-- sponsorblock_minimal.lua -- -- This script skips sponsored segments of YouTube videos -- using data from https://github.com/ajayyy/SponsorBlock -- -- original from https://codeberg.org/jouni/mpv_sponsorblock_minimal -- adapted for local playback skipping and some refactoring by me local options = { API = "https://sponsor.ajay.app/api/skipSegments", -- Categories to fetch and skip categories = '"sponsor","intro","outro","interaction","selfpromo"' } local function getranges() local args = { "curl", "-s", "-d", "videoID=" .. Youtube_id, "-d", "categories=[" .. options.categories .. "]", "-G", options.API } local sponsors = mp.command_native({ name = "subprocess", capture_stdout = true, playback_only = false, args = args }) if string.match(sponsors.stdout, "%[(.-)%]") then Ranges = {} for i in string.gmatch(string.sub(sponsors.stdout, 2, -2), "%[(.-)%]") do local k, v = string.match(i, "(%d+.?%d*),(%d+.?%d*)") Ranges[k] = v end end return end local function skip_ads(name, pos) if pos ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(Ranges) do if tonumber(k) <= pos and tonumber(v) > pos then -- this message may sometimes be wrong -- it only seems to be a visual thing though mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] skipping forward " .. math.floor( tonumber(v) - mp.get_property("time-pos")) .. "s") -- need to do the +0.01 otherwise mpv will start spamming skip sometimes -- example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ypMJzeNooo mp.set_property("time-pos", tonumber(v) + 0.01) return end end end return end local function file_loaded() local video_path = mp.get_property("path") local youtube_id1 = string.match(video_path, "https?://youtu%.be/([%w-_]+).*") local youtube_id2 = string.match(video_path, "https?://w?w?w?%.?youtube%.com/v/([%w-_]+).*") local youtube_id3 = string.match(video_path, "/watch.*[?&]v=([%w-_]+).*") local youtube_id4 = string.match(video_path, "/embed/([%w-_]+).*") local localytfile = string.match(video_path, "-([%a%d%-_]+)%.[mw][kpe][v4b][m]?$") Youtube_id = youtube_id1 or youtube_id2 or youtube_id3 or youtube_id4 or localytfile if not Youtube_id or string.len(Youtube_id) < 11 then return end Youtube_id = string.sub(Youtube_id, 1, 11) getranges() if Ranges then ON = true mp.add_key_binding("b", "sponsorblock", toggle) mp.observe_property("time-pos", "native", skip_ads) end return end local function toggle() if ON then mp.unobserve_property(skip_ads) mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] off") ON = false return end mp.observe_property("time-pos", "native", skip_ads) mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] on") ON = true return end mp.register_event("file-loaded", file_loaded)