#!/usr/bin/env sh exist rofi normal _rofi() { rofi -dmenu -no-auto-select -i -theme themes/dropdown -p "papers" -l 25 -yoffset 20 -columns 1 -u "$urgent" } # call for whatever file is passed in results="$(bib-due "$@")" # mark priority 1 items as urgent in rofi urgent="$( # find all lines with priority 1, (marked as `(1):` ); # print them on 1 line, -1 since dmenu is 0 indexed echo "$results" | grep -n '(1):' | cut -d: -f1 | awk '{ $0=$0-1; print $0 }' ORS=',' )" # get user choice, exit if nothing selected choice=$(echo "$results" | _rofi) [ -z "$choice" ] && exit 0 key=$(echo "$choice" | sed -E 's/.*\((\w+)\)$/\1/') # get library pdf folder (only searches for default ./pdf path) library="$(dirname "$(realpath "$BIBFILE")")/pdf" # find and open the key-associated pdf file ${FILEREADER:-open} "$(find "$library" -type f -name "$key *.pdf")"