#!/usr/bin/env bash # # autostow.sh # # Stow automatic symlinking script # # Invokes stow for every folder within this repository, and that's it. ignore="${AUTOSTOW_IGNORED_DIRS:-"bootstrap:assets"}" main() { case "$1" in -s | --stow) have_stow echo "Creating dotfile symlinks ................................................." stow_dirs echo "Done creating symlinks ...................................................." exit 0 ;; -d | --delete) have_stow echo "Removing dotfile symlinks ................................................." unstow_dirs echo "Done removing symlinks ...................................................." exit 0 ;; -n | --dry-run) have_stow echo "Printing processed directories ............................................" dryrun echo "Done printing directories ................................................." exit 0 ;; -v | --version) printf "System bootstrap script.\n\n©Marty Oehme\n\nVersion: 0.2\n" ;; -h | --help | *) usage exit 0 ;; esac shift } stow_dirs() { for d in */; do if is_ignored "$d"; then printf "ignoring %s\n" "$d" continue fi printf "stowing %s\n" "$d" stow -S -t ~ "$d" done } unstow_dirs() { for d in */; do if is_ignored "$d"; then printf "ignoring %s\n" "$d" continue fi printf "unstowing %s\n" "$d" stow -D -t ~ "$d" done } dryrun() { for d in */; do if is_ignored "$d"; then printf "ignoring %s\n" "$d" continue fi printf "processing %s\n" "$d" done } is_ignored() { IFS=":" for ign in $ignore; do if [ "$ign" == "$1" ] || [ "$ign/" == "$1" ]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } have_stow() { if ! type stow >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "GNU stow needs to be installed for this script to function. Please install stow through your package manager.\n" exit 1 fi } usage() { printf "%s\n" \ "" \ " autostow.sh - Automatically stow your dotfiles." \ " Uses GNU stow to set up automatic links to any dotfiles in subdirectories of this directory." \ "" \ " Usage: stow.sh -dhsn" \ "" \ " Options:" \ "" \ " -h | --help Print out this help." \ "" \ " -s | --stow Install dotfiles, by symlinking any directory found next to stow.sh using GNU stow." \ "" \ " -d | --delete Remove dotfiles, by unlinking any directory found next to stow.sh using GNU stow." \ "" \ " -n | --dry-run Do not invoke any operation but print out directories affected, simulating a dry-run." \ "" \ " -d Remove dotfiles, by unlinking any directory found next to stow.sh using GNU stow." \ "" \ "" } main "$@"