#!/usr/bin/env sh # output is to stdout unless explicitly set through -o or env var OUTPUTF="$SXHKD_OUTPUTF" # set fifo input file, according (somewhat) to xdg if [ -n "$SXHKD_FIFO" ]; then FIFO="$SXHKD_FIFO" elif [ -p "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"/sxhkd_fifo ]; then FIFO="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"/sxhkd_fifo elif [ -p "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}"/sxhkd_fifo ]; then FIFO="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}"/sxhkd_fifo elif [ -p "$HOME/.sxhkd_fifo" ]; then FIFO="$HOME/.sxhkd_fifo" fi # set label config file, according (somewhat) to xdg if [ -n "$SXHKD_LABELCONFIG" ]; then LABELCONFIG="$SXHKD_LABELCONFIG" elif [ -f "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/sxhkd/chain-labels.conf ]; then LABELCONFIG="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/sxhkd/chain-labels.conf elif [ -f "$HOME/.chain-labels.conf" ]; then LABELCONFIG="$HOME/.chain-labels.conf" fi SXHKDRC_FILE="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/sxhkd/sxhkdrc main() { while read -r event; do detect_event "$event" done <"$FIFO" } detect_event() { ev="$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/^H.*$/hotkey/;s/^C.*$/command/;s/^BBegin chain.*$/chainstart/;s/^EEnd chain.*$/chainend/;')" case $ev in hotkey) ev_hotkey "$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/^H//')" ;; # command) ev_command "$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/^C//')" ;; chainstart) ev_chainstart "$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/^B//')" ;; chainend) ev_chainend "$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/^E//')" ;; *) ;; esac } send_msg() { if [ -n "$OUTPUTF" ]; then echo "$1" >"$OUTPUTF" else echo "$1" fi } ev_hotkey() { LAST_HOTKEY="$1" } # compare labels to last hotkey, return mode name ev_chainstart() { [ -z "$LAST_HOTKEY" ] && return 1 found=$(echo "$LABELS" | sed -e "/$LAST_HOTKEY/!d;s/^\(.\+\):.*$/\1/") send_msg "$found" } ev_chainend() { send_msg "" } # TODO add option to also display last command done in chain # ev_command() { # send_msg "command: $1" # } # read config from file, remove comments (lines starting with #) and empty lines read_config() { [ ! -f "$1" ] && return 1 parse_labels "$(cat "$1")" } # parse sxhkdrc for mode compatible comments read_sxhkdrc() { [ ! -f "$1" ] && return 1 _sxhkdrc_content="$(sed -e '/^# mode:/!d;s/^# mode://' <"$1")" parse_labels "$_sxhkdrc_content" } # append parse_labels() { LABELS="${LABELS}$(echo "$1" | sed -e '/^#/d;/^[[:blank:]]*$/d')" } get_help() { printf \ "Usage: sxhkd-chain-labels [-c config file][-o output file][-s input pipe] By default will take the input from the input pipe (at XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/sxhkd_fifo) and print the current sxhkd chain mode to stdout. That means, sxhkd needs to be started with a fifo pipe running, ideally to the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR: mkfifo \$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/sxhkd_fifo && sxhkd -s \$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/sxhkd_fifo When given a key combination which maps to a specific mode, it will print out the name of the mode instead. These maps can be passed with -c flag, specifying an options file. By default it will look in \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxhkd/sxhkd-chain-labels.conf When passed the -o flag it will replace the contents of the file passed in with the current sxhkd chain mode, emptying the file when no mode is active. Default lookup places for files, in descending order: :input fifo \$SXHKD_FIFO (env variable) \$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/sxhkd_fifo \$XDG_CACHE_HOME/sxhkd_fifo ~/.cache/sxhkd_fifo ~/.sxhkd_fifo :label configuration \$SXHKD_LABELCONFIG (env variable) \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxhkd/chain-labels.conf ~/.config/sxhkd/chain-labels.conf ~/.chain-labels.conf \$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sxhkd/sxhkdrc (parsing) The label configuration file uses the following format: mode name:key chain Lines beginning with a # will be ignored. Whitespace is important, sxhkd will, by default, put a single space between any component of the key combination. An example file chain-labels.conf: media:super + alt + m system:super + backspace Instead of using an explicit configuration file, you can put the chain mode information into the regular sxhkdrc as comments. They need to follow this exact format: # mode:mode-name:key-chain They can occur anywhere in the file. The space before mode is necessary, and # needs to be the first character on the line. The above example file as written into the sxhkdrc: # mode:media:super + alt + m # mode:system:super + backspace If an explicit configuration file exists, it will supersede any mode information in the sxhkdrc file. \n" } get_version() { printf \ "%s: 0.1 fifo input pipe: %s label configuration file: %s output: %s \n" \ "$0" \ "$FIFO" \ "$LABELCONFIG" \ "${OUTPUTF:-stdout}" } while getopts "vho:s:c:" opt; do case "$opt" in \?) printf "Usage: sxhkd-chain-labels [-c config file][-o output file][-s input pipe]\n" exit 0 ;; h) get_help exit 0 ;; v) get_version exit 0 ;; o) OUTPUTF="$OPTARG" ;; s) FIFO="$OPTARG" ;; c) LABELCONFIG="$OPTARG" ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) [ "${1:-}" = "--" ] && shift # look for default label config, prefer config file to parsing sxhkdrc [ -z "$LABELS" ] && read_config "$LABELCONFIG" [ -z "$LABELS" ] && read_sxhkdrc "$SXHKDRC_FILE" main "$@"