[user] email = marty.oehme@gmail.com name = Marty Oehme signingkey = 73BA40D5AFAF49C9 [init] defaultBranch = main [core] pager = git delta [pager] difftool = true [interactive] diffFilter = git delta --color-only [merge] conflictstyle = diff3 [delta] navigate = true line-numbers = true syntax-theme = base16 [sendemail] smtpserver = "/usr/bin/msmtp" annotate = yes [alias] ignore = "!gitignore -f" last = "diff HEAD~ HEAD" pushall = "!git remote | xargs -I R git push R" # push to all connected remotes fetchall = "!git remote | xargs -I R git fetch R" # fetch from all connected remotes diffword = "!git diff --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex='[0-9A-Za-z_]+'" # word-wise diff, good for prose diffsyn = "!git difftool --tool difftastic" # add syntax-driven diff using treesitter diffside = "!DELTA_FEATURES='+side-by-side' git diff" # add side-by-side diffing delta = "![ $TERM_DARK = false ] && delta --light || delta" # Take care that we always display right color scheme [commit] gpgsign = true # sign commits as me verbose = true # Always show diff when preparing commit message [fetch] prune = true # remove references to non-existent remote branches [pull] rebase = true # always rebase on pulling, obviates merge commits [diff] colorMoved = zebra # also color stuff that has simply been moved, in a classy zebra-color [difftool] prompt = false [difftool "difftastic"] cmd = difft "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" [color "diff"] meta = "9" frag = "magenta bold" commit = "yellow bold" old = "red bold" new = "green bold" whitespace = "red reverse" [color "diff-highlight"] oldNormal = "red bold" oldHighlight = "red bold 52" newNormal = "green bold" newHighlight = "green bold 22" [rebase] autostash = true autoSquash = true # Make use of git urls for git{lab,hub}, but only do so for pushing # since pulling will create troubles with some applications [url "git@github.com:"] pushInsteadOf = "https://github.com/" pushInsteadOf = "http://github.com/" pushInsteadOf = "gh:" [url "git@gitlab.com:"] pushInsteadOf = "https://gitlab.com" pushInsteadOf = "http://gitlab.com" [url "git@git.martyoeh.me:"] pushInsteadOf = "https://git.martyoeh.me" pushInsteadOf = "http://git.martyoeh.me" pushInsteadOf = "git@martyoeh.me" pullInsteadOf = "git@martyoeh.me" [filter "lfs"] clean = git-lfs clean -- %f smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f process = git-lfs filter-process required = true