#!/usr/bin/env sh # clip -- easy copying to x clipboard manager with xclip # # clips the first argument to the clipboard # or stdin if stdin is passed # will copy png/jpg as image files # # idea ~~stolen~~ creatively borrowed from # https://github.com/kyazdani42/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/copy if ! exist xclip normal; then exit 1; fi # if we are in a pipe, read from stdin if [ ! -t 0 ]; then xclip -i -selection clipboard /dev/stdin exit 0 fi if [ $# != 1 ] || [ ! -f "$1" ]; then printf "No file argument passed to xclip to clip: %s" "$1" exit 1 fi options="" if grep -qE '.png$' "$1"; then options="-target image/png" elif grep -qE '.jpe\?g$' "$1"; then options="-target image/jpeg" fi if [ -n "$options" ]; then xclip -selection clipboard "$options" "$1" else xclip -selection clipboard "$1" fi