #self.current.items then callback(from, index, self.current.submenu_path) self.current.selected_index = index self:scroll_to_index(index, self.current, true) end end function Menu:move_selected_item_up() if self.current.selected_index then self:move_selected_item_to(self.current.selected_index - 1) end end function Menu:move_selected_item_down() if self.current.selected_index then self:move_selected_item_to(self.current.selected_index + 1) end end function Menu:delete_selected_item() local index, callback = self.current.selected_index, self.opts.on_delete_item if callback and index then callback(index, self.current.submenu_path) end end function Menu:on_display() self:update_dimensions() end function Menu:on_prop_fullormaxed() self:update_content_dimensions() end function Menu:on_options() self:update_content_dimensions() end function Menu:handle_cursor_down() if self.proximity_raw == 0 then self.drag_last_y = cursor.y self.current.fling = nil else self:close() end end function Menu:handle_cursor_up() if self.proximity_raw == 0 and self.drag_last_y and not self.is_dragging then self:open_selected_item({preselect_first_item = false, keep_open = self.modifiers and self.modifiers.shift}) end if self.is_dragging then local distance = cursor:get_velocity().y / -3 if math.abs(distance) > 50 then self.current.fling = { y = self.current.scroll_y, distance = distance, time = cursor.history:head().time, easing = ease_out_quart, duration = 0.5, update_cursor = true, } request_render() end end self.is_dragging = false self.drag_last_y = nil end function Menu:on_global_mouse_move() self.mouse_nav = true if self.drag_last_y then self.is_dragging = self.is_dragging or math.abs(cursor.y - self.drag_last_y) >= 10 local distance = self.drag_last_y - cursor.y if distance ~= 0 then self:set_scroll_by(distance) end if self.is_dragging then self.drag_last_y = cursor.y end end request_render() end function Menu:handle_wheel_up() self:scroll_by(self.scroll_step * -3, nil, {update_cursor = true}) end function Menu:handle_wheel_down() self:scroll_by(self.scroll_step * 3, nil, {update_cursor = true}) end ---@param offset integer ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:select_by_offset(offset, menu) menu = menu or self.current local index = clamp(1, (menu.selected_index or offset >= 0 and 0 or #menu.items + 1) + offset, #menu.items) local prev_index = itable_find(menu.items, function(item) return item.selectable ~= false end, index, 1) local next_index = itable_find(menu.items, function(item) return item.selectable ~= false end, index) if prev_index and next_index then if offset == 0 then menu.selected_index = index - prev_index <= next_index - index and prev_index or next_index elseif offset > 0 then menu.selected_index = next_index else menu.selected_index = prev_index end else menu.selected_index = prev_index or next_index or nil end request_render() end ---@param offset integer ---@param immediate? boolean function Menu:navigate_by_offset(offset, immediate) self:select_by_offset(offset) if self.current.selected_index then self:scroll_to_index(self.current.selected_index, self.current, immediate) end end function Menu:prev() self:navigate_by_offset(-1, true) end function Menu:next() self:navigate_by_offset(1, true) end function Menu:on_pgup() local items_per_page = round((self.current.height / self.scroll_step) * 0.4) self:navigate_by_offset(-items_per_page) end function Menu:on_pgdwn() local items_per_page = round((self.current.height / self.scroll_step) * 0.4) self:navigate_by_offset(items_per_page) end function Menu:on_home() self:navigate_by_offset(-math.huge) end function Menu:on_end() self:navigate_by_offset(math.huge) end function Menu:paste() local menu = self.current local payload = get_clipboard() if not payload then return end if menu.search then self:search_query_update(menu.search.query .. payload) elseif menu.on_paste then local paste_type = type(menu.on_paste) if paste_type == 'string' then mp.command(menu.on_paste .. ' ' .. payload) elseif paste_type == 'table' then local command = itable_join({}, menu.on_paste) command[#command + 1] = payload mp.command_native(command) else menu.on_paste(payload) end elseif menu.search_style ~= 'disabled' then self:search_start(menu) self:search_query_update(payload, menu) end end ---@param menu MenuStack ---@param no_select_first? boolean function Menu:search_internal(menu, no_select_first) local query = menu.search.query:lower() if query == '' then -- Reset menu state to what it was before search for key, value in pairs(menu.search.source) do menu[key] = value end else -- Inherit `search_submenus` from parent menus local search_submenus, parent_menu = menu.search_submenus, menu.parent_menu while not search_submenus and parent_menu do search_submenus, parent_menu = parent_menu.search_submenus, parent_menu.parent_menu end menu.items = search_items(menu.search.source.items, query, search_submenus) -- Select 1st item in search results if not no_select_first then menu.scroll_y = 0 self:select_index(1, menu) end end self:update_content_dimensions() end ---@param items MenuStackItem[] ---@param query string ---@param recursive? boolean ---@param prefix? string ---@return MenuStackItem[] function search_items(items, query, recursive, prefix) local result = {} local concat = table.concat for _, item in ipairs(items) do if item.selectable ~= false then local prefixed_title = prefix and prefix .. ' / ' .. (item.title or '') or item.title if item.items and recursive then itable_append(result, search_items(item.items, query, recursive, prefixed_title)) else local title = item.title and item.title:lower() local hint = item.hint and item.hint:lower() local initials_title = title and concat(initials(title)) local romanization = need_romanization() if romanization then ligature_conv_title = title and char_conv(title, true) initials_conv_title = title and concat(initials(char_conv(title, false))) end if title and title:find(query, 1, true) or title and romanization and ligature_conv_title:find(query, 1, true) or hint and hint:find(query, 1, true) or title and initials_title:find(query, 1, true) or title and romanization and initials_conv_title:find(query, 1, true) or hint and concat(initials(hint)):find(query, 1, true) then item = table_assign({}, item) item.title = prefixed_title item.ass_safe_title = nil result[#result + 1] = item end end end end return result end ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:search_submit(menu) menu = menu or self.current if not menu.search then return end if menu.on_search then local search_type = type(menu.on_search) if search_type == 'string' then mp.command(menu.on_search .. ' ' .. menu.search.query) elseif search_type == 'table' then local command = itable_join({}, menu.on_search) command[#command + 1] = menu.search.query mp.command_native(command) else menu.on_search(menu.search.query) end else self:search_internal(menu) end end ---@param query string ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:search_query_update(query, menu) menu = menu or self.current menu.search.query = query if menu.search_debounce ~= 'submit' then if menu.search.timeout then menu.search.timeout:kill() menu.search.timeout:resume() else self:search_submit(menu) end end request_render() end ---@param event? string ---@param word_mode? boolean Delete by words. function Menu:search_backspace(event, word_mode) local pos, old_query = #self.current.search.query, self.current.search.query local is_palette = self.current.search_style == 'palette' if word_mode then local word_pat, other_pat = '[^%c%s%p]+$', '[%c%s%p]+$' local init_pat = old_query:sub(#old_query):match(word_pat) and word_pat or other_pat -- First we match all same type consecutive chars at the end local tail = old_query:match(init_pat) or '' -- If there's only one, we extend the tail with opposite type chars if tail and #tail == 1 then tail = tail .. old_query:sub(1, #old_query - #tail):match(init_pat == word_pat and other_pat or word_pat) end pos = pos - #tail else -- The while loop is for skipping utf8 continuation bytes while pos > 1 and old_query:byte(pos) >= 0x80 and old_query:byte(pos) <= 0xbf do pos = pos - 1 end pos = pos - 1 end local new_query = old_query:sub(1, pos) if new_query ~= old_query and (is_palette or not self.type_to_search or pos > 0) then self:search_query_update(new_query) elseif not is_palette and self.type_to_search then self:search_stop() elseif is_palette and event ~= 'repeat' then self:back() end end function Menu:search_text_input(info) local menu = self.current if not menu.search and menu.search_style == 'disabled' then return end if info.event ~= 'up' then local key_text = info.key_text if not key_text then -- might be KP0 to KP9 or KP_DEC key_text = info.key_name:match('KP_?(.+)') if not key_text then return end if key_text == 'DEC' then key_text = '.' end end if not menu.search then self:search_start() end self:search_query_update(menu.search.query .. key_text) end end ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:search_stop(menu) menu = menu or self.current self:search_query_update('', menu) menu.search = nil self:search_ensure_key_bindings() self:update_dimensions() self:reset_navigation() end ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:search_init(menu) menu = menu or self.current if menu.search then return end local timeout if menu.search_debounce ~= 'submit' and menu.search_debounce > 0 then timeout = mp.add_timeout(menu.search_debounce / 1000, self:create_action(function() self:search_submit(menu) end)) timeout:kill() end menu.search = { query = '', timeout = timeout, min_top = menu.top, max_width = menu.width, source = { width = menu.width, top = menu.top, scroll_y = menu.scroll_y, selected_index = menu.selected_index, items = not menu.on_search and menu.items or nil, }, } end ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:search_start(menu) if (menu or self.current).search_style == 'disabled' then return end self:search_init(menu) self:search_ensure_key_bindings() self:update_dimensions() end ---@param menu? MenuStack function Menu:search_clear_query(menu) menu = menu or self.current if not self.current.search_style == 'palette' and self.type_to_search then self:search_stop(menu) else self:search_query_update('', menu) end end function Menu:key_bs(info) if info.event ~= 'up' then if self.current.search then if self.modifiers.shift then self:search_clear_query() else self:search_backspace(info.event, self.modifiers.ctrl) end elseif info.event ~= 'repeat' then self:back() end end end function Menu:key_ctrl_enter() if self.current.search then self:search_submit() else self:open_selected_item_preselect() end end function Menu:key_left() if self.current.search then -- control cursor when it's implemented else self:back() end end function Menu:key_right() if self.current.search then -- control cursor when it's implemented else self:open_selected_item_preselect() end end function Menu:search_enable_key_bindings() if #self.key_bindings_search ~= 0 then return end local flags = {repeatable = true, complex = true} local add_key_binding = self.type_to_search and self.add_key_binding or self.search_add_key_binding add_key_binding(self, 'any_unicode', 'menu-search', self:create_key_action('search_text_input'), flags) -- KP0 to KP9 and KP_DEC are not included in any_unicode -- despite typically producing characters, they don't have a info.key_text add_key_binding(self, 'kp_dec', 'menu-search-kp-dec', self:create_key_action('search_text_input'), flags) for i = 0, 9 do add_key_binding(self, 'kp' .. i, 'menu-search-kp' .. i, self:create_key_action('search_text_input'), flags) end end function Menu:search_ensure_key_bindings() if self.type_to_search then return end if self.current.search then self:search_enable_key_bindings() else self:search_disable_key_bindings() end end function Menu:search_disable_key_bindings() for _, name in ipairs(self.key_bindings_search) do mp.remove_key_binding(name) end self.key_bindings_search = {} end function Menu:search_add_key_binding(key, name, fn, flags) self.key_bindings_search[#self.key_bindings_search + 1] = name mp.add_forced_key_binding(key, name, fn, flags) end function Menu:add_key_binding(key, name, fn, flags) self.key_bindings[#self.key_bindings + 1] = name mp.add_forced_key_binding(key, name, fn, flags) end function Menu:enable_key_bindings() -- The `mp.set_key_bindings()` method would be easier here, but that -- doesn't support 'repeatable' flag, so we are stuck with this monster. self:add_key_binding('up', 'menu-prev1', self:create_key_action('prev'), 'repeatable') self:add_key_binding('down', 'menu-next1', self:create_key_action('next'), 'repeatable') self:add_key_binding('ctrl+up', 'menu-move-up', self:create_key_action('move_selected_item_up'), 'repeatable') self:add_key_binding('ctrl+down', 'menu-move-down', self:create_key_action('move_selected_item_down'), 'repeatable') self:add_key_binding('left', 'menu-back1', self:create_key_action('key_left')) self:add_key_binding('right', 'menu-select1', self:create_key_action('key_right')) self:add_key_binding('shift+right', 'menu-select-soft1', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_soft', {shift = true})) self:add_key_binding('shift+mbtn_left', 'menu-select3', self:create_modified_mbtn_left_handler({shift = true})) self:add_key_binding('ctrl+mbtn_left', 'menu-select4', self:create_modified_mbtn_left_handler({ctrl = true})) self:add_key_binding('alt+mbtn_left', 'menu-select5', self:create_modified_mbtn_left_handler({alt = true})) self:add_key_binding('mbtn_back', 'menu-back-alt3', self:create_key_action('back')) self:add_key_binding('bs', 'menu-back-alt4', self:create_key_action('key_bs'), {repeatable = true, complex = true}) self:add_key_binding('shift+bs', 'menu-clear-query', self:create_key_action('key_bs', {shift = true}), {repeatable = true, complex = true}) self:add_key_binding('ctrl+bs', 'menu-delete-word', self:create_key_action('key_bs', {ctrl = true}), {repeatable = true, complex = true}) self:add_key_binding('enter', 'menu-select-alt3', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_preselect')) self:add_key_binding('kp_enter', 'menu-select-alt4', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_preselect')) self:add_key_binding('ctrl+enter', 'menu-select-ctrl1', self:create_key_action('key_ctrl_enter', {ctrl = true})) self:add_key_binding('alt+enter', 'menu-select-alt1', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_preselect', {alt = true})) self:add_key_binding('ctrl+kp_enter', 'menu-select-ctrl2', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_preselect', {ctrl = true})) self:add_key_binding('alt+kp_enter', 'menu-select-alt2', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_preselect', {alt = true})) self:add_key_binding('shift+enter', 'menu-select-alt5', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_soft', {shift = true})) self:add_key_binding('shift+kp_enter', 'menu-select-alt6', self:create_key_action('open_selected_item_soft', {shift = true})) self:add_key_binding('esc', 'menu-close', self:create_key_action('close')) self:add_key_binding('pgup', 'menu-page-up', self:create_key_action('on_pgup'), 'repeatable') self:add_key_binding('pgdwn', 'menu-page-down', self:create_key_action('on_pgdwn'), 'repeatable') self:add_key_binding('home', 'menu-home', self:create_key_action('on_home')) self:add_key_binding('end', 'menu-end', self:create_key_action('on_end')) self:add_key_binding('del', 'menu-delete-item', self:create_key_action('delete_selected_item')) self:add_key_binding('ctrl+v', 'menu-paste', self:create_key_action('paste')) if self.type_to_search then self:search_enable_key_bindings() else self:add_key_binding('/', 'menu-search1', self:create_key_action('search_start')) self:add_key_binding('ctrl+f', 'menu-search2', self:create_key_action('search_start')) end end function Menu:disable_key_bindings() self:search_disable_key_bindings() for _, name in ipairs(self.key_bindings) do mp.remove_key_binding(name) end self.key_bindings = {} end -- Check if menu is not closed or closing. function Menu:is_alive() return not self.is_closing and not self.is_closed end -- Wraps a function so that it won't run if menu is closing or closed. ---@param fn function() function Menu:create_action(fn) return function(...) if self:is_alive() then fn(...) end end end ---@param modifiers Modifiers function Menu:create_modified_mbtn_left_handler(modifiers) return self:create_action(function() self.mouse_nav = true self.modifiers = modifiers or {} self:handle_cursor_down() self:handle_cursor_up() self.modifiers = {} end) end ---@param name string ---@param modifiers? Modifiers function Menu:create_key_action(name, modifiers) return self:create_action(function(...) self.mouse_nav = false self.modifiers = modifiers or {} self:maybe(name, ...) self.modifiers = {} end) end function Menu:render() for _, menu in ipairs(self.all) do if menu.fling then local time_delta = state.render_last_time - menu.fling.time local progress = menu.fling.easing(math.min(time_delta / menu.fling.duration, 1)) self:set_scroll_to(round(menu.fling.y + menu.fling.distance * progress), menu) if progress < 1 then request_render() else menu.fling = nil end end end local display_rect = {ax = 0, ay = 0, bx = display.width, by = display.height} cursor:zone('primary_down', display_rect, self:create_action(function() self:handle_cursor_down() end)) cursor:zone('primary_up', display_rect, self:create_action(function() self:handle_cursor_up() end)) cursor:zone('wheel_down', self, function() self:handle_wheel_down() end) cursor:zone('wheel_up', self, function() self:handle_wheel_up() end) local ass = assdraw.ass_new() local spacing = self.item_padding local icon_size = self.font_size ---@param menu MenuStack ---@param x number ---@param pos number Horizontal position index. 0 = current menu, <0 parent menus, >1 submenu. local function draw_menu(menu, x, pos) local is_current, is_parent, is_submenu = pos == 0, pos < 0, pos > 0 local menu_opacity = (pos == 0 and 1 or config.opacity.submenu ^ math.abs(pos)) * self.opacity local ax, ay, bx, by = x, menu.top, x + menu.width, menu.top + menu.height local draw_title = menu.is_root and menu.title or menu.search local scroll_clip = '\\clip(0,' .. ay .. ',' .. display.width .. ',' .. by .. ')' local start_index = math.floor(menu.scroll_y / self.scroll_step) + 1 local end_index = math.ceil((menu.scroll_y + menu.height) / self.scroll_step) local menu_rect = { ax = ax, ay = ay - (draw_title and self.scroll_step + self.padding or 0) - self.padding, bx = bx, by = by + self.padding, } local blur_selected_index = is_current and self.mouse_nav -- Background ass:rect(menu_rect.ax, menu_rect.ay, menu_rect.bx, menu_rect.by, { color = bg, opacity = menu_opacity * config.opacity.menu, radius = state.radius > 0 and state.radius + self.padding or 0, }) if is_parent then cursor:zone('primary_down', menu_rect, self:create_action(function() self:slide_in_menu(menu, x) end)) end -- Draw submenu if selected local submenu_rect, current_item = nil, is_current and menu.selected_index and menu.items[menu.selected_index] local submenu_is_hovered = false if current_item and current_item.items then submenu_rect = draw_menu(current_item, menu_rect.bx + self.gap, 1) cursor:zone('primary_down', submenu_rect, self:create_action(function() self:open_selected_item({preselect_first_item = false}) end)) end for index = start_index, end_index, 1 do local item = menu.items[index] if not item then break end local item_ay = ay - menu.scroll_y + self.scroll_step * (index - 1) local item_by = item_ay + self.item_height local item_center_y = item_ay + (self.item_height / 2) local item_clip = (item_ay < ay or item_by > by) and scroll_clip or nil local content_ax, content_bx = ax + self.padding + spacing, bx - self.padding - spacing local is_selected = menu.selected_index == index -- Select hovered item if is_current and self.mouse_nav and item.selectable ~= false then if submenu_rect and cursor:direction_to_rectangle_distance(submenu_rect) then blur_selected_index = false else local item_rect_hitbox = { ax = menu_rect.ax + self.padding, ay = item_ay, bx = menu_rect.bx + (item.items and self.gap or -self.padding), -- to bridge the gap with cursor by = item_by, } if submenu_is_hovered or get_point_to_rectangle_proximity(cursor, item_rect_hitbox) == 0 then blur_selected_index = false menu.selected_index = index if not is_selected then request_render() end end end end local has_background = is_selected or item.active local next_item = menu.items[index + 1] local next_is_active = next_item and next_item.active local next_has_background = menu.selected_index == index + 1 or next_is_active local font_color = item.active and fgt or bgt -- Separator if item_by < by and ((not has_background and not next_has_background) or item.separator) then local separator_ay, separator_by = item_by, item_by + self.separator_size if has_background then separator_ay, separator_by = separator_ay + self.separator_size, separator_by + self.separator_size elseif next_has_background then separator_ay, separator_by = separator_ay - self.separator_size, separator_by - self.separator_size end ass:rect(ax + spacing, separator_ay, bx - spacing, separator_by, { color = fg, opacity = menu_opacity * (item.separator and 0.13 or 0.04), }) end -- Background local highlight_opacity = 0 + (item.active and 0.8 or 0) + (is_selected and 0.15 or 0) if not is_submenu and highlight_opacity > 0 then ass:rect(ax + self.padding, item_ay, bx - self.padding, item_by, { radius = state.radius, color = fg, opacity = highlight_opacity * menu_opacity, clip = item_clip, }) end -- Icon if item.icon then local x = (not item.title and not item.hint and item.align == 'center') and menu_rect.ax + (menu_rect.bx - menu_rect.ax) / 2 or content_bx - (icon_size / 2) if item.icon == 'spinner' then ass:spinner(x, item_center_y, icon_size * 1.5, {color = font_color, opacity = menu_opacity * 0.8}) else ass:icon(x, item_center_y, icon_size * 1.5, item.icon, { color = font_color, opacity = menu_opacity, clip = item_clip, }) end content_bx = content_bx - icon_size - spacing end local title_cut_x = content_bx if item.hint_width > 0 then -- controls title & hint clipping proportional to the ratio of their widths -- both title and hint get at least 50% of the width, unless they are smaller then that local width = content_bx - content_ax - spacing local title_min = math.min(item.title_width, width * 0.5) local hint_min = math.min(item.hint_width, width * 0.5) local title_ratio = item.title_width / (item.title_width + item.hint_width) title_cut_x = round(content_ax + clamp(title_min, width * title_ratio, width - hint_min)) end -- Hint if item.hint then item.ass_safe_hint = item.ass_safe_hint or ass_escape(item.hint) local clip = '\\clip(' .. title_cut_x + spacing .. ',' .. math.max(item_ay, ay) .. ',' .. bx .. ',' .. math.min(item_by, by) .. ')' ass:txt(content_bx, item_center_y, 6, item.ass_safe_hint, { size = self.font_size_hint, color = font_color, wrap = 2, opacity = 0.5 * menu_opacity, clip = clip, }) end -- Title if item.title then item.ass_safe_title = item.ass_safe_title or ass_escape(item.title) local clip = '\\clip(' .. ax .. ',' .. math.max(item_ay, ay) .. ',' .. title_cut_x .. ',' .. math.min(item_by, by) .. ')' local title_x, align = content_ax, 4 if item.align == 'right' then title_x, align = title_cut_x, 6 elseif item.align == 'center' then title_x, align = content_ax + (title_cut_x - content_ax) / 2, 5 end ass:txt(title_x, item_center_y, align, item.ass_safe_title, { size = self.font_size, color = font_color, italic = item.italic, bold = item.bold, wrap = 2, opacity = menu_opacity * (item.muted and 0.5 or 1), clip = clip, }) end end -- Menu title if draw_title then local requires_submit = menu.search_debounce == 'submit' local rect = { ax = ax + spacing / 2 + self.padding, ay = ay - self.scroll_step - self.padding * 2, bx = bx - spacing / 2 - self.padding, by = math.min(by, ay - self.padding), } rect.cx, rect.cy = rect.ax + (rect.bx - rect.ax) / 2, rect.ay + (rect.by - rect.ay) / 2 -- centers if menu.title and not menu.ass_safe_title then menu.ass_safe_title = ass_escape(menu.title) end -- Bottom border ass:rect(ax, rect.by - self.separator_size, bx, rect.by, {color = fg, opacity = menu_opacity * 0.2}) -- Do nothing when user clicks title if is_current then cursor:zone('primary_down', rect, function() end) end -- Title if menu.search then -- Icon local icon_size, icon_opacity = self.font_size * 1.3, menu_opacity * (requires_submit and 0.5 or 1) local icon_rect = {ax = rect.ax, ay = rect.ay, bx = ax + icon_size + spacing * 1.5, by = rect.by} if is_current and requires_submit then cursor:zone('primary_down', icon_rect, function() self:search_submit() end) if get_point_to_rectangle_proximity(cursor, icon_rect) == 0 then icon_opacity = menu_opacity end end ass:icon(rect.ax + icon_size / 2, rect.cy, icon_size, 'search', { color = fg, opacity = icon_opacity, clip = '\\clip(' .. icon_rect.ax .. ',' .. icon_rect.ay .. ',' .. icon_rect.bx .. ',' .. icon_rect.by .. ')', }) -- Query/Placeholder if menu.search.query ~= '' then -- Add a ZWNBSP suffix to prevent libass from trimming trailing spaces local query = ass_escape(menu.search.query) .. '\239\187\191' ass:txt(rect.bx, rect.cy, 6, query, { size = self.font_size, color = bgt, wrap = 2, opacity = menu_opacity, clip = '\\clip(' .. icon_rect.bx .. ',' .. rect.ay .. ',' .. rect.bx .. ',' .. rect.by .. ')', }) else local placeholder = (menu.search_style == 'palette' and menu.ass_safe_title) and menu.ass_safe_title or (requires_submit and t('type & ctrl+enter to search') or t('type to search')) ass:txt(rect.bx, rect.cy, 6, placeholder, { size = self.font_size, italic = true, color = bgt, wrap = 2, opacity = menu_opacity * 0.4, clip = '\\clip(' .. rect.ax .. ',' .. rect.ay .. ',' .. rect.bx .. ',' .. rect.by .. ')', }) end -- Cursor local font_size_half, cursor_thickness = round(self.font_size / 2), round(self.font_size / 14) local cursor_ax, cursor_bx = rect.bx + 1, rect.bx + 1 + cursor_thickness ass:rect(cursor_ax, rect.cy - font_size_half, cursor_bx, rect.cy + font_size_half, { color = fg, opacity = menu_opacity * 0.5, clip = '\\clip(' .. cursor_ax .. ',' .. rect.ay .. ',' .. cursor_bx .. ',' .. rect.by .. ')', }) else ass:txt(rect.cx, rect.cy, 5, menu.ass_safe_title, { size = self.font_size, bold = true, color = bgt, wrap = 2, opacity = menu_opacity, clip = '\\clip(' .. rect.ax .. ',' .. rect.ay .. ',' .. rect.bx .. ',' .. rect.by .. ')', }) end end -- Scrollbar if menu.scroll_height > 0 then local groove_height = menu.height - 2 local thumb_height = math.max((menu.height / (menu.scroll_height + menu.height)) * groove_height, 40) local thumb_y = ay + 1 + ((menu.scroll_y / menu.scroll_height) * (groove_height - thumb_height)) local sax = bx - round(self.scrollbar_size / 2) local sbx = sax + self.scrollbar_size ass:rect(sax, thumb_y, sbx, thumb_y + thumb_height, {color = fg, opacity = menu_opacity * 0.8}) end -- We are in mouse nav and cursor isn't hovering any item if blur_selected_index then menu.selected_index = nil end return menu_rect end -- Main menu draw_menu(self.current, self.ax, 0) -- Parent menus local parent_menu = self.current.parent_menu local parent_offset_x, parent_horizontal_index = self.ax, -1 while parent_menu do parent_offset_x = parent_offset_x - parent_menu.width - self.gap draw_menu(parent_menu, parent_offset_x, parent_horizontal_index) parent_horizontal_index = parent_horizontal_index - 1 parent_menu = parent_menu.parent_menu end return ass end return Menu