#!/bin/bash if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 filename" exit 1 fi # upper limit of lines to display for text files nlines=250 # upper limit of bytes to display for binary files nbytes=2048 # language of text files language=russian # output encoding for text files encoding=utf-8 info=$(head -$nlines "$1" | file --mime -) charset=${info#*=} # shellcheck disable=2268 if [ "x$charset" == "xbinary" ]; then hexdump -e '"%08_ax: "' -e '8/1 "%02x " " " 8/1 "%02x "' -e '" |" 16/1 "%_p"' -e '"\n"' -v -n $nbytes "$1" else head -$nlines "$1" | enconv -g -L $language -x $encoding fi