#!/usr/bin/env sh exist() { type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; } # alias tmux to follow xdg-specification # shellcheck disable=2139 alias tmux="tmux -f ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/tmux/tmux.conf" # show a list of running tmux sessions alias tl='tmux list-sessions -F "#{session_name}" 2>/dev/null' # fzf if exist fzf; then # fzf select a tmux session to connect to, with pane preview alias tm='fzf_tmux' fi fzf_tmux() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then result=$( tl | fzf \ --layout=reverse \ --height=50% \ --border \ --prompt="Session> " \ --preview="tmux_pane_tree {}" \ --preview-window=right:99% \ --print-query ) case "$?" in 0) # found a session, attaching tmux_attach_start "$(echo "$result" | tail --lines=1)" ;; 1) # did not find a session, creating result=$(echo "$result" | head --lines=1) # if . was only thing entered, create one for current dir if [ "$result" = "." ]; then tmux_attach_start # create for query name else tmux_attach_start "$result" fi ;; esac else tmux_attach_start "$1" fi } unset choice unset -f exist