" Show all mapped keys in a list - from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13990136/display-a-ordered-vim-keyboard-mapping function! s:ShowMaps() let old_reg = getreg("a") " save the current content of register a let old_reg_type = getregtype("a") " save the type of the register as well try redir @a " redirect output to register a " Get the list of all key mappings silently, satisfy "Press ENTER to continue" silent map | call feedkeys("\") redir END " end output redirection vnew " new buffer in vertical window put a " put content of register " Sort on 4th character column which is the key(s) %!sort -k1.4,1.4 finally " Execute even if exception is raised call setreg("a", old_reg, old_reg_type) " restore register a endtry endfunction " use :ShowMaps to call the function command! ShowMappings call s:ShowMaps() " Enable :ShowMaps to call the function