#!/bin/sh # # Attach to a tmux session, or create it if it doesnt exist if [ "$1" = '-h' ] || [ "$1" = '--help' ]; then cat <<-EOF Usage: $0 [FILE] [NAME] Attach to an existing tmux session, or bootstrap a new session. If no session exists which fits the criteria, this will create a new one and load it up obeying the commands contained in the FILE argument passed in. It must contain commands which are tmux-command compatible since they will be passed to tmux unmodified. If a session exists and a valid configuration FILE is passed, it will attach itself to the session and execute the session setup inside. It will load the default tmux.conf in the following order: - XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/tmux.conf (usually ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf) - ~/.tmux.conf - /etc/tmux.conf Afterwards, it will apply the contents of the FILE argument passed into the command. If no FILE argument is passed it will create an empty session, or attach itself to the session specified. If no NAME argument is passed it will automatically create a session name from the FILE argument passed. If creating a new session without passing in a FILE argument, and the current directory contains a .tmux.session file, it will automatically use that to set up the session. By default, it also looks for valid session files in XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/sessions/ This path can be changed by setting the TM_SESSION_PATH environment variable. EOF exit 0 fi # Make tmux obey the XDG specification on startup if [ -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/tmux.conf" ]; then start="tmux -f $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/tmux.conf" else start=tmux fi _file_exists() { if [ -f "$1" ]; then true else false fi } _not_in_tmux() { [ -z "$TMUX" ] } _session_exists() { if tmux has-session -t "$session_name" > /dev/null 2>&1; then true else false fi } _create_detached_session() { ($start new-session -d -s "$session_name") } _load_env_session_file() { if [ -f ./.tmux.session ]; then xargs -L1 tmux < ./.tmux.session fi } _load_session_file() { if [ -f "$session_file" ]; then xargs -L1 tmux < "$session_file" fi } _set_session_file_path() { # Prefer local dir if file exists there, fall back to root dir if _file_exists "${1}"; then session_file="${1}" elif _file_exists "${session_dir}${1}"; then session_file="${session_dir}${1}" fi } _set_session_vars() { session_dir=${TM_SESSION_DIR:-"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmux/sessions/"} # set up session name and config file - if passed in as arguments if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then if ! _file_exists "$1" && ! _file_exists "${session_dir}${1}"; then echo "$0: can not source configuration file: '${1}' does not exist." exit 1 fi _set_session_file_path "$1" session_name=${2} elif [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then _set_session_file_path "$1" if ! _file_exists "$session_file"; then session_name=${1} fi fi # set default session name if none was passed if [ -z "$session_name" ]; then # only if we have a filename should we append it to the session name if [ -n "$session_file" ]; then fname=/$(basename "$session_file" .session) fi # default to parent directory name / config file name for the session session_name=$(basename "$PWD" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]//g' | tr . -)"$fname" fi } _attach_or_create() { # first create a new session if one doesn't exist if ! _session_exists; then _create_detached_session # look for .tmux.session file if no file has been explicitly passed in if ! _file_exists "$session_file"; then _load_env_session_file fi fi _load_session_file # then attach or switch to the session if _not_in_tmux; then $start attach -t "$session_name" else $start switch-client -t "$session_name" fi _unset_functions } _unset_functions() { unset _set_session_vars unset _set_session_file_path unset _attach_or_create unset _load_session_file unset _create_detached_session unset _session_exists unset _not_in_tmux unset _file_exists } _set_session_vars "$@" _attach_or_create exit 0